Trickinsonian, October 31, 2013

The Dickinsonian publishes a prank issue containing news of Childish Gambino & One Direction replacing Chiddy Bang & Timeflies, Senate shuts down but students fail to notice, phallic art coming to a library near you, a new Biology Class titled "Life Creation," and finally an introduction to quinoa. 


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1922

Dr. Winfield Scott Hall will address the college. Announcement of the opening date for the Dante exhibit. Revisions to the selection process for the editorial board of the Dickinsonian. Union Philosophical Society election results. Fifteen seniors will be teaching in Carlisle High School. Kappa Sigma formal. Dickinson lost to both Penn State and Bucknell in debate. Guy Roland addresses the Mohler Scientific Club. Philomel club's annual winter concert in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1910

Celebrations for Washington's Birthday are planned.  Phi Delta Theta holds its annual dance in the Armory.  A senior writes a letter to the editor on the deplorable state of the bathing facilities in the gymnasium.  Essays to compete for membership on the Dickinsonian board due soon.  Applicants are reminded that the positions require hard work.  Gaps left in baseball schedule because Carlisle Indian School not playing in 1910.

Note: Pages 5 and 6 are missing from the only copy of this edition known to exist.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1910

Doctor Reed gives year opening address.  German professor Dr. Prettyman to take a year off for study and travel.  Ladies of the class of 1913 host informal reception for the Sophomore men in Assembly Hall.  First meeting of Student Assembly held in Bosler Hall, addressed by Dr. Reed.  Plan to add subscription to The Dickinsonian to all students' bill proposed by President Clarkson and passed.  Sophomores successfully hang their poster, after a scrap with Freshmen.  Samuel Brown to temporarily replace Dr.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1914

Mr. Andrew Oyler is hired as the new baseball coach. Robert B. Kistler will assume the role of Editor-in-Chief for the next issue of The Dickinsonian. Dickinson finished fourth at the Annual Relay Carnival at the University of Pennsylvania. The track and tennis schedules are announced. An article underlines the importance of good time management in college.

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Dickinsonian, April 8, 1914

The baseball season opens up with a loss against Princeton, and a victory against West Point. The Musical Clubs went on their Spring Trip, performing in various locations throughout Pennsylvania. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity held their Annual Founders day dance. The new Dickinsonian board members are announced. Mr. Nillard, a seventy-two year old contortionist, gives a lecture at the college. The Washington Alumni Association of Dickinson celebrated their fourth anniversary with a huge banquet in Washington.

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Dickinsonian, October 1889

The Athletic Association constructs a new constitution that allows it to hold property and protects its rights and privileges. Over the summer there were several improvements made to the college buildings and grounds. Students are urged to patronize those businesses that advertise in The Dickinsonian. This year’s freshman class includes seven women. The Belles Lettres Society, the Union Philosophical Society, the freshman class elect officers. An article defends the merits of American football and talks about this year’s football team.

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Dickinsonian, November 1893

The process of competing for membership on The Dickinsonian board is explained, and the types of submissions wanted are described.  Training in oratory is lauded.   Participation in YMCA is encouraged.  The editors respond to the Lutheran Church's condemnation of college's "senseless infatuation for so brutal a species of sport," football.  Phi Kappa Psi takes their annual fraternity ride to Mount Holly Springs and Boiling Springs.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon visit the Gettysburg battlefield.  Deans and officers of the classes are selected.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1908

Bryan League organized in Prettyman Hall. Installation of Mergenthaler Linotype Machine for the Dickinsonian. Third Section banquet. Preliminaries for Inter-Collegiate Debate Team held in Denny Hall. Pr0fessor Charles Hilliard lecture. Female members of the Carlisle Indian School entertained the women Dickinson's Y. W. C. A.. Old West banquet. Phi Delta Theta dance. Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association tournament.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1897

The YMCA holds two special, well attended events, with speakers.  Professor emeritus Dr. Harman passes away.  The board of The Dickinsonian moves into a new room in West College.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, March 25, 1899

The revised baseball schedule is announced. The Ladies of the college held a reception for the Freshman Class. The results of the Prep School strength tests are announced, revealing that on average the prep school students are stronger than the freshmen and sophomores. The Dickinsonian Board of Editors elects Boyd L. Spahr as Editor-in-chief. The new officers of the Belles Lettres Society are announced.

