Dickinsonian, April 26, 2007

A participant in an Emcee Battle at the Depot shoots at students after they tried to leave the event before his group performed. For the third year, Dickinson prepares for U-Turn, a campus collection and yard sale benefiting United Way. Dance Theatre Group prepares for its fresh student choreographed concert. The Keystones hold a car bash to raise money for Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD). The Senior Gift Drive already nears its goal. The Women's Lacrosse and Softball teams continue on impressive win streaks and look toward the post season.

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Dickinsonian, November 16, 2006

The owners of Casa Mani, a popular local coffee shop, express plans to build a coffee cart in the library for Dickinson students. Juniors, especially those studying abroad, express their distaste for the current application process for living off campus. Fourteen students and four faculty members commit their winter breaks to a service trip to Jamaica. The Dance Theatre Group prepares for its fall concert "Possible Landscapes" featuring four faculty-choreographed pieces. The Women's Cross Country Team become NCAA National Champions. Both the men's and women's swim teams are undefeated.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1989

SASC, IFC and Panhel discuss the suspension of Rush. College community fasts for Oxfam benefit. Dickinson students participate in pro-choice rally in Washington, DC. Choir and Jazz perform in their annual Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Jazz. DTG presents their fall dance concert, "New Attitudes". Football team defeats Ursinus, earning 2nd consecutive Centennial Conference championship and the College's first NCAA playoff bid. Volleyball places 2nd in ECAC playoffs. Cross Country teams race in MAC championships.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 2006

Before hitting the number 400 on the last day of the housing lottery all rooms are filled, leaving many students without living arrangements for the coming year. New Dean of Students April Vari begins to assume her duties, including addressing the housing shortage. Dickinson Christian Fellowship gains financial support from the mayor of Carlisle for hurricane relief projects. Dance Theatre Group presents its spring concert "Visions, Rhythms and Contrasts" which features nine diverse student-choreographed pieces.

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Dickinsonian, November 17, 2005

School may take away pass-fail option. Some students would be lost without their pets on campus. Public art is lacking on campus. Trout Gallery carefully planning how to use $6.8 million dollar gift. Step team continues to bring the heat. DTG concert promises variety. Women's basketball looks to best regular season Centennial Conference title.

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Dickinsonian, September 10, 2004

This issue consists of articles on Sorority Rushing. Fiberglass Finding Nemo shark replica becomes a permanent campus fixture. Student Life becomes an independent division in an effort to more effectively serve students. Photographs on Fall Fest 2004. Hunger 2 Hope organization combines the efforts of the Dickinson and Carlisle communities to work for global change. Information on Dance Theater Group's upcoming auditions for their Fall production. Reflective letter on Michael Moore's public lecture.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1989

Students protest Concert Committee's selection. Chaplain Mary Anne Morefield resigns when position demoted to part-time. Kurt Faubion, area coordinator of Greek life, resigns. Lumberyard opens. Seniors Tamara Baker, Laura Keys and George Staib choreograph for Dance Theatre Group's spring show. Doris Smith retires. Men's Basketball wins Sam Schoenfield Sportsmanship Award.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 2001

Springfest occurred, met with good weather and mixed reactions from the student body. The first annual Deli Night was well-attended. Keith Rodgers and Skip Stevenson are doing a 50-hour radio marathon for autism. A lip syncing contest capped off Greek week 2001. The Student Senate held their last meeting of the year. Morgan Hall won the Freshman Olympics. Adam Ferullo reviews President Bush's first 100 days in office. A poll of students reveals that most freshmen are pleased with Dickinson, but that half of them have considered transferring.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 2000

Students have mixed feelings about the new class registration system. Wildlife at the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and Field Laboratory is being harmed by an overpopulation of deer. Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Ashley Myers and Allyson Ayers write an article about turnitin.com, the new online way that teachers can see if their students have plagiarized. The editors editorial questions the purpose of the various physical renovations happening to Dickinson's campus. Students are interviewed about their views on whether affirmative action could be used to bring men to campus.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 2000

Alum snatches college web name. Fake tickets to Wyclef Jean minimal. Student Senate and administration approve new social space with snack bar. Greek life to undergo changes in 2000. Student senate letters of intent for 2000-2001. Earth week events set. Cogan Fellows share experiences. Dean Betsy Emerick to retire in June. Wyclef gets his groove on at ATS. Freshman to invade Depot. DTG preparing for concert.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Gulf War-inspired Silent Vigil for Peace takes place at town square. Health Center notes increased illness among students. Controversy over Senior Class President Mark Broadhurst resolved. 1991 Multicultural Fair and Black/African American Arts Festival begin. Men's basketball team advances to NCAA playoffs. Common hour speakers focus on U.S. refugee policy. Stephen Katz elected as Student Senate Vice President. College club examines Greek life. Peggy Reeves Sanday to lecture on date rape. Dance Theatre Group interprets popular songs. Independent Choreographers Exchange to perform.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1991

In lieu of recent attacks on students by townspeople, campus security offers safety suggestions. David Gergen and others speak on "changing Europe" in PAS. Peter Hilton-Kingdon resigns as Senate VP. Don't Mall the Trees Rally deemed a success by DARE member Justin Weaver. Prof. Dennis Akin's works on paintings inspired by Nikos Kazantzakis' "Spiritual Exercises." Sculptor Charles Simonds visits College. Pete Barry and Anne Flounders present "Love Letters" play. Dance Theater Group to perform. The College's financial aid is discussed.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1998

