Dickinsonian, February 28, 1906

Members of the Phi Beta chapter of Alpha Chi Rho attend the fraternity's annual convention. A meeting of the Association of College Presidents of Pennsylvania is called to discuss the recent controversies surrounding football, as well as the state's medical schools. The Civic Club closes a successful season with a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. The freshman class holds a smoker in celebration of the termination of the rule which restricted them from smoking on campus. Phi Kappa Psi's Founder's Day is celebrated with a smoker. 


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1922

The Carlisle Chamber of Commerce supports the college's fundraising campaign. Nina Morgana will give a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. Updates on commencement. Notes on J. Stitt Wilson lecture. Eight Freshmen are chose in the Declamation Contest preliminaries. School superintendent election results. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate. Former athletic trainer at the Carlisle Indian School accepts position at Leland Stanford University. Pinchot for Governor Club is organized. Professor Mohler gives demonstration on liquid air. Greek Club will present play. Theta Chi formal.


Dickinsonian, March 1888

Some students insist on a change of the college colors for various reasons.  The Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association is formed, with representation from the Dickinsonian present at a recent meeting.  The library is praised for its large holding of old and ancient books.  The College Glee Club holds a concert in the Opera House.  Washington's birthday is commemorated, and classes are suspended for the day.  A Mr.

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Dickinsonian, February 1894

The editors comment on compulsory attendance at the Day of Prayer, and the faculty's role in encouraging and participating in Christian activities.  The chapter hall of Beta Theta Pi is moved from the Bosler building to the McLaughlin building.  The Orchestra and Octette give a concert in the Opera House, and travel to Chambersburg and Shippensburg to give two more.  Professor Durell publishes a series of articles on the "Application of the New Education to the Differential and Integral Calculus" in the American Mathematical Monthly.  The Athletic Association el

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1909

Professor F. E. Craver is elected as the new Physical Director of the College. Swarthmore and Franklin and Marshall will debate in Bosler Hall. Article on Football injuries. Smoker held in the gymnasium. Winners of the Freshmen oratorical contest are announced. Judge Ben B. Lindsey will be the last lecture of the Civic Club Entertainment Course. Comus Club dance. Update on the minstrel shows. Spring Musical Festival to be held at the Carlisle Opera House.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1909

Article on Frank Mt. Pleasant, former member of the Carlisle Indian School. Update on the inter-society debate. Union Philosophical Society anniversary in Bosler Hall. National Convention of the Alpha Chi Rho. Ben Greet players will perform at the Carlisle Opera House. Summary of Mr. James N. Brown lecture. Members of the Oratorical Team chosen. Freshmen oration contest.


Dickinsonian, February 10, 1909

Washington's Birthday banquet. German scholar Dr. Abbee visits the college.  Dramatic Club play in the Carlisle Opera House. Union Philosophical Society's anniversary. Phi Kappa Psi dance. Concert given by the Brandon Trio Club. Lincoln's Birthday celebration. Tewaina, of the Carlisle Indian School, wins a ten mile race from Obermyer and See. Bostonia Opera Co. performance.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1897

A letter from the bedridden President Reed's is published, updating the college on the president's condition.  Bleachers to be erected at the Athletic Field.  The editors suggest that a book review be added to the weekly programs of the literary societies.  The Union Philosophical Society elects new officers.  Students participate in a minstrel show at the Opera House.

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Dickinsonian, January 16, 1907

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the semi-final of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania.  The Philadelphia Club holds its six annual banquet.  Phi Kappa Sigma moves into a "handsome new house" on South College [Street].  The recital of Mrs. Bertha Kunz-Baker in the Carlisle Opera House is said to be one of the best ever presented in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1906

"On a slippery field" Dickinson loses to State by one touchdown, 6-0.  Dr. C.T. Winchester of Wesleyan University gives the first lecture of the Civic Club course in the opera house.  Members of the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres literary societies choose question and candidate for the Inter-Society Debate.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1906

The Business Men's Carnival, sponsored by Dickinson's Athletic Associatio and  to be held in the Opera House, "promises to be THE event of the season."  A Geology class, under the direction of Professor Stephens, goes on a field trip.  The Reeds host a reception for Phi Kappa Sigma.  The performance of the New York Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch is an excellent success.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1906

