Dickinsonian, April 8, 1899

In the first game of the season, the baseball team wins 25 to 1 against Mercersburg. The coming track events are announced. The Y.M.C.A. committees are announced for the coming year. The intercollegiate and interscholastic races will be held on Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania. Thanks to The Dickinsonian, a book of Dickinson songs will be compiled. Improvements are being made to the athletic field.

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Dickinsonian, April 15, 1899

The baseball team wins 8 to 6 against Albright, while the Dickinson Reserves loses to Mercersburg Academy. The Glee Club and Orchestra travels south to Coatesville to perform. The Phi Kappa Psi convention was attended by representatives from all the colleges in the area. Tomorrow the prominent blind musician Edward Baxter will perform in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 13, 1899

Debate between Dickinson and State College is held, and State College wins. Delta Chi banquet is held. The female glee club of Kee Mar College gives a concert at the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Kappa Sigma takes a trolley ride to Boiling Springs. A performance is given by the American Association for the Education of the Blind in Bosler Hall by blind students. The Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Phi Delta Theta hosts a trolley ride to Boiling Springs, the Indian School, and the Cave.


Dickinsonian, May 26, 1899

Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball.The annual baseball game between the Freshman and Sophomore classes is held. Tea party for women of the Hall on Pomfret street. Belles Lettres Sophomore oratorical contest occurs in Bosler Hall. Professor T. A. Schurr comes to Carlisle to lecture students and visit the Carlisle Indian School. 

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Dickinsonian, June 2, 1899

Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in baseball. Dickinson is defeated by State College in the state track meet. The 1900 Microcosm becomes available to students. Article on the career of Dr. Price. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Omega Alpha Iota all hold banquets during commencement week.

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Dickinsonian, March 25, 1899

The revised baseball schedule is announced. The Ladies of the college held a reception for the Freshman Class. The results of the Prep School strength tests are announced, revealing that on average the prep school students are stronger than the freshmen and sophomores. The Dickinsonian Board of Editors elects Boyd L. Spahr as Editor-in-chief. The new officers of the Belles Lettres Society are announced.

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Dickinsonian, March 18, 1899

A lecture on the biography of historic Justice Roger Taney is given in Bosler Hall. The results of the Mid-Winter Sports are announced. The Debate Team prepares for a debate with State College. The annual reunion of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity was held in Baltimore. Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrated the 43rd anniversary of their founding. The Union Philosophical Society elects new members for the spring.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1899

The Inter-Society Debate between the Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society took place in Bosler Hall. The Belles Lettres Society won. The state convention for the Y. M. C. A. is held. A reader responds to the Dickinsonian's negative comments about the Law School. An address entitled “Carlisle Before and During the Revolution” is given at the Women’s Civic Club of Carlisle. The Mid-winter sports will begin on Friday.

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Dickinsonian, February 11, 1899

Robert H. Richards gave an address on the “Life and Services of John Dickinson” at the college at Bosler Hall. Rev. Cassard gives a lecture on the "Indiana". The Y. M. C. A. was addressed by Earl Taylor to talk about the Student Missionary Campaign.The basketball team continues to prepare for their games this season. The annual catalogue shows the school’s growing numbers. The baseball schedule is announced.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1899

 An entire day is given up to religious worship for Dickinson’s Day of Prayer. An article discusses the matter of coming up with a name for the athletic field. Y. M. C. A. services occur under the direction of Sayford. Dr. Reed is appointed to State Librarian. The college prepares celebrations for Washington’s birthday. The basketball team has begun to practice.

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Dickinsonian, January 28, 1899

The New York Association of the Alumni holds a dinner. A few sophomore class members crashed the Freshmen Banquet and abducted a freshman, resulting in a chase around the streets of Carlisle and the involvement of the Carlisle Police. Dr. Prince has succeeded in obtaining a copy of the Magna Charta. A reader responds to the Dickinsonian's comments about the General Alumni Association from a previous issue. A student at Dickinson dies of pneumonia.


Dickinsonian, January 21, 1899

Preparations for the upcoming athletic season are in full swing. The Dickinson Trustees met to discuss several issues of the college. The college Debate Team turns down the offer to debate with Gettysburg. The history of the college is recorded in the ledger of the first treasurer of the college, along with several other historic documents. Complaints about the management and organization of the college library. The college’s Glee Club and Orchestra are both reorganized and have begun to practice. Robert H. Richards is to address the college on the life of John Dickinson. Rev. William G.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1899

An article encourages students to spend more time in studying the Bible, and other states the importance of attending chapel regularly. Discussion of the importance of the Literary Society. Another article comments on the disappointing state of the General Alumni Association of Dickinson. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity took their annual sleigh ride up to the Mt. Holly Inn. Article comments on compulsory church attendance for students.


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1899

Dickinson holds a week of prayer. Elias Day performs at that Carlisle opera house. Comments on Dickinson's attempts to arrange baseball games with the Carlisle Indian School and a critique of the Indian's manager. Sigma Chi holds a convention.
