Dickinsonian, February 1, 1990

Lumberyard to offer beer as a choice at upcoming event. Two separate incidences of assault on campus. Academic Programs Committee calls for termination of the Nisbet Program. College officially revises alcohol policy. Applicants to Environmental Studies Program in Zimbabwe denied visas.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1989

College Board of Trustees vote to adopt a resolution endorsing the Select Committee Report on Greek Life. Official investigation into student's death is completed. In light of charges brought against Alpha Chi Rho for their involvement in the accident, the fraternity pleads guilty and the chapter is suspended indefinitely. Committees to discuss plan to alter the weekly schedule. The Conventional Theater puts on a production of "Talking With", with both students and professors performing.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1981

In this edition, Professor Jeffrey Poelvoorde wrote a lecture called, "Feminism as the Death of Culture," which caused quite a stir on campus between groups who agreed and disagreed. The Study Group on the Academic Program, which was commissioned by the College President and works with the Academic Program Committee, identified seven major concerns with the academics at Dickinson.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 5, 1981

President Sam Banks has decided to appoint a Commission on the Status of Minorities, which was recommended by the Study Group on Minorities. The College hopes to review the "current situation of the black community" and develop ways to enhance their campus experience. The old Alumni Gymnasium is currently being converted into the new Fine Arts Center and will be finished just in time for the department's 20th anniversary. Sigma Chi's intramural football team won in a championship game against Phi Kap.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1978

In this edition, an article argues the pros of tenure, stating that it protects the faculty. Administrators and staff will be evaluated for the first regular assessment for these areas of the College community. Despite objections by the Student Senate, the faculty approved a calendar that was recommended by the Academic Program Committee. Ice Hockey is on a winning streak.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1978

Controversy surrounds the Nisbet Center plan, as the administration and All-College governance system discuss a potential misunderstanding. The Nisbet Center was originally to be used as an office and seminar center for the Nisbet program, but has been in the process of conversion to living quarters for Nisbets by the administration and Nisbet faculty without the knowledge of the Academic Program Committee. Students are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of the Buildings and Grounds maintenance and construction work.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1975

Dickinson hosts its fifth annual Blacks Arts festival with the theme of "The Black Light of Truth." A schedule of events for the festival is also published. The faculty holds a special meeting to discuss possible changes in the requirements for tenure. Plans for a new gym complex on Cherry street are proposed. The Admissions and Financial Aid Committee report results for the incoming freshman class to Student Senate. The IM softball season begins with a new format.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1975

Newly elected Student Senate Officers officially take their posts. At the third All-College planning seminar, increased financial aid and funding for new athletic facilities are stated as top priorities. The Academic Program Committee will decide if they will present their revised Nisbet Scholars Program plans to the faculty for final approval. The Library institutes fines for lost and overdue books.


Dickinsonian, November 30, 1973

Student Senate sanctions co-ed housing proposal. The 4-J-4 calendar system proposal sees its second hearing by the Academic Program Committee (APC). In the Social Hall, political columnist Milton Viorst speaks on democracy.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1973

Prof. Joseph Kelley of Dickinson's Law School speaks at a mini-symposium on impeachment. Faculty favors the 4-J-4 calendar system in a discussion with the Academic Program Committee. WDCV begins FM broadcasting as it reprograms its format; Pres. Rubendall is to dedicate the station in upcoming ceremonies. Nottingham's English Sinfonia is to appear in concert as part of the Cultural Affairs Series. Prof. William Sloane plans to run for Mayor of Carlisle. Prof. Milton Flower will present a Spahr Lecture on John Dickinson. In Memorial Hall, Dr.


Dickinsonian, October 12, 1973

Prof. George Allan of the Academic Program Committee (APC) drafts proposal to install "4-J-4" calendar system at College. Shelley Wright, Dickinson's first female athletic trainer, is highlighted. In Witwer Hall, the Women's Program Committee meets to plan future activities. McKenney Hall to be dedicated during Parents' Day. George Gekas speaks on Campus. WDCV waits for FCC authority to broadcast FM.

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Dickinsonian, April 28, 1972

Sen. Fred Harris is to speak at the College's mock presidential convention. Sen. Jacob Javits is to deliver the Commencement address. In Memorial Hall, the Morgan Lecture in Classical Languages and Education is given by Prof. Saul Levin. The Academic Program Committee composes a final resolution on the ROTC. The College-hosted Newport Portable Folk Festival is reviewed.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1972

Prof. George Pimental chosen as Joseph Priestley Award winner. The Institutional Priorities and Resources is to supervise off-campus internship programs. The Department of Music, as part of the College's bicentennial celebration, opens a contest to decide a new College song. The Academic Program Committee conducts a vast curriculum review. 170 students travel to Washington, D.C. Dave Mason to appear in concert. The Drug Education Committee offers anonymous drug analysis. Information provided towards nearby agencies with abortion and contraception information.

