Dickinsonian, February 7, 1906

President Reed addresses the campus, speaking out against the current state of football and threatens to abolish it if major amendments are not made to the nature of the game. The college catalog for 1905-1906 is published. The Dickinsonian requests writing samples from those students who wish to join the publication's editorial staff. The greatly-anticipated freshman-sophomore basketball game is played. The sophomore class elects their Microcosm officers. 

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Dickinsonian, October 26, 1910

Essay on the position of the law man (law student) on the athletic committee. Freshman class takes a straw-ride to Mechanicsburg. Sophomore Class holds outing in Mount Holly Springs. Class to be offerred on the principles of debate. Senate passes a resolution on the treatment of underclassmen by upperclassmen. Organ recitals to be given at Allison Methodist Church.


Dickinsonian, September 25, 1897

The YMCA holds its annual reception to welcome the new students.  A list of the new students is published.  Professor Dare to take leave due to health issues and be replaced by Michael J. Cramer.  Dr. Stauffer to take charge of the Physical Culture department.  The Sophomores and Freshmen elect their class officers.

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Dickinsonian, January 25, 1905

Omega Psi hold their annual reception and Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The Dickinsonian reports on a bill that would create a state and industrial school for African Americans.  The construction of the Molly Pitcher monument is discussed. Alpha Chi Rho is installed at Dickinson.  The Sophomore and Freshmen class have a large fight in front of West College.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1929

Members of the Sophomore class kidnap the Freshmen class president the day before the Freshman Hop dance.  1895 Dickinson Alumnus William "Billy" Clarke expresses approval and nostalgia, confirming the tradition.  The Glee Club debuts its spring concert series.  Students organize a new German club aiming to enable fluency among members.  The coeds of Metzger ponder on the future home of their only male resident, a dog named Dapper.


Dickinsonian, March 25, 1949

Basement room of Old West to be renovated for new chapel space. "The Dickinson Follies" to feature music and comedic program. Rabbi Sidney Goldstein to address chapel on topic of Jewish contributions to civilization; Captain Bob Danskin to show slides of whaling. Professor Bell's paper on importance of teaching local history to be published. Professor Bell resigns deanship of Class of 1950; Professor Pflaum to succeed. Sophomore Class to pay dues to finance class activities. Women's inter-class bowling and swimming tournaments to begin.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1949

President Edel addresses Chapel on the positives and negatives of democracy, concluding the good outweighs the bad. Sophomores plan events for the remained of the year, including a basketball game against the Freshmen in retaliation for their defeat in the tug-of-war match. Dean Horlacher announced at Faculty Attendance Committee that the student body as a whole missed 5.3% of its classes. Basketball team to play in Middle Atlantic States tournament; team defeats Bucknell in final game of season.

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