Dickinsonian, March 7, 1996

Students petition for a reconsideration of the tenure of Gail Ann Rickert, Professor of Classical Studies. Memorial for the death of student, Ian Keith Sealy, to be held. College Speech and Debate Team has a successful season. Safe Zone project arrives at Dickinson. The Jazz Ensemble will feature the famous trumpeter, Byron Stripling in their spring concert. Dickinson's Ice Hockey Club shines in recent games. Women's Indoor Track wins its first ever indoor championship.

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Dickinsonian, April 8, 1999

Senate aims to 'green' campus and promote environmental sustainability. Cancellation of the contract of professor Pernilla Neal fraught with controversy, causes protest. First VP candidate to visit campus. Symposium looks at biomedical ethics. Students to hold forum for religious discussion. Professor Nichols returns to first love - teaching English. Strategic Planning assesses state of College facilities. Enormous section devoted to the issue of denying Professor Neal tenure. Renaissance Italy pays a visit to Old West. Seniors perform for the last time in the Cubiculo.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Four professors earn tenure while several others did not . Seniors get ready to break the rules during senior week. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese details polarization between the executive branch and congress. Dean Carmen Neuberger bids college farewell. United way/College needs assessment of Carlisle, Part 2. UVA bans student-teacher sexual relationships. DTG Spring concert draws E-motion from the critics.

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Dickinsonian, March 10, 1983

Construction on a new wall along high street in front of the Weiss Arts Center begins, and is met with much student opposition. COPUS sponsored an information session on Thursday, February 24th, to help students better understand their options regarding financial aid. The Weiss Center for Arts was recently flooded, but damage to the center was minimal, and faculty members continued to be optimistic about the new arts center. At the University of Denver, students convinced administrators to raise student fees so that the administration could provide better student services.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1976

Student body slightly prefers old grading system to new plus-minus system. College plans Mock Convention for April. Seth Ray, Steve Bartolett and Matt Creme triumph in Student Senate elections. Lilly Endowment sends over $200,000 to College which will help launch COLE program. John Kemeny wins Joseph Priestley Award. "Eating Out" reviews The Bellaire House (3/5 stars) and The Backroom Discotheque (2/5). "In Depth" explores tenure controversy. Library installs 13 students as security checkers.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1987

Professor publishing quota continues controversy. Holland Union Building lacks fire alarm system. SVHB (Social Violations Hearing Board) hears harassment case, structure change considered. Portrait of Charles Nisbet stolen, President's house burglarized. Consortium unites Central Pennsylvania Colleges. Dickinson Follies receive smash review after return. Dance adaptation of "Jesus Christ, Superstar" draws large crowd. Profile of the Young Republicans. Goal for Oxfam is for 1000 students to fast to feed the hungry. Football winning streak continues.

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Dickinsonian, October 15, 1987

Dorm intrusions continue, though door are still being found propped open. Quotas for faculty publishing are discussed. Homecoming weekend to also feature inauguration of Dr. A. Lee Fritschler as president of the college, with a speech by Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland. The Metzger-Conway series will also be part of the homecoming events. Greek Carwash raises over $1,100. Board of Trustees to meet Friday. Alumni voices dissatisfaction with pre-health recommendations. Mermaid Players preview "Royal Family", to premiere this weekend. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 10, 1985

At a recent College faculty meeting, it was unanimously resolved to establish a system to evaluate the faculty tenure system after six years and goes into effect this year. According to a survey, the majority of students on campus do not feel safe and called for a larger police staff at night. The Interfraternity Council is reviewing and improving the way fraternities are portrayed on campus, and discuss the possibility of a "dry rush." Women's Field Hockey is improving, despite their previous record.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1979

In this edition, the College Library has plans to upgrade their card cataloging system to computers. Professor Marjorie Fitzpatrick is leaving the College for a new teaching job after being denied tenure, even after an appeal. Students work to keep Thornwald Park preserved and untouched. Students give their opinions on Three Mile Island and whether or not it should be reactivated after the recent explosion. The baseball team has been unsuccessful this season, with seven straight defeats and not one victory yet.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 1979

In this edition, an Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Tenure that has been formed discusses more flexibility with the tenure program. The Mediation Committee finally has come to a decision about tenure appeals for Professors Dennis Klinge and Marjorie Fitzpatrick. The committee ruled that the tenure procedures, that were considered unfair by students, were found acceptable. The Social Committee faces problems of low attendance to events and a low budget, the chairman of the committee, Al Jennings, blames it on the times and apathy.

