Dickinsonian, May 1891

A new German fraternity, Das Goethe Kranzchen, is an object of some mystery. The faculty create the Students Intermediary Committee to bring students' concerns to their attention; Mills '91, Lewis '91, Neal '91, Fasick '92, Stephens '92, Wooden '93, and Morgan '94 are elected. Harrisburg District of the YMCA holds convention in Carlisle. Glee and Banjo Clubs take performance trip. Seniors win a highly competitive game of baseball against the freshmen.


Dickinsonian, January 1893

Student representatives are elected to the Intermediary Committee. Carlisle Alumni Association is formed. Beta Theta Pi brothers attend a reception and meet General James F. Rusling (Class of 1854). Balcony is removed from east end of East College. Belles Lettres Society elects officers; Strite is president.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 9, 1926

Student Senate President George Zierden will give a public apology at Gettysburg College for the "D"s painted on the gates of the college before their game against Dickinson. The Glee Club departs for a four day trip through Maryland. Christian F. Baiz, '27, is chosen as manager for the 1926 football team. The Dickinson Debate team considers forming a new triangular debate with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Student Senate will form a Student Intermediary Committee with the purpose of presenting ideas and movements with heavy student support to the faculty. William W.
