Dickinsonian, June 3, 1911

End of the year issue. Summaries of recent Baseball, Tennis, and Track Results. German Exchange teacher visiting Dickinson for six weeks. Annual reports of student clubs. Essay on Christian Science by Horatio Collins King. Listing of the Class of 1911 with student's activities. Pictures of class officers and other students in important positions.


Dickinsonian, May 24, 1911

Results of baseball games against Ursinus and Washington and Jefferson. Glee Club performs ar Irving College. Final round of the oratorical contest held. Several students and professors to spend the summer abroad. Annual Track trophies presented. Literary section features poetry contest with student contributions. Female students learn more about women's suffrage.

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Dickinsonian, April 5, 1911

Combined musical clubs, including Glee Club, Mandolin Club, complete a tour giving performances throughout Central Pennsylvania. Roy M. Dunkleberger, class of 1906, marries in India while serving as a Missionary. Alumni Gatherings to take place in New York City and Bloomsburg, PA. President Reed and Mrs. Reed host evening gathering of the senior class. Old-time fair held in the Gymnasium for the benefit of the Athletic Assiciation. Comul Club dance rescheduled in observance of Lent.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 1913

The baseball team loses to Villanova. Nisbet Day is celebrated on campus. Students are encouraged to attend the Y.M.C.A Summer Conference. The Freshman win the annual Cap Scrap, allowing them to do away with their flashy green caps and replace them with understated gray ones. The tennis and track teams both lose to the Navy athletes. The new staff of the Dickinsonian puts out its first issue. The Glee and Mandolin Clubs have a successful concert.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1912

Both the Wilson and Progressives clubs are formed. A poll reveals that more students favor Wilson to win over Roosevelt, Taft, Chafin, and Debbs in the presidential election. The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity hosts their annual Founder’s Day ride to Doubling Gap. The Kappa Sigma fraternity hunts for chestnuts in Mt. Holly. The Glee Club has tryouts, and twenty-five men were selected to join the team.

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Dickinsonian, June 1, 1916

The track team defeats Muhlenberg 73-53, and the baseball team loses to Ursinus at home, 4-3. The tennis team loses to Franklin & Marshall. Sports players from the different teams are profiled, including George C. Moose and Kenneth Bruce Vaughn. The track team is reviewed by their coach. Performances of the Glee Club and the Dramatic Club are scheduled. Kenneth Vaughn is also placed in the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Members of the sophomore class are initiated into the Skitch-A-Genee Sophomore Society.


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1896

Preparations for the Orchestra and Glee Club concert. Resignation of Professor Harman. Y. M. C. A. Northfield conference. President Reed's sixth anniversary as the head of Dickinson College. Phi Kappa Sigma smoker. Phi Kappa Sigma dinner.

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Dickinsonian, May 1891

A new German fraternity, Das Goethe Kranzchen, is an object of some mystery. The faculty create the Students Intermediary Committee to bring students' concerns to their attention; Mills '91, Lewis '91, Neal '91, Fasick '92, Stephens '92, Wooden '93, and Morgan '94 are elected. Harrisburg District of the YMCA holds convention in Carlisle. Glee and Banjo Clubs take performance trip. Seniors win a highly competitive game of baseball against the freshmen.


Dickinsonian, November 1889

Students are encouraged to participate regularly in class meetings and events. The two literary societies on campus competed for new members from the Freshmen class. A University of Pennsylvania student supports coeducational institutions. The Glee Club has become a permanent group on campus and has begun practicing for the season. A column urges the women of the college to ignore the harsh comments of the men and continue to strive for academic and social excellence.

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Dickinsonian, May 1889

President Reed is inaugurated into the college.  President Reed begins offering elocution lessons to each class.  The Glee Club is commended for the music they furnished at President Reed’s induction.  An athletic field is supplied by President Reed at the request of the students.  Slight improvements and renovations are made to the College Chapel.  A centennial celebra


Dickinsonian, March 1888

Some students insist on a change of the college colors for various reasons.  The Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association is formed, with representation from the Dickinsonian present at a recent meeting.  The library is praised for its large holding of old and ancient books.  The College Glee Club holds a concert in the Opera House.  Washington's birthday is commemorated, and classes are suspended for the day.  A Mr.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1897

Professor Marcus D. Buell of the Boston Theological Seminary addresses the YMCA.  James Young performs some dramatic selections for the campus.  The Orchestra and Glee Club prepare for their upcoming concert.  Dr. Reed is confined to bed with illness.  The establishment of Founer's Day celebrations are still discussed, although no definitive plans have been made.  A holiday on the Friday after Thanksgiving is requested.  Money is collected to purchase a Great Dane to serve as the school's mascot.

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Dickinsonian, January 1892

Edwin Storer Janes Kulp becomes editor of the Dickinsonian. Joseph Pyle and George S. Cappell join board of trustees. Summary of football season. George W. Kessler is baseball president. Faculty decides on Wallower Prize competition rules. Glee and Banjo clubs take annual Christmas tour.