Various works, including Life of Bishop Hurst, are added to the library's collection.  A college-wide holiday is granted for the dedication of the state capitol in Harrisburg.  Walter Damrosch to lead the new York Symphony Orchestra in a concert in the Carlisle Opera House.  The procedures of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania are set forth.  The annual reception for the Freshmen is held, with the usual accompanying antics of the Sophomores.  The YMCA handbooks are distributed in chapel.  The Freshman caps (black with green buttons) ar


Dickinsonian, May 13, 1899

Debate between Dickinson and State College is held, and State College wins. Delta Chi banquet is held. The female glee club of Kee Mar College gives a concert at the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Kappa Sigma takes a trolley ride to Boiling Springs. A performance is given by the American Association for the Education of the Blind in Bosler Hall by blind students. The Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Phi Delta Theta hosts a trolley ride to Boiling Springs, the Indian School, and the Cave.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1923

Honor System called into question after numerous reports of alleged cheating during examinations. Mozart's "The Impresario" to be performed at Carlisle Opera House. Student Activities budget discussed in joint Men's and Women's Senate committee meeting. Metzger Hall authorities deny rumors of serving spoiled food. Results of psychological test reported, show good College average. Dickinsonians attend state education convention. Statue of Joseph Priestley presented to the College by Edgar Fahs Smith, ex-Provost of University of Pennsylvania.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1900

Banquet in honor of Dickinson's President Reed is held in New York. Article on graduate Horatio C. King. Announcement of a special Easter issue for the Dickinsonian. Freshman class banquet. Macbeth was performed at the Carlisle Opera House.

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Dickinsonian, June 5, 1897

The Belles Lettres Society adds books to its library and elects new officers.  The editors look back on the first year of the weekly Dickinsonian.  Dr. M. W. Prince gives a very well received lecture to a large crowd at the Opera House.  The fraternity banquets to be held during Commencement are announced.  The Dickinson Law Society elects new officers.  New Phi Beta Kappa members are announced.  The new society halls in Denny Hall have been furnished, and the programme for Denny Hall's dedication is announced.

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Dickinsonian, May 29, 1897

A rather disappointing Belles Lettres Sophomore Oratorical contest is held.  The Law School again performs its production of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.  Hyde" in the Opera House, due to its popularity.  The editors suggest that oratorical contests be moved to a different time of year, to allow for more participation.  Dr. Beaver, State Secretary of the College Associations, speaks to the YMCA on life as a minister.  General Horatio King, honorary alumnus, dies in Washington.  Senior class rankings announced.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 1901

The play Uncle Rube was presented by students at the Carlisle Opera House. Dr. Reed clears up rumors about his career path. Update on the 1902 Mircrocosm. Obituary for Dickinson graduate William Andrew Snively.  Comments on the lack of light in dormitory buildings. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society election results.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1902

College Dramatic Club play at the Carlisle Opera House. Alumni Banquet of the Central Pennsylvania Conference. Liquid air lecture given by Professor Davis. Summary of Musical Clubs' trips. The college organizes chess and checker clubs. Beta Theta Pi card party.

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Dickinsonian, March 21, 1902

Summary of the mid-winter sports. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert. Banquet for the Dickinson Alumni Association in Philadelphia. Karmarian Club holds a phantom party. Play on the Reformation held in the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Y. M. C. A. meeting. Belles Lettres Literary Society election results.


Dickinsonian, February 7, 1902

Dramatic Club's plays in the Carlisle Opera House. Beta Theta Pi sleighing party. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert in Bosler Hall. International Students Convention in Toronto. Dr. Corey's lecture in Bosler Hall. Kappa Sigma fraternity established at Dickinson. Carlisle Indian School commencement.


Dickinsonian, January 24, 1902

Union Philosophical Society's anniversary. Announcement of the Dramatic Club's play at the Carlisle Opera House. Delta Chi holds a reception. Notes and comments on the school banquet. Omega Psi has a reception.
