Dickinsonian, October 27, 1909

Halloween Masquerade Carnival to raise money for the band is to be held.  The Music department to hold its annual concert.  Philadelphia Club initiates its new members.  The Geology class, under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Mohler, take a field trip to Boiling Springs.  Sophomores take trip to Mt. Holly.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1909

Masquerade Carnival to be held for Halloween.  The Music Department to host a musical.  New alumni page a great success so far.  Comus Club to hold its first dance.  Rhodes Scholar D. R. Porter addresses the YMCA.  Phi Kappa Sigma celebrates Founders' Day anniversary with ride to Dillsburg. 

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Dickinsonian, October 13, 1909

The Civic Club announces its schedule of entertainments for the year.  Music Department to give a concert.  Faculty decides to allow ten basket ball games for the year.  Bill proposed in the Illinois House of Representatives to remove fraternities' tax exempt status.  Kappa Sigma holds a smoker.  The Seniors elect their class officers.

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Dickinsonian, September 28, 1910

Business manager of the 1911 Microcosm, C. Leroy Cleaver, announces impressive balance in accounts.  "Songs of Dickinson" songbook compiled by Ben Hinchman, '05, with 117 songs, available for purchase.  All students made subscribers to Dickinsonian.  Prizes for best literary contributions announced, sponsored by local businesses.  Mr.

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Dickinsonian, September 23, 1908

Largest class in the history of the college enters. Opening of Conway Hall. Annual Freshmen-Sophomore rush. Y. M. C. A. reception. Mr. Edwin J. Decevee will head the new Music Department. The Herman Biddle Memorial Athletic Field is presented to the college. Diary of a Dickinson student from years back is published in the paper.


Dickinsonian, October 19, 1951

Mary Dickinson Club adopts long-range plan to establish music department at Dickinson. Dickinson Christian Service project begins, is trip to give worship and recreational programs Grace Methodist Church in Altoona. Amendment to Student Senate constitution concerning delegates is to be put to student vote. Trustee Frank E. Masland, Jr., donates mace to college.

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Dickinsonian, November 18, 1955

Christian Service Team travels to local churches. Music programs for the remainder of the year are announced; new programs under the direction of Paul Smith, who takes over program organization from students. Private Stan Singer continues occasional column, discussing different people he encountered during Basic Training. The football team defeats Johns Hopkins during Homecoming.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1959

Professor Daniel McDonald receives research grant from National Institute of Health. Philip B. Secor becomes political science instructor. Music department presents opera "Hansel and Gretel" in Carlisle Opera House (aka The Bucket). Mermaid Players present "Uncle Vanya". Possibilities for college radio station explored. ROTC faculty are reassigned. Professors Asa W. Climenhaga, Freidrich Sandels, and Mary B. Taintor retire. Events planned for Mother's Weekend. Professor George H. Frogen teaches local children Russian. Music classes added to summer session.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 2004

Sigma Chi sanctioned over housing violations. Study shows that 70 percent of Dickinson students have cellular phone with them at Dickinson. Student Senate and the Multi-Organizational Board (MOB) unveil plans to renovate the Depot. Planned installation of chimes in Old West to be completed by the end of the semester. Composer Ralph Yusef Gawlick gives lecture to Music Department. Ban on gay marriage considered.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1994

The Sexual Resource Group provides information during Safer Sex Week. Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act will go into place, mandating counseling and a 24 hour waiting period after that session. A performance of the play "Our Young Black Men are Dying and Nobody Seems to Care" is one of the many events scheduled for Black History Month. The Mermaid Players perform a "must see" production of King Lear. The Cultural Affairs Committee funds a performance of Chopin's music by renowned pianist Robert Guralnik. The Music department also presented a concert of Schubert pieces.

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Dickinsonian, March 3, 1972

Prof. George Pimental chosen as Joseph Priestley Award winner. The Institutional Priorities and Resources is to supervise off-campus internship programs. The Department of Music, as part of the College's bicentennial celebration, opens a contest to decide a new College song. The Academic Program Committee conducts a vast curriculum review. 170 students travel to Washington, D.C. Dave Mason to appear in concert. The Drug Education Committee offers anonymous drug analysis. Information provided towards nearby agencies with abortion and contraception information.

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Dickinsonian, October 19, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian George B. Murphy '27 recounts Dickinson in the Twenties. Freshmen plays to open. IFC misunderstanding over food service leads to boycott at South College. Woody Herman to perform at military ball. Pan-Hellenic-Faculty game ends with Faculty win. Saad El Fassi of Morocco profile. Dickinson tuition costs hold steady while other college increase costs. Prof. Wing-tsit Chan speaks as part of Asian Studies Program. Music Dept to perform H.M.S. Pinafore. Phi Kappa Sigma and Phi Epsilon Pi to move to Mathews House and Biddle House.

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Dickinsonian, May 11, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian 308 incoming freshmen were selected by Board of Admissions. Jackson property to be converted into dormitory for men studying Honors. Mermaid Players present "My Three Angels". Pres. Rubendall discusses new Dining Facilities. Faculty approve IFC rush rules. The Music Department present "H.M.S. Pinafore". John McConnell to speak at Graduation Commencement. D-book to be replaced with "The Mermaid's Tale". Campus Organizations elect officers. Student Senate discusses revision of class elections. Black Hats choose ten junior men.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1961

Betty Keat wins Fulbright Scholarship for study in France. Student Senate sponsors clothing drive. Trustees present nine resolutions concerning housing. Six sophomores given freshmen counselor positions. Editorial critiques graduation requirement of having a minor. With the leaving of Professor Jack M. Jarrett, students ponder the future of Dickinson music programs and acknowledge a campus apathy. Professor Ralph Schlechter, founder of the Music Department, reflects on 40 years at Dickinson. Aquacade presents "Scenes along the Seine" for Arts Festival. Skull and Key tap ten sophomores.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1959

Homecoming plans are announced. Dean Ness is selected as Humanities Chair. Jazz trombonist J. J. Johnson to perform on November 7. Phi Kappa Psi celebrates centennial. The Microcosm is used to investigate graduates. The music department will present "Amahl" and "Die Fledermaus." Three seniors are selected by ROTC to be top ranking officers. A new art exhibit, "The Heroic Encounter", will be presented. Freshman class officer nominations are announced. Historian Basil King gives talk on the history of New Zealand. New placement services are announced.
