Dickinsonian, February 1, 2007

Dickinson students are sued by their landlord for the way they treated their apartment. Sigma Chi fraternity, who recently sued the college, is denied preliminary injunction. The new Associate Dean Tim Poirier arrives on campus to assist his former colleague April Vari. At least fourteen Dickinson students join an anti-war demonstration in Washington D.C. Pennsylvania raises its minimum wage and thus Dickinson student workers see a pay increase.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Gulf War-inspired Silent Vigil for Peace takes place at town square. Health Center notes increased illness among students. Controversy over Senior Class President Mark Broadhurst resolved. 1991 Multicultural Fair and Black/African American Arts Festival begin. Men's basketball team advances to NCAA playoffs. Common hour speakers focus on U.S. refugee policy. Stephen Katz elected as Student Senate Vice President. College club examines Greek life. Peggy Reeves Sanday to lecture on date rape. Dance Theatre Group interprets popular songs. Independent Choreographers Exchange to perform.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1971

Harold Howe, a vice-president of the Ford Foundation and former U.S. commissioner of Education, will be the speaker at Commencement. Senior William Durden is awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. May Day plans are elaborated on. The India Semester program will continue over the summer. Wheel and Chain and ODK tap members. PEER will conduct its annual fund-raising auction. Information on completing an interdepartmental major is given. The Cumberland Conservancy Committee on Recycling prepares for their first collection of solid waste materials.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1971

At their most recent meeting, the faculty passes changes in the academic program: a new academic calendar is adopted and the modern language requirement adopted calls for three semesters of instruction in a language. Fred Lumb resigns his position as Executive Director of Communications and Development. The federally funded work-study program has run out of money. Former Student Senate president Jack Stower addresses the Senate on Dickinson's judicial system. The Follies production of "Carnival" is well performed, but dated.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1970

Having surpassed its fund raising goal for trees, the Student Senate approved a motion to donate the excess funds to the Carlisle Shade Tree Commission. Organizers of the Harrisburg Urban Semester will be available to speak with interested students. Wheel and Chain and ODK will sponsor Songfest for Parents' Day. A Student Cooperative Store is being organized to sell new, used, and hand-made articles. Dr. A.L. Rowse, a renowned expert on Shakespeare, will speak at the College. The Mermaid Players will present the comedy "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" by Ostrovsky.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1970

Students vote to strike in protest of the "ever-widening war in Indochina," specifically the expansion of U.S. troops into Cambodia and the resumption of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. They will strike for an indefinite period and students will gather for a review in two days. A Referendum survey is also published for all students to fill out. Students receive a permit for a march past the War College. Some 75 students block the main entrances to Denny Hall while the planning committees meet. President Rubendall will call a faculty meeting to discuss student anti-war strikes.

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