Dickinsonian, January 16, 1926

Dickinson's Basketball team takes down the University of Pennsylvania in a 24 to 19 victory. Plans begin for the junior Prom.  Jacob Goldberg is elected to basketball captain. Belles Lettres welcomes women to a meeting. The Dramatic Club announces "The Whole Town's Talking" as their mid-year play. Faculty judges select members for the Debating Team.

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Dickinsonian, January 9, 1926

Student Senate President George Zierden will give a public apology at Gettysburg College for the "D"s painted on the gates of the college before their game against Dickinson. The Glee Club departs for a four day trip through Maryland. Christian F. Baiz, '27, is chosen as manager for the 1926 football team. The Dickinson Debate team considers forming a new triangular debate with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Student Senate will form a Student Intermediary Committee with the purpose of presenting ideas and movements with heavy student support to the faculty. William W.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1927

The Alumni Council holds their annual banquet with Boyd Lee Spahr as keynote speaker. A statistic study of the freshman class indicates that half of the members are either Presbyterian or Methodist. The Debate Club announces the subjects for intercollegiate debate this year. The Pelletier-Shakespeare company will present a group of Shakespearean tragedies. The freshman cast for The Goose with the Golden Egg is chosen. The College hosted many enthusiastic alumni this past Homecoming weekend.

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1927

Famed author and lecturer Dr. George A. Coe speaks on student government in colleges in chapel. Subjects for debate this year are chosen by the Pennsylvania State Debating Association and twenty men are chosen for the Dickinson debate squad. The football team takes a victory over the Pennsylvania Military College. Dr. Kirby Page will address the joint Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. meeting on world affairs. The College gets excited about homecoming weekend. Try-outs begin for the varsity basketball team.

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Dickinsonian, June 11, 1954

181st Commencement Exercises to be the first to be held outside, with seven to receive honorary degrees. New set of social rules instituted, Social Code updated. Debate Council ends their most active season on record. Inter-Fraternity Council announces rushing rules for the upcoming academic year. New system of deferred rushing for women requires rules change. Phi Psi's take I.F. All-Sports trophy. Golf team ends season 6-2 and wins the Little Three Golf Title for the first time in seven years, surpassing all previous records. Allison Memorial Methodist Church destroyed in fire.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1983

Construction on a new wall along high street in front of the Weiss Arts Center begins, and is met with much student opposition. COPUS sponsored an information session on Thursday, February 24th, to help students better understand their options regarding financial aid. The Weiss Center for Arts was recently flooded, but damage to the center was minimal, and faculty members continued to be optimistic about the new arts center. At the University of Denver, students convinced administrators to raise student fees so that the administration could provide better student services.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1961

Rubendall advocates new Student Union. Ravi Shankar to speak at Cultural Affairs program. Reverend Lester Welliver and Doctor Cornelius Kruse to speak. College bookstore is too small according to Assistant Treasurer George Bubletz. Committee of Academic Policy, Program, and Practice to undertake survey of curriculum. Debate council opens season. Military Science department to recreate Civil War battle. Results of the Prof-Coed basketball game. Zeta Tau Alpha will celebrate Founder's Day October 14th. Rushing rules under debate.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1959

Homecoming plans are announced. Dean Ness is selected as Humanities Chair. Jazz trombonist J. J. Johnson to perform on November 7. Phi Kappa Psi celebrates centennial. The Microcosm is used to investigate graduates. The music department will present "Amahl" and "Die Fledermaus." Three seniors are selected by ROTC to be top ranking officers. A new art exhibit, "The Heroic Encounter", will be presented. Freshman class officer nominations are announced. Historian Basil King gives talk on the history of New Zealand. New placement services are announced.
