Dickinsonian, January 21, 1899

Preparations for the upcoming athletic season are in full swing. The Dickinson Trustees met to discuss several issues of the college. The college Debate Team turns down the offer to debate with Gettysburg. The history of the college is recorded in the ledger of the first treasurer of the college, along with several other historic documents. Complaints about the management and organization of the college library. The college’s Glee Club and Orchestra are both reorganized and have begun to practice. Robert H. Richards is to address the college on the life of John Dickinson. Rev. William G.


Dickinsonian, December 3, 1898

In the last game of the season, the football team loses against State College. Dr. Reed gave a Thanksgiving Address at Carlisle High School summarizing the history of Thanksgiving. The text of the Dickinson-Gettysburg Agreement is provided. Use of and conduct in the gymnasium is discussed.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1898

The football team wins against Gettysburg and Lebanon Valley. This was the first game Dickinson played against Gettysburg in five years; the colleges had stopped interactions due to several grievances between them. The constitution of the Athletic Association is analyzed after the question of the election of baseball managers arises. Recipients of the Reed and Dare prizes are announced.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1937

Robert L. Myers gives a talk on the newly enacted Social Security Act and unemployment in the country. After buying the adjacent properties, Dickinson plans to enlarge Biddle Field. The Debate Team schedule is posted. Fraternities and Sororities induct new members. In an effort to make peace between the two schools, an article suggests that Gettysburg students be allowed to attend Dickinson’s Junior Prom. The French Club holds a Winter Tea Dance. The Social Service Club works on mending books for a Salvation Army library.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1937

Plans for the content of this year’s Microcosm are expanded. The Dramatic Club has started rehearsing for its next production, The Royal Family. The Student Senate discusses ways to create a better relationship between Gettysburg and Dickinson and how to increase scholarship among the freshmen. Plans to convert Moore house into a modern biology lab, to be called the Baird Biology Lab, are finally approved. Dr. Leon Cushing Prince, beloved teacher and scholar, passed away Sunday. The Dickinson Bowling team has won seven games in a row.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1937

The Belles Lettres Society draws up a new constitution and plans to elect new officers. Twelve students from Dickinson and Gettysburg came together for a luncheon, at which they discussed the relationship between the two rival schools. The Dickinsonian elects its officers for the coming year. At the University of Utah, one young lady kissed a glass slide and placed it under a microscope. Glancing into the microscope, she was made aware of all the germs on her lips, and subsequently started a kissing strike among the women, much to the anger of the university’s male population.
