Dickinsonian, May 1891

A new German fraternity, Das Goethe Kranzchen, is an object of some mystery. The faculty create the Students Intermediary Committee to bring students' concerns to their attention; Mills '91, Lewis '91, Neal '91, Fasick '92, Stephens '92, Wooden '93, and Morgan '94 are elected. Harrisburg District of the YMCA holds convention in Carlisle. Glee and Banjo Clubs take performance trip. Seniors win a highly competitive game of baseball against the freshmen.


Dickinsonian, January 1892

Edwin Storer Janes Kulp becomes editor of the Dickinsonian. Joseph Pyle and George S. Cappell join board of trustees. Summary of football season. George W. Kessler is baseball president. Faculty decides on Wallower Prize competition rules. Glee and Banjo clubs take annual Christmas tour.
