Dickinsonian, April 12, 2007

Both DPS and the Carlisle Police Department are called to the Phi Kappa Sigma house to investigate a report of a fight. They find several underage pledges in an inebriated state. Disciplinary actions will be forthcoming and possibly detrimental as the fraternity had been suspended just two years ago. DPS works to change their relationship with students from policing to purely ensuring safety. The Keystones hold a wheelchair basketball game featuring the Temple University Rollin' Owls and the Dickinson College men and women's basketball teams.

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Dickinsonian, April 5, 2007

WDCV, Alpha Phi Omega and Special Friends hold "Fundraiser for Autism and Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation," an annual event preciously known as 40 Hours for Autism. Student Senate proposes a resolution to change professor evaluations to make them more anonymous. REACH! a program that promotes greater academic achievement through the performing arts, holds a fashion show to raise awareness for the group and to collect donations for the family of the father of a REACH! member.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 2007

Three minority Greek organizations inquire about possibly gaining chapters at Dickinson. These organizations include Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Lambda Beta and Delta Sigma Theta. Once again, the applicant pool for admissions reaches a record high and the acceptance rate drops to 42%, making Dickinson more elite. The Zatae Longsdorff Center for Women donates over 25 years' worth of documents to the college archives, extending the college's collection of materials relating to women's history at the school. Kappa Alpha Theta and Multi-Organizational Board host a benefit concert.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1940

Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold a Christmas party for needy children in the Carlisle area featuring a dinner, a trip to the movies and a gift. It is hoped that this will become and annual event. The Sociology Department announces the creation of a new award, the Gaylord H. Patterson Prize, to be awarded annually to the upperclassman who writes the best essay on public policy. The award commemorates the late professor Patterson and is valued at twenty five dollars. The Winter Edition of the 1940 Hornbook comes out.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1940

Dickinson joins a nation-wide Christmas stamp-selling campaign that raises funds for the National Tuberculosis Association. The Woman's Choral Club performs for the first time this semester, singing at the College Chapel Service. The renovations being made to Bosler Hall near completion and will include a reserve room, a reference room, a Dickinsonia room, a faculty study, a music room and a recreational reading room. In addition, it is now limestone to match the other buildings on campus.


Dickinsonian, December 19, 1930

Men's fraternities receive their pledges. Eighty men are pledging the eight fraternities. The Athletic Council draws up new requirements for achieving a letter in cross country which mainly require the runner to place first, second or third in some kind of race or meet. The freshmen class gets stopped by the fire department for having a bonfire outside Conway Hall. A group of Dickinson alumni meet in Philadelphia weekly to discuss problems with the world and Dickinson in general.

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Dickinsonian, December 4, 1930

Dickinson will play the Carlisle Army Post in a football game for charity since the community is suffering from unemployment. Dickinson students have been asked to play Santa Claus for children at the Shiremanstown Methodist Home. Last year they brought many gifts for the girls and boys much to their delight. The thirty-first annual Doll Show will be held December 19 and will exhibit two hundred dolls donated by the women of the college in addition to a play. Rushing stunts begin to wrap up the fall rush season.

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Dickinsonian, April 2, 1936

The All-College Social Committee plans "Leap Year Week" at the urging of students. During this week, several events for women are planned, culminating in the Pan Hellenic Dance on April 4. The Dramatic Club holds auditions for their final production of the year: Torch-Bearers. The college raises money to benefit the communities around Harrisburg affected by a recent flood. The Dramatic Club presents their past production Big Hearted Herbert at the Carlisle High School to raise money for the American Red Cross and flood relief.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1955

The new men's dormitory will be named after James Henry Morgan, three-time president of Dickinson and "savior of the college". In days before Christmas break, there was a contest held to see which class could donate the most dolls to give to prisoners' children in New York City. The sophomore girls won the contest. The Dean of Men at Dickinson College, Amos Horlacher, is elected to fill the pulpit vacancy at the Unitarian Church of Harrisburgh, previously being the assistant minister at this church. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 2006

Public Safety increases security in response to recent cases of assault and trespassing on and near campus. For the second year in a row, Dickinson U-Turn will be accepting various donations of unwanted items to be sent to Project SHARE and United Way at the end of the semester. Two students present "The World After" in the Cubiculo to raise money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and to promote AIDS awareness on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1986

Greek Week, sponsored by the College's Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils, will raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Women's Track and Field will compete in the Middle Atlantic Conference. The Men's Soccer team has been fundraising for a four-week trip to Australia.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1985

Tri-Delta or Delta Delta Delta has become Dickinson's sixth sorority. A group of academic professionals, headed by Nancy Mellerski, are set to examine the College's investments. BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) is sponsoring Alcohol Awareness Week as part of a nationwide event. Beta Theta Pi's fraternity pole-sits for charity, Alpha Chi Rho raises money for Big-Little through a picnic and Kappa Alpha Theta raised funds for the American Cancer Society.

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Dickinsonian, November 19, 1981

U.S. Congressman Bill Goodling speaks at the Whole Earth House about world hunger and its politics. Undergraduate degrees have been shifting from law and medicine to business degrees due to large incomes and prestige that comes with it. Preservation Hall Jazz Band performed at the Kline Center and brought massive crowds, sponsored by the Dickinson College Cultural Affairs Committee. The football team ended the season without a single win. In Women's intramural Volleyball championships Malcolm Hall was victorious.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1981

In this edition, Professor Jeffrey Poelvoorde wrote a lecture called, "Feminism as the Death of Culture," which caused quite a stir on campus between groups who agreed and disagreed. The Study Group on the Academic Program, which was commissioned by the College President and works with the Academic Program Committee, identified seven major concerns with the academics at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, November 16, 1978

Progression, a new student organization on campus, works to raise awareness and create positive social change in the community through films, newsletters, and informational boycotts. A community meeting held in the Holland Union Meeting attracted poor attendance between students, faculty and administrators. A charitable organization that has local roots in Carlisle, United Way, has been up for criticism apparently for being "racist" and for having a monopoly over other charities. Ice Hockey continues to be undefeated.

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