Dickinsonian, March 7, 1929

Members of the Sophomore class kidnap the Freshmen class president the day before the Freshman Hop dance.  1895 Dickinson Alumnus William "Billy" Clarke expresses approval and nostalgia, confirming the tradition.  The Glee Club debuts its spring concert series.  Students organize a new German club aiming to enable fluency among members.  The coeds of Metzger ponder on the future home of their only male resident, a dog named Dapper.


Dickinsonian, February 19, 1971

Dr. Richard H. Wanner has been appointed Dean of the College, effective July 1, 1971. Senate looks for a replacement to serve on the Academic Program Committee as well as nominations for the Development and Communications Committee. Barry L. Gaal is appointed assistant Business Manager effective March 1. Financial Aid Director Charles Twichell held a "Financial Aid Analysis Workshop" to help students understand the system. The Mermaid Player's upcoming production of Serjeant Musgrave's Dance will question the meaning of war. Dickinson's formally all male Glee Club now thrives as coed.

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