Dickinsonian, December 11, 1930

Plans for the 1932 edition of the Mircocosm include a Scottish motif, professional artwork and a section about intramural sports. The German Scholarship fund collected under the guidance of the German Department will be even larger this year so that the recipient will be able to travel to Germany on it. A new electric scoreboard will be purchased for the gymnasium by the Athletic Association. The death of Frank Mt. Pleasant, as reported on in the previous issue of the Dickinsonian, turns out to be untrue as the subject was found in New York a couple of days ago. Mt.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1955

"Bachelors Bend," a production by the Dickinson Follies opens tonight at the Carlisle High School auditorium. The Alumni Committee and the Faculty Fraternity Relations Committee are meeting to discuss potential changes to the fraternity system at Dickinson. A computing laboratory is being opened in South College to be used for accounting and statistical work in all departments and generally by faculty and students. Four faculty members resign: Chace Davis, Jerry Stevenson, Roy Kuebler, and HG Kenagy.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 21, 1989

Approximately 1000 student demonstrators gather on Weiss lawn in support of Committee on Student Voice's proposals and to discuss other concerns. Senior Management Group endorses proposal to have a student position in the administration. Budget stifles cafeteria plans proposed in Select Committee Report on Greek Life. New phone system connects academic and administrative buildings as well as student housing. Eaken Piano Trio performs in Rubendall Recital Hall.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 2006

The Health Center offers birth control options. The Public Affairs Symposium will focus on natural disasters. Wireless internet is now available in the HUB. The disciplinary system at Dickinson is explained. The Banner Self-Service System replaces the old Dickinson Online Confidant (DOC) for course registration. MOB hosts Valentine's Day Social. Swim teams prepare for the Centennial Conference Championships.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 2005

Ian McEwan accepts the Stellfox award, inspires young authors. The Hockey team looks to improve its reputation. Students ask for changes to dining hours. Students join a peace rally in Washington D.C. Writer's Block Club emphasizes diversity. Information Technology cracks down on violations of college policy.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 2004

Efforts made to improve relations between Carlisle and the Dickinson community. Improvements to the library planned for the summer, including new laser printer and computers, as well as a new entrance onto Britton Plaza. Policy Studies majors develop senior projects to benefit future Dickinsonians. Jive Turkeys host the fourth annual ultimate frisbee tournament. Men's Tennis boast most wins since 1960, finishing fourth in the conference.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 2004

The Geology Club visits Hawaii over Spring Break to do research on volcanoes. WDCV to change its name from "The Frequency" to it original name, "The Dickinson College Voice." Admissions projects 5000 applications for the class of 2008. Plans to install webcams in the HUB abandoned. Life in Toulouse and Malaga are examined.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 2004

Sigma Chi sanctioned over housing violations. Study shows that 70 percent of Dickinson students have cellular phone with them at Dickinson. Student Senate and the Multi-Organizational Board (MOB) unveil plans to renovate the Depot. Planned installation of chimes in Old West to be completed by the end of the semester. Composer Ralph Yusef Gawlick gives lecture to Music Department. Ban on gay marriage considered.


Dickinsonian, September 12, 2003

Apology issued to former Dean George Allan by Associate Dean Jo Anne Brown over article by David L. Kirp critiquing Dickinson in the 1990s. Usage of the Quarry discussed. File Sharing at Dickinson examined. The Corigliano Quartet visits campus. Professor Steven Lichtman serves one year in Political Science department; Jorge Sagastume serves as visiting professor in Spanish. New Trout Gallery exhibit on Grace Hartigan.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 22, 2000

Hate emails addressed. Will Napster be banned at Dickinson? New senior formal policies unveiled. ROTC unveils spring field training exercise. Drinkinsonian: Durden's Double Life. Look at those sexy legs. Bate Noice's best beer quotes. Telescope in need of repairs. Dickinson needs a new dress code. God Bless Grab-N-Go Synchronized swimming team to go to Sydney Olympics, Mercy River to play depot. Medea shakes Mathers Theater.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 2000

Alum snatches college web name. Fake tickets to Wyclef Jean minimal. Student Senate and administration approve new social space with snack bar. Greek life to undergo changes in 2000. Student senate letters of intent for 2000-2001. Earth week events set. Cogan Fellows share experiences. Dean Betsy Emerick to retire in June. Wyclef gets his groove on at ATS. Freshman to invade Depot. DTG preparing for concert.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1992

Crime rises as Safety and Security come under fire. Mike Yonas inspires compassion with Homelessness sculpture. Crunch time proves fatal for Computer rooms in the HUB, Bosler, and James Center. College graduates seek service work in bleak job market. The Spahr Library's Morris Room, not just for research. The Lumberyard's viability as fraternity social space. Marijuana use declines amidst gaining support of legalization. Spike Lee discusses the power and contemporary relevance of "X".


