Dickinsonian, December 9, 1908

Freshmen are victorious in the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Doll show held in Lloyd Hall. More detail on the fight between Freshmen and Sophomores. Intercollegiate debate with Franklin and Marshall. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society debate. Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir concert. Freshmen reception in the Assembly Hall.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1906

Various works, including Life of Bishop Hurst, are added to the library's collection.  A college-wide holiday is granted for the dedication of the state capitol in Harrisburg.  Walter Damrosch to lead the new York Symphony Orchestra in a concert in the Carlisle Opera House.  The procedures of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania are set forth.  The annual reception for the Freshmen is held, with the usual accompanying antics of the Sophomores.  The YMCA handbooks are distributed in chapel.  The Freshman caps (black with green buttons) ar


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1905

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and Junior class host a reception for Freshman men, with some disturbance by the members of the Sophomore class.  The Civic Club to host a lectures series.  The annual county fair to be held in Carlisle.  Alpha Chi Rho secures new rooms in the Stuart building.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1896

Professors Morris W. Prince and John F. Mohler join the faculty. The YWCA and YMCA hold a reception to welcome the new students. Separate Weekly Dickinsonian and monthly Dickinsonian publications planned for the year. New Bible study courses announced. The freshmen elect officers, adopt a constitution, and chose their colors. From The Indian Helper comes news of $2,000 worth of damage from a recent storm and the results of a recent census of students at the Carlisle Indian School.

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