Dickinsonian, April 15, 1903

John V. Shoemaker, '72, is appointed director of the Philadelphia Department of Health and Charities.  The Carlisle High School Crucible publishes a special issue written by Dickinson faculty and students.  Professor Stephens decides to experiment with pigeon raising at his house on College Street.  

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Dickinsonian, December 3, 1898

In the last game of the season, the football team loses against State College. Dr. Reed gave a Thanksgiving Address at Carlisle High School summarizing the history of Thanksgiving. The text of the Dickinson-Gettysburg Agreement is provided. Use of and conduct in the gymnasium is discussed.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1934

The Dickinson Players presented the play “Death Takes a Holiday” in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Rev. Phillips Packer Elliot will be the Week-of-Prayer speaker at the chapel exercises. A history of the Doll Show is reported. The Greek Club presents a program on Greek music. The College will observe the first week back after vacation as a Week-of-Prayer. The students produce a new student publication called The Dickinson Devil. The Debate Squad begins their season with the Debate Forum at Juniata. Dickinson eliminates the ice hockey team.

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Dickinsonian, October 18, 1934

Alpha Chi Rho resigns from the Interfraternity Council. The upperclassmen have some fun punishing the freshmen for breaking the freshmen rules. The Men’s Senate will form a permanent organization of unaffiliated students in order for them to form a more unified group. The soccer team loses to Bucknell. Alumni are urged to attend the Homecoming celebrations and the Diamond Jubilee of Sigma Chi at Dickinson. An article questions whether the Men’s Senate should be allowed to make decisions for the entire campus, as well as for the women of the college.

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Dickinsonian, March 12, 1954

Fifth annual Follies production, "It's The Greatest", to be performed in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Students to bid on faculty members at an auction to benefit the Student Sanatorium in Istanbul, Turkey. Dickinson Band to be divided into girls' and boys' sections, all female "pep band" to make their first appearance in the fall.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1938

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian.  Mathematics Professor Frank Ayres, Jr., obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago.  Howard A.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1955

"Bachelors Bend," a production by the Dickinson Follies opens tonight at the Carlisle High School auditorium. The Alumni Committee and the Faculty Fraternity Relations Committee are meeting to discuss potential changes to the fraternity system at Dickinson. A computing laboratory is being opened in South College to be used for accounting and statistical work in all departments and generally by faculty and students. Four faculty members resign: Chace Davis, Jerry Stevenson, Roy Kuebler, and HG Kenagy.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 1955

The cornerstone of Morgan Hall is laid with items inside of it: "History of Dickinson College" by Dr. James Henry Morgan, a Dickinsonian, a college catalogue, a Microcosm, a copy of the alumni journal, a "D" book, student roster, Viewbook, Carlisle Sentinel and a folder from the Carlisle Chamber of Commerce. Seventeen ROTC cadets have been assigned to their specialized branches of the service. Dickinson receives an electron microscope from Mr. George Shuman and RCA which is now in Tome.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1983

The College threatens to not renew the leases of Phi Kappa Sigma and Kappa Sigma fraternities if their conduct does not change. The All-College Student Affairs and Services Committee will begin an extensive examination of the role that alcohol plays on campus over the next few weeks. A biography of William S. Masland, President of the Board of Trustees, is given on his time as a student at the college as well as Board president. The Mermaid Players thrill audiences with their production of Cat.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1974

Pres. Rubendall's retirement is announced. Business Manager John Woltjen outlines College's energy-saving measures for Spring semester. Rubendall's letter of retirement intent is featured. Following the College's controversial decision to expand Biddle Field, the Washington Redskins agree to return for summer training. Public Affairs Symposium brings Hon. Tom Clark. Cultural Affairs Series features Edward Villella performing in Carlisle High School Auditorium. Environmental Policy Commission aims at innovative recycling techniques.

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Dickinsonian, June 18, 1971

Trustees appoint nine new faculty. The college chooses two graduate students for the new internship in student personnel. Two Freshmen Colloquiums investigate environmental problems. Eighteen Carlisle High School students will join the National Science Foundation funded LeTort Creek pollution project. Prof. H. Wade Seaford receives a Doctorate of Philosophy from Harvard University for his work on the effects of environment upon facial expression. Prof. William A. Harms receives a Doctorate of comparative literature from Indiana University.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1967

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to coordinate service projects. Dickinsonian beats WDCV in annual football game. Arthur Hoppe analyzes the Bobby Kennedy campaign. Odetta Gordon is set to perform at the Carlisle Senior High Auditorium. Someone in Yale Library stacks has been biting and kissing unsuspecting women's feet.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1967

Dave Brubeck Quartet is slated to perform this Friday night in the Carlisle Senior High School gymnasium. Eric Rundbaken will take over duties as the news editor for the Dickinsonian for the remainder of the semester. Phi Epsilon Pi puts on Fall Auto Rallye. United Telephone Company proposes a system in which a telephone would be placed in every room. A profile of the Open Door shows a vital creative pulse within the Dickinson community. Dickinson group Charlotte's Web is set to play at Holy Communion ceremony. Alphi Chi Rho presents financial contribution to new Spahr library.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1961

Homecoming activities reported. Dickinson highlights stronger academic focus. Phi Epsilon Pi chosen as outstanding fraternity. Samuel Hayakawa's talk prompts debate over US-Soviet Union relations. Recap of Professor Beaty's address at chapel on the types of academics and why they need God. Cultural Affairs Program presents Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in concert at Carlisle High School.
