Dickinsonian, April 21, 1950

James Arnold, Robert Crow, Richard Eisenhour, Larry Lichtenstein, and John Shumaker are tapped to join Omicron Delta Kappa, nationla leadership honorary society; meanwhile, nine sophomores are chosen to join the Skull and Key Society. Asa W. Climenhaga is hired to replace Raymond P.G. Bowman as College Resistrar, so that the latter, also a psychology professor, can teach full-time. Dr. Rowland R. Lehman is hired to the newly-created post of Assistant to the President for Duties in Connection with Alumni.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1959

Professor Daniel McDonald receives research grant from National Institute of Health. Philip B. Secor becomes political science instructor. Music department presents opera "Hansel and Gretel" in Carlisle Opera House (aka The Bucket). Mermaid Players present "Uncle Vanya". Possibilities for college radio station explored. ROTC faculty are reassigned. Professors Asa W. Climenhaga, Freidrich Sandels, and Mary B. Taintor retire. Events planned for Mother's Weekend. Professor George H. Frogen teaches local children Russian. Music classes added to summer session.