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Dickinsonian, March 1, 1979

In this issue, the Congress of African American Students met with President Banks to discuss the College's lack of minority students and ask him to consider recruiting more. The College claims that "minority" students receive no special preferences when they are being considered for financial aid, rather it is assigned based on family income. A resolution was passed that allowed Professor Dennis Klinge to obtain tenure after previously being rejected. The College Boxing team won their fights in a recent event.

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Dickinsonian, November 9, 1978

In this edition, an article argues the pros of tenure, stating that it protects the faculty. Administrators and staff will be evaluated for the first regular assessment for these areas of the College community. Despite objections by the Student Senate, the faculty approved a calendar that was recommended by the Academic Program Committee. Ice Hockey is on a winning streak.

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Dickinsonian, November 2, 1978

In this edition, the tenure controversy continues to be discussed amongst students, faculty, and nationwide. Bell Telephone Company has bestowed three educational games to the College for better understand between industry and education. The Senate Finance Committee reversed a decision to terminate funding of the Student Independent Organization after SIO strengthened its goals, purposes and personnel. Ice Hockey wins its first two games of the season. Women's volleyball team just misses titling in the Middle Eastern Conference competition.

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Dickinsonian, September 14, 1978

In this issue "The Dickinsonian" addresses the present tenure system and its unpopularity amongst faculty. New College Chaplain, John S. Reist Jr. has redefined the role of the chaplain to the College and the community. An article discusses whether or not unborn children have rights and asks for student's opinions. Bill Koltnow, amateur boxer, formed the school's first Boxing Club. The soccer and football teams have positive outlooks for the season.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1976

In this issue, there is more discussion about the Ford/Carter Presidential debates, especially on foreign policy. The Faculty Committee rejects a proposal by the nontenured faculty who wished to replace tenure with a contract system that would hire professors for a certain amount of years. Assistant news director for the College, Jeff Wiles, resigned from his position. Title IX, "the federal remedy for sex discrimination in higher education," has caused disputes at colleges across the country, including Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, March 26, 1976

Pres. Banks receives honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the College of Charleston. Tenure debates continue, "concern[ing] faculty." In "Eating Out," The Gingerbread Bread Man and The House of Pizza are reviewed, receiving 2/5 and 3/5 stars, respectively. Institutional Priorities and Resources candidates Frederico Talley, Jr. and Mark Sundback, are featured. A "brief history" of the Fraternity Quadrangle is featured.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1976

A Senate meeting resolution inches students closer to input on tenure. "Friends of the College Library" program begins. John Kemeny receives Joseph Priestley Award. "Eating Out" reviews the Allenberry and Embers restaurants, finding them both disappointing. Mary Baron reads poetry in Memorial Hall.

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Dickinsonian, April 4, 1975

Dickinson hosts its fifth annual Blacks Arts festival with the theme of "The Black Light of Truth." A schedule of events for the festival is also published. The faculty holds a special meeting to discuss possible changes in the requirements for tenure. Plans for a new gym complex on Cherry street are proposed. The Admissions and Financial Aid Committee report results for the incoming freshman class to Student Senate. The IM softball season begins with a new format.

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Dickinsonian, June 18, 1968

The Board of Trustees announced the chairmen of academic departments, promotions, and tenure extensions. The one hundredth anniversary of the Central PA Conference of United Methodist Churches is set to take place at Dickinson from June 19 through June 23. Jeri Yaverbaum, Co-coordinator of summer student activities, has many trips and activities planned for students staying over the summer on campus. The Board of Trustees approved a $5 increase in the student Comprehensive Fee.

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