Dickinsonian, April 8, 1949

The Dickinson Follies draws crowd of 1,000 to first variety show. Nine members of the Little Theater tapped for Tau Delta Pi dramatic honor society. Clayton Braun featured in solo art exhibition organized by Professor Flower. Social Rules changes announced; women's curfew extended to one a.m. for dances, while permissions are extended for Friday and Saturday night dances. Pianist Ozan Marsh to present concert. R. Sturges Ingersoll to discuss modern art.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1949

President Edel addresses Chapel on the positives and negatives of democracy, concluding the good outweighs the bad. Sophomores plan events for the remained of the year, including a basketball game against the Freshmen in retaliation for their defeat in the tug-of-war match. Dean Horlacher announced at Faculty Attendance Committee that the student body as a whole missed 5.3% of its classes. Basketball team to play in Middle Atlantic States tournament; team defeats Bucknell in final game of season.

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Dickinsonian, June 24, 1968

Chuck Horewitz writes an article profiling the Poor People's March on Washington. The Freshman Pre-Orientation Weekend plans are outlined in the headline article. Dickinson will have to look to its own funds for renovating the old library building, Bosler Hall. The Board of Trustees and the administration will meet in the Hershey Hotel for a Thursday and Friday retreat. Kathy Wasilewski spoke before the Alumni Council meeting during Commencement Weekend, where she explained the effects that "trends" are having on the College.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1967

Librarian Yates Forbis completes plan for a student book walk to transfer books from Bosler Hall to the new Spahr Library. Jerry Weiner reports on Six Day War in Israel after three and a half week tour of Sinai Peninsula. $7,000 worth of type-setting machinery purchased by The Dickinsonian to reduce publishing costs and improve typographic quality. President Rubendall opened 195th school year with speech regarding the power of youth and the changing nature of college life and society as a whole. Dean of Men N.

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