Dickinsonian, September 28, 1916

The new academic year opens with a ceremony; Professor Leon C. Prince gives matriculation sermon. Wilbur H. Norcross ’07 and G. Lafayette Cram join faculty. Miss Helen Burns ’12 becomes college librarian. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. YMCA holds annual reception for new students. Metzger Hall is renovated and fitted with electric lights; has highest occupancy yet. The deceased Professor William Lambert Gooding is remembered. Conway Hall, South College, and Biddle Field are renovated.

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Dickinsonian, September 10, 1971

Dr. Kenneth Laws appointed Assistant Dean of the College. Trustees approve construction of 96-bed housing complex. Federal aid provides money towards student drug group. Prof. Francis Warlow named Outstanding Educator of America. Marcel Marceau headlines this year's Cultural Affairs series. Flying Burrito Brothers to perform in the Dining Hall. Featured is President Rubendall's Convocation Address. Study of fraternity housing featured.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1967

Librarian Yates Forbis completes plan for a student book walk to transfer books from Bosler Hall to the new Spahr Library. Jerry Weiner reports on Six Day War in Israel after three and a half week tour of Sinai Peninsula. $7,000 worth of type-setting machinery purchased by The Dickinsonian to reduce publishing costs and improve typographic quality. President Rubendall opened 195th school year with speech regarding the power of youth and the changing nature of college life and society as a whole. Dean of Men N.

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