Dickinsonian, March 5, 2004

Sigma Chi sanctioned over housing violations. Study shows that 70 percent of Dickinson students have cellular phone with them at Dickinson. Student Senate and the Multi-Organizational Board (MOB) unveil plans to renovate the Depot. Planned installation of chimes in Old West to be completed by the end of the semester. Composer Ralph Yusef Gawlick gives lecture to Music Department. Ban on gay marriage considered.


Dickinsonian, September 12, 1985

UTS, a phone service on campus, has been charging students unbeknownst to them for calls because the company was going through "reorganization problems." Professors Sharon O'Brien and Charles Barone were vociferous in their complaints against a proposed itinerary for a planned visit by Attorney General Edwin Meese III. The College plans on building a new wall along High Street to eliminate hazardous crossings. A symposium is planned to celebrate Tome's centennial.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 7, 1991

President Fritschler endorses recommendations outlined in petition for Rape Awareness Week. Student voice concerns with Class Registration. Background of Tibetan Festival discussed, cost over $15,000. Phone system frustrates students. Difficulties with the student directory lead to it being sold in the bookstore. Environmental Studies class visits the Love Canal. Profile of Physics Professor T. Scott Smith. Why Dickincinema perished. The mermaid Players production of Lysistrata incongruous and absurd. Jazz ensemble performs fall concert.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1978

Fund raising has begun for the new gymnasium, where a sign already stands marking the location of the site. The ad hoc Senate committee has decided to open the closed dining hall due to dissatisfaction amongst students with the program. The College's phone system has been modified due to students abusing the phones by racking up expensive phone bills. Another ad hoc committee was established by President Sam Banks to improve the College's computing systems. Men's basketball team starts the season off victorious.


Dickinsonian, June 21, 1968

The PEER (Program for Enrichment, Education, and Recreation), a program for underprivileged children in the Carlisle community, began Wednesday with movies and field studies. United Phone is set to allow the use of credit cards for long distance calls on campus. The Freshman Colloquium for the 1968-69 school year will focus on the concept of time. William Miller, a non-matriculated Dickinson student, was found dead in the Conodoguinet Creek near Camp Hill on June 18.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1967

Dave Brubeck Quartet is slated to perform this Friday night in the Carlisle Senior High School gymnasium. Eric Rundbaken will take over duties as the news editor for the Dickinsonian for the remainder of the semester. Phi Epsilon Pi puts on Fall Auto Rallye. United Telephone Company proposes a system in which a telephone would be placed in every room. A profile of the Open Door shows a vital creative pulse within the Dickinson community. Dickinson group Charlotte's Web is set to play at Holy Communion ceremony. Alphi Chi Rho presents financial contribution to new Spahr library.
