Dickinsonian, February 9, 1910

Celebrations for Washington's Birthday are planned.  Phi Delta Theta holds its annual dance in the Armory.  A senior writes a letter to the editor on the deplorable state of the bathing facilities in the gymnasium.  Essays to compete for membership on the Dickinsonian board due soon.  Applicants are reminded that the positions require hard work.  Gaps left in baseball schedule because Carlisle Indian School not playing in 1910.

Note: Pages 5 and 6 are missing from the only copy of this edition known to exist.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1909

Biddle Memorial Field opened with football victory over Western Maryland.  The YWCA holds its annual reception.  The football season looks unpromising unless there is greater dedication from players.  Play "The Climax" comes to Harrisburg.  An update is given on the recently graduated class of 1909, on "where and what they have landed."  Article on new football rules is reproduced from Yale Collegian.  Paper on former president John Durbin submitted by Professor Super.  New athletic quarters at the Carlisle Indian School are completed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 1894

Criticism of the Dickinsonians from the past few years. Beta Theta Pi will secure a house. Annual conference of College Y. M. C. A. presidents held at State College. University Day celebration at Wilkes-Barre. Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball.


Dickinsonian, June 1895

Phi Beta Kappa meetings. Professor Harry F. Whiting is married to Miss Grace Derland. Junior Oratorical Contest held for the Pierson Prizes in Bosler Hall. Commencement notes. Stopper and Fisk Orchestra concert given in Bosler Hall. Literary Society election results. Banquet held for Professor Fletcher Durell. Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society contests. Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Beta Theta Pi banquet. The Alpha Zeta Phi fraternity no longer exists at Dickinson. Sigma Chi banquet.


Dickinsonian, November 1894

Article on Noah Pinkney, former restaurant keeper in Carlisle. Phi Delta Theta conference in Meadville. Students of the Carlisle Indian School entertain in Bosler Hall. The Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in football.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 5, 1909

Dickinson defeats University of Pittsburgh twice in baseball in one day. Carlisle Indians win the Harrisburg intercollegiate track meet. Herman Bosler Biddle Memorial Athletic Field to be presented to the school. Coach J. A. Pipal retires. Junior oratorical contest. Winner of the Department of Oratory oratorical contest is announced. Dickinson Club smoker. Notes on Conway's commencement.


Dickinsonian, May 26, 1909

Large intetcollegiate track meet held at Harrisburg. Dickinson loses to the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Sophomore oratorical contest. Department of Oratory oratorical contest. Update on 1910 Microcosm. Violin recital given in Bosler Hall by Mr. Charles Kunen.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 19, 1909

Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson and Lafayette in track. Mr. Charles Kunen receital in Bosler Hall. Department of Oratory gives a contest. Update on the 1910 Microcosm. Student Government election results. Ladies' reception in the Union Philosophical Society Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 26, 1899

Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball.The annual baseball game between the Freshman and Sophomore classes is held. Tea party for women of the Hall on Pomfret street. Belles Lettres Sophomore oratorical contest occurs in Bosler Hall. Professor T. A. Schurr comes to Carlisle to lecture students and visit the Carlisle Indian School. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 2, 1899

Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in baseball. Dickinson is defeated by State College in the state track meet. The 1900 Microcosm becomes available to students. Article on the career of Dr. Price. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Omega Alpha Iota all hold banquets during commencement week.

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Dickinsonian, November 18, 1899

Dickinson holds a week of prayer. Elias Day performs at that Carlisle opera house. Comments on Dickinson's attempts to arrange baseball games with the Carlisle Indian School and a critique of the Indian's manager. Sigma Chi holds a convention.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1899

Carlisle Indians defeat Susquehanna University in football. The Reserves take a trip to York to play the York Collegiate Institute. Sigma Chi holds a banquet. Phi Delta Theta will attend the Alpha Province convention. The Belles Lettres Society initiates students.


Dickinsonian, June 1, 1901

Junior's have their cremation and banquet. Phi Kappa Psi has a card party. The Junior Oratorical Contest is held. The Glee, Mandolin and Guitar clubs give a commencement concert in Bosler Hall. Dickinson loses to the Carlisle Indians. The Dickinson College Preparatory School has its commencement in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1901

The inter-collegiate debate happened in Bosler Hall between Dickinson and State College, with State College as the winner. The Carlisle Indians lose to Dickinson in baseball. Relay races in Philadelphia. Performance of the New York Ladies Trio and Miss Lilian Smith in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1902

Dickinson wins against the Carlisle Indians in baseball. College trip to Gettysburg by train. The Junior class of the Law School has a banquet in Mt. Holly. Lecture by Professor Peter Hodge. Kappa Sigma Convention.

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1901

The Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in football. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Beta Theta Pi reception. Phi Kappa Sigma euchre party. Glee Club holds tryouts in Bosler Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma reception. Obituary for Dr. Samuel J. Jones.