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1993

Student Senate faces a deficit of over $30,000 due to a book keeping error. Native American couple Archie and Ramona Mason, from the Osage and Mvskoke tribes respectively, present "Images of a People: A Presentation of native American Life" discussing their cross-cultural marriage. The Woman's Center holds multiple activities in conjunction with Rape Awareness Week. A survey reveals new statistics about rape both on and off campus. The Faculty Personnel Committee will not allow romantic relationships between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1983

Ben Bova speaks at PAS, Dr. Louis Steven Goldman (Lehigh University) talks about impact of computers, Lady mud wrestlers in Harrisburg, Richard Moberg (Drexel University) speaks at PAS on the "Role of Computers in Medicine", Panel discussion of computers at Dickinson, Dr.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1988

Dr. Ralph Abernathy, a close friend of Martin Luther King Jr. and a leader in the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott of 1955-56, spoke at the Multicultural Fair and Black Arts Festival. A new cataloging system called, 'AutoCat,' has recently been installed in the library to allow easier searching and regulating of materials. Scott W. Sinning, Class of '87, has called for a new trial against Carlisle resident Steven R. Spraglin, Alpha Chi Rho fraternity and the College for injuries caused by being shot by Spraglin with a pellet gun in the eye.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 8, 1987

Political groups growing and prospering on campus. Dr. Arthur R. Shuman discusses proposed changes to state alcohol laws and alcohol culture at colleges. College to upgrade telecommunications system. Dickinson Investment Alliance student group pursues portfolio. Fight in quad involved a non-student. Faculty invited to attend monthly student-faculty meetings. Hispanic international student talks about life at Dickinson. Howard Baum to retire as manager of the school store.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 29, 1987

New computer and writing centers in the HUB basement have been built to provide additional places for students to work. The PEER (Program for Enrichment, Education and Recreation) Program has been going strong in the Carlisle area since 1968 and provides employment opportunities for students. The theater and dance department hosts ballroom dancing courses. Dickinson's Intramural Basketball has 13 teams, the largest ever, and should provide for a competitive season.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 5, 1992

Judy Gill chosen as director of the Writing Center. Carlisle Police arrest campus intruder. 1992-93 budget eliminates stipend for freshman seminar instruction. IBM computer owners prepare for Michelangelo computer virus. Number of African-American students on campus declines as diversity is emphasized. Administrators explain and complain about gender barriers and sexism. Students work for cruelty free campus, bookstore, and world. Dickinson and Penn State choirs perform joint concert. Leon Golub receives arts award. Mermaid Player's production of Cloud Nine spurs discussion on sexuality


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1978

Fund raising has begun for the new gymnasium, where a sign already stands marking the location of the site. The ad hoc Senate committee has decided to open the closed dining hall due to dissatisfaction amongst students with the program. The College's phone system has been modified due to students abusing the phones by racking up expensive phone bills. Another ad hoc committee was established by President Sam Banks to improve the College's computing systems. Men's basketball team starts the season off victorious.


Dickinsonian, September 1, 1976

Dr. John Harris, Jr. and Samuel Witwer, Jr. chosen as College Trustees. Prof. Marjorie Fitzpatrick helps obtain French-Canadian literature for Library. Prof. Eugene Rosi begins work for Office of Health, Education and Welfare in D.C. College installs PDP 1155 computer. Pres. Sam Banks participates in staged press conference for journalism class. John Johnston is named Assistant Football and Head Baseball Coach. Incoming freshman class to be third largest in College's history. Adams Basement Committee's project to create a social gathering place "in full swing." Prof. H.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 24, 1975

Pres. Banks confirms divestment of College's Interdata 7/32 computer. College to co-host Presidency's Sixth Annual Leadership Symposium. To reduce deficit, College cuts Library's budget. Editorial cartoons related to James Buchanan will be featured in Library's May Morris Room. WDCV is set to expand its broadcast schedule. A weekly luncheon series by the Women's Resource Center is to begin. In the HUB, Prof. Clive displays truck art exhibit. Jay Levins and John Chung feature photos of Vietnamese refugees at Indiantown Gap.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1975

Library considers altering its honor system after thousands of dollars have been estimated in stolen books. Homer Holland's death does not change drinking ban in HUB. The "future of computing is up in the air" at College, as its IBM 1130 and Interdata 7/32 prove to be financially unwieldy. Eric Sloane's art collection I Remember America is to open in HUB as part of Pres. Sam Banks' inauguration ceremony. Featured is a "Food Service Task Force Position Paper."