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Dickinsonian, September 17, 1898

An article reports on the outlook of the 1898 football team. Dr. William Lambert Gooding has been hired to fill a vacancy in the Philosophy department. Professor Frederick C. Woodward is hired to teach at Dickinson School of Law. The Dickinsonian extends a warm welcome to the new students.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1897

The Belles Lettres Society adds books to its library and elects new officers.  The editors look back on the first year of the weekly Dickinsonian.  Dr. M. W. Prince gives a very well received lecture to a large crowd at the Opera House.  The fraternity banquets to be held during Commencement are announced.  The Dickinson Law Society elects new officers.  New Phi Beta Kappa members are announced.  The new society halls in Denny Hall have been furnished, and the programme for Denny Hall's dedication is announced.

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Dickinsonian, October 10, 1896

Professors Morris W. Prince and John F. Mohler join the faculty. The YWCA and YMCA hold a reception to welcome the new students. Separate Weekly Dickinsonian and monthly Dickinsonian publications planned for the year. New Bible study courses announced. The freshmen elect officers, adopt a constitution, and chose their colors. From The Indian Helper comes news of $2,000 worth of damage from a recent storm and the results of a recent census of students at the Carlisle Indian School.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1926

The Dickinson Relay team takes second at the Middle Atlantic Class B College Championship. Nominations are made for Student Senate. Sophomores win the annual tug-of-war, pulling the freshman into LeTort Spring. A celebration of Founder's Day and May Day is planed for May 13th. The festivities will close with a contest between Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society consisting of an original oration, a debate, an impromptu, and a humorous selection. Plans for freshman entertainment in the fall are accepted by the Interfraternity Council. Offices are announced for the Y.W.C.A.

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Dickinsonian, March 14, 1935

Klein S. Merriman received the Class of 1902 Award for being the all-around Dickinsonian of the Junior class. The Greek Club initiates seven new members. W3YC, Dickinson’s amateur radio station, enters an international radio contest. Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrates the 79th anniversary of its founding. The Women’s Glee Club plans a new program. The Dickinsonian conducts a student poll on national politics. The Debate Team ties with State College. Omicron Delta Kappa revises their newly proposed student plan and awaits student approval.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1935

Changes in The Dickinsonian staff are announced. The Debate Team loses to Lafayette and will soon face off with Muhlenberg. The prom chairman announces the date of the Junior Prom. President Corson issues a budget for student groups. Professor Parlin perfects a portable intensitometer and a set of colored filters, which together are used to test the degree and type of colorblindness. A French diplomat addresses the International Relations club in a speech about World Peace and the League of Nations.


Dickinsonian, January 10, 1935

Because of an unusual demand, the Board of Trustees is forced to give more money in student loans. Dickinson graduates are elected to state offices. Skull and Key holds its annual winter formal. Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in basketball. The Dickinsonian elects a new editor-in-chief. The Dickinson School of Law is elected as a member of the Association of American Law Schools. The Young People’s Fellowship begins panels to discuss popular issues, the first of which is “What is wrong with the movies?” The Athletic Association will elect officers on Monday.

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Dickinsonian, January 22, 1942

The 70th Anniversary issue. Article about the history of the Dickinsonian. Fire at Phi Psi House, only minor injuries. Student Opinion Surveys of America found in a poll that the favorite movie of 1941 among college students was "Sergeant York." Twelve semester hour summer session is being planned for the upcoming summer. The college decides to allow subfreshmen to be admitted for the second semester to follow one of two course types--rushing guidelines for these students are included in the article. New officers elected for the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1938

Fraternities, the All-College Social Committee, and other clubs prepare for the Annual Doll Dance and Doll Show.  Student Senate alters election procedures.  Elmer C. Herber speaks on "The Heart and Its Functions" to Lambda Sigma Pi, the science fraternity.  Belles Lettres initiates new members in ceremony.  Union Philosophical Society to give a cup to the winner of an All-College Oratorical Contest.  French Club holds its Christmas party at the S.A.E. house.  Eight teams remain in inter-fraternity debate contest.  Col.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1949

A special committee votes unanimously to move towards the establishment of a College radio station (eventually founded as WDCV, which went live in 1962). Student Senate censures The Dickinsonian for "the misrepresentation and lack of facts" printed in the Sep. 30 and Oct. 14 issues. The new column "Brevity" is also criticized for its "slanderous tone." William C. Decker, president of the Corning Glass Company, visits campus for the College's celebration of Pennsylvania Week. The College Choir opens its season with a presentation of "Laudamus" by Prophae.