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Dickinsonian, October 8, 1971

Student Senate makes two corrections to Student Affairs Committee's report on fraternity housing. Faculty approves Colombia Semester Program. Rosemary Ruether to lecture on campus. Marky Bulwinkle to exhibit art at the College. Jewish Community of Carlisle and the College build Succah in celebration of harvest festival. The Hog Ridin' Fools review Elby's restaurant in Lemoyne. Rick Smolan creates photo essay of a day at Hershey Park. Academic Program Committee publishes a series of proposals to "improve the present curriculum." Women's hockey player Sally Ibbeken highlighted.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1971

Student Senate focuses on discussions on the academic calendar, housing, and student files. Mead is honored with the Priestley award in a ceremony. An open hearing rejects the eleven point grading system. Margaret Mead speaks on the "Generation Gap" in environmental issues. The Seven major resolutions recommended by the Academic Program Committee are passed by faculty and presented in detail. Career Week offers help with summer job scarcity. ATS is vandalized. The follies will present the musical "Carnival!" Sergeant Musgrave's Dance is "heavy" and overly complicated.


Dickinsonian, February 19, 1971

Dr. Richard H. Wanner has been appointed Dean of the College, effective July 1, 1971. Senate looks for a replacement to serve on the Academic Program Committee as well as nominations for the Development and Communications Committee. Barry L. Gaal is appointed assistant Business Manager effective March 1. Financial Aid Director Charles Twichell held a "Financial Aid Analysis Workshop" to help students understand the system. The Mermaid Player's upcoming production of Serjeant Musgrave's Dance will question the meaning of war. Dickinson's formally all male Glee Club now thrives as coed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1969

In regards to last week's controversial arrest of three black students, President Rubendall seeks cooperation between college and community as students call for a week-long boycott of Carlisle merchants; what some call a kangaroo court finds two of the students - Mike Floyd and Elkin Tolliver - guilty. Academic Program Committee holds hearing of proposed changes in ROTC. Dean Merle Allshouse requests "self-restraint" and the "exercise of the power of reason" concerning the student arrests. Spahr Lecture to focus on Moncure Conway.


Dickinsonian, January 31, 1969

Allshouse resigns as Associate Dean. Highlights from the most recent faculty committee meeting are given. The Academic Program Committee will hold an open hearing on the College Calendar. The red devil's basketball team beats previously undefeated PMC. Developments continue in the fraternity housing dilemma. Statistics on pollution and environmental awareness are given. Lysistrata will be preformed again due to popular demand.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1967

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to coordinate service projects. Dickinsonian beats WDCV in annual football game. Arthur Hoppe analyzes the Bobby Kennedy campaign. Odetta Gordon is set to perform at the Carlisle Senior High Auditorium. Someone in Yale Library stacks has been biting and kissing unsuspecting women's feet.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1970

The Policy Committee will present two resolutions to faculty at their next meeting: 1. The ROTC will be abolished on campus. 2. No academic credit will be granted for courses in the ROTC program. Student Senate invalidated the election results for the Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee due to unclear ballots. Elections are held by Student Senate for multiple committees. Two professors and six students attend the Soviet-American Peace Convocation. The Pa Consortium will sponsor the Summer Transition Program again.

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Dickinsonian, March 6, 1970

Several resolutions pertaining to the curriculum and a change in faculty evaluation procedures pertaining to tenure and salary increase are requested. John Denver will present a concert. The Academic Standards Committee studies proposals to modify the grading system. Faculty will present a student directed and produced production of A Thurber Carnival with proceeds benefiting Project Africa. The Mermaid Players current production of R.U.R. gets mediocre reviews with a great production but boring plot.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1969

All five faculty committees have granted voting rights to student members. The Student Mobilization Committee receives funds and backing from student senate to attend the Moratorium protesting the war in Vietnam. Kisner-Woodward hall receives approval of its Social Code from the Student Affairs Committee. Syntrax, a form of computer dating, is introduced to match students based on common answers in a survey and subsequently break down social cliques. A fully stocked health center on the first floor of Drayer provide free health care.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 7, 1967

Varsity basketball coach Ed Ashnault to leave Dickinson for position at Colgate University. Student survey reveals approval of "Jan Plan", pass-fail courses, and a reduction in the number of distribution requirements. Rev. Gregory Baum to conclude College Lecture Series. Faculty to act on pass-fail proposal. Also to be considered is the elimination of the distribution requirement . Academic Programs Committee studies possibility of Jan Plan. Yale Prof. Vincent Scully to speak on architecture.