William G. Durden, the first presidential candidate, visits College campus. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) letter latest in ongoing campus debate following the "March Against Hate". Curriculum reform in high gear - course requirements may be reduced. Student Senate condemns SAE sanction. College eliminates $300 preregistration fee. Financial aid adds Judy Carter. School reformist Bill Ayers speaks at Common Hour. Lovebone performs on Drayer Porch. Shippensburg hosts MTV shindig.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1997

David McCullough to deliver 1998 Commencement address; Alleged hazing incidents spark administrative crackdown; Senate committee aims to reclaim Depot for student use; "Outbreak" scientists discuss experience with ebola virus; President's Task Force calls for new international focus; College alumna Jennifer Ringley has 24-hour webcam in her room; Students for a Free Tibet participate in D.C. rally; DTG to perform with Dance Alloy; New music class offers chance to explore lesser-studied female artists

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Dickinsonian, April 20, 1995

Prof. Daniel Bechtel retires. Raven's Claw to tap 100th class on Old Stone Steps. Prof. Neil Weissman appointed Director of Clarke Center. Morgan Lecture delivered by Paul Fussell. College prepares for composer Lalo Schifrin's arrival. Administrator Charles Seller retires. Model UN group forms. Looking Glass Theatre seeks to "promote diversity" through orientation skits.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1995

College prepares for Depot opening. Senior Denise Frisbie killed in an auto accident. Dickinson grad Dr. Lisa A. Rossbacher to assume duties as the new Dean of the College. Fifth annual Emerging Leader Retreat teaches organizational skills & keys to success to campus enterprises. SAT requirement dropped to attract students, says a student. Student discusses the benefits of brewing beer at home. DTG reveals details of their spring lineup.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Four professors earn tenure while several others did not . Seniors get ready to break the rules during senior week. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese details polarization between the executive branch and congress. Dean Carmen Neuberger bids college farewell. United way/College needs assessment of Carlisle, Part 2. UVA bans student-teacher sexual relationships. DTG Spring concert draws E-motion from the critics.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1993

Careless attitudes about alcohol and sex make men and women victims. College responds to rape with support and education. Needs assessment project examines Carlisle community problems. Students respond to professors survey. Concert Committee drags Violent Femmes from the '80s. Congressman Bill Goodling battles federal work-study service program. Career center scrambles to alleviate problems caused by mail fraud. DTG's E-Motion hits the mark. Lab Theater Shows spring into action. 1993 Weiss Prize winners shine in "Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia".


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1993

Greek Week hopes for happy, happy. Elvis has just left the Concert Committee. Emerick replaces Neuberger as Educational Services Dean. Lessons of Los Angeles; one year later colleges mobilize for activism. Lip-Sync expected to draw its usual crowd during Greek Week. Springfest takes us back to the quad. The silent victims of sexual harassment. Harassment effects Dickinson, too. Weiss Prize winners are a panorama of talent. Miami project benefits from Greek Consortium. Dance Theatre represents "Metamorphosis in Art".


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1993

Suspense grows for announcement of graduation speaker. Poor recruiting does not reflect job market. Clinton will not increase individual Pell grants. College fills Communications and Development post. Coat thefts baffle Security. Students keep to the tradition of Florida for Spring Break. Black History at Dickinson is explored. Tischler tells concert committee to keep Phish-in'. The Eaken Piano Trio: Balance in performance. DTG's Freshworks hands audience new look.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1992

Weekend cross burning inflames Carlisle community. Trout Gallery to display AIDS quilt. Week planned to raise awareness about homelessness. Clinton faces voter mandate. Beta Theta Pi beats Sigma Chi in race for Senate funding. Baseball caps have become popular on campus. Hudlin Brothers find success and social consciousness. DTG's "Company D" gives audience an imaginative range of talent.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 1992

Election day preview. Carlisle streets struck by wave of drug crimes. H. Ross tells America to get with the "Perot-gram". Three way race heads for finish. College needs to reassess its handicap accessibility. This year's congressional election dubbed "The Year of the Woman". Grace Jarvis and Student Senate clash over student representation. Voter participation at record high. Moscow trip didn't make students Communists. Bush and Clinton debate education. Carlisle Theatre's revitalization plan underway. Campus Rock the Vote succeeds.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1993

Recent alumni return to offer advice on careers and life in the real world. ODK taps 30 new members. Campus officer Robert Whisler of Safety and Security graduates as valedictorian of his Municipal Police Training Course. Prof. Sanford Pinsker of Franklin and Marshall College spoke on the question "Is the Jewish-American Experience Over?" As part of Multi-Cultural Awareness Week, Lawrence Otis Graham spoke about racism in his experiences as an Invisible Man. A shopping guide is released that rates stores on a scale of public-correctness.

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Dickinsonian, March 17, 1983

The faculty suspended the Nisbet Scholars program for a semester, citing the influence of the Freshman Seminar program and lack of available faculty as reasons for the suspension. Acclaimed writer Jorge Luis Borges is slated to speak at Dickinson. The 12-hour Whole Earth House Dance Marathon raised over $1,000 for cancer research. Sally Rooney, a clinical psychologist and lecturer on the presence of anorexia in American society, spoke on Monday night at an event sponsored by Effort. Dean George Allan proposed strengthening the academic curriculum at Dickinson.
