Dickinsonian, October 19, 1940

It’s the second annual Parents’ Weekend! Fifteen students meet to discuss their desire to start a Spanish Club on campus. Twenty students begin working with the Civil Aeronautics Authority to receive private pilot’s licenses. The Willkie Club of Dickinson College holds its first meeting as the republican counterpart to the Roosevelt Club. The 1940 Microcosm is placed in the top forty-five of all college yearbooks in the country as ranked by the National Scholastic Press Association. The honorary journalistic society Alpha Sigma Gamma initiates five new students into its ranks.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1957

The recent Parents' Weekend boasted an attendance of over 1200. Dickinson will hold a Campus Chest Week to raise money for various charities. The Belle Lettres society will hold its first literary conversation of the year, entitled "Shakespeare on the Modern Stage" and led by Professor Edward Brubaker of F&M (brother of Drama professor David Brubaker), Dr. William Bowden, Dean Frederic Ness and student Anne Saunders. The second annual Student Leadership Training Conference will be held at Camp Michaux to discuss school problems.

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Dickinsonian, October 15, 1954

The Admissions Test for Graduate School in Business will be offered this coming year as more schools require it for entrance into their graduate programs. Irvine Smith, the Director of Debate at Dickinson, is elected Vice President of the Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges. There is a push to change the premise of Parents' Day to highlight the inner workings of a liberal arts college rather than simply have a schedule of events that shows what life is like at the college.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1954

Outstanding visiting preachers will be visiting the chapel for worship services. Dickinson is holding a tax workshop to give business executives, bank representatives and other interested people a chance to familiarize themselves with new tax laws. These tax revisions are the greatest revisions in the history of federal taxation. The Mermaid Players will be performing "Lo and Behold" on Parents' Weekend (October 14-16) in Bosler Hall. Beginning October 6, music programs will be taking place daily in the Sharp Room in the library. This week there will be a piano quintet and a symphony.

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1990

The importance of all-college committee considered. Senior Leah Goldfarb gives lecture on pornography. Dickinson College and Franklin and Marshall College participate in a symposium concerning Gulf Crisis. Alcohol Awareness Week events recapped. Parents' Weekend activities discussed. Athletics faces major budget issues, which hamper performance.

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1984

Interview with Dr. Michael A. Carrera highlights Sexuality Education Week, urges broader understanding of sexuality as involving more than physical intimacy. New London study abroad program established. The year-long program, offered at University College, is designed for Fine Arts, Music, Dramatic Arts, History and English students. Prof. William Harms to direct program. Dickinson reports low unemployment average, mirrors national report. Parents' Weekend profiled. Student poll to name Snack Bar taken. Four names in contention: The Atrium, Devil's Den, Union Station and The Mermaid.

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1983

The College threatens to not renew the leases of Phi Kappa Sigma and Kappa Sigma fraternities if their conduct does not change. The All-College Student Affairs and Services Committee will begin an extensive examination of the role that alcohol plays on campus over the next few weeks. A biography of William S. Masland, President of the Board of Trustees, is given on his time as a student at the college as well as Board president. The Mermaid Players thrill audiences with their production of Cat.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1991

Forum addresses the "Stop the Violence" controversy surrounding fraternities. Greek students adjust to first year of sophomore rush period. Cafeteria renovations planned to occur over winter break. Parents weekend to feature a book discussion. Review of Public Enemy's "Return of the Hard", HBO's movie "The Highlander", and the band Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Record store opens in Carlisle. Editorial calls for college to place greater focus on social issues. The Gulf war causes culture shock for both Americans and Saudis. Students Participate in a summer Russian Immersion program.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1975

Parents' Weekend activities will honor President Rubendall. The Union Philosophical Society resumes activities. The Senate voted unanimously that the faculty restore honorary status to Skull and Key. IPR (Institutional Resources and Priorities) presidential candidates are announced. A biography of President Rubendall and his career at Dickinson is given.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1975

The College-Community Orchestra and College Choir will preform together along with featured guest cellist Michael Haran for Parents' Weekend. WDCV continues to make plans for improvement, including expanding airtime and adding a greater variety of programs. A gallery of the Black Arts Festival "The Black Light of Truth" is given. The Men's Tennis team looses the first time this season.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1971

Harold Howe, a vice-president of the Ford Foundation and former U.S. commissioner of Education, will be the speaker at Commencement. Senior William Durden is awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. May Day plans are elaborated on. The India Semester program will continue over the summer. Wheel and Chain and ODK tap members. PEER will conduct its annual fund-raising auction. Information on completing an interdepartmental major is given. The Cumberland Conservancy Committee on Recycling prepares for their first collection of solid waste materials.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1968

The fourth annual Derby Day Steal sponsored by Sigma Chi kicked off Parents' weekend. Both East College and Bosler Hall had to put off renovation due to fund shortages. Tom Martin, president of the Student Senate, outlined the challenges that are to be faced by the student representative on a faculty committee. Suzanne Lail was elected president of the Women's Interdormitory Council. Dr. Alfred Levin and Dr. Stephen Coslett are proposing a speed reading class to the administration. A group of six geology students led by Professor H.W.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1967

Spahr Library opens for the first time after book walk. Dickinson gears up for approaching parents' weekend. Yom Kippur services are announced, with a schedule of services and an explanation of Yom Kippur included. Vienna Symphony concert series set to begin Friday, October 13th, at Carlisle Senior High School as part of the Dickinson College Greatest Artist Series. International Studies program in Bologna grows in popularity as it continues to evolve. ODK Conference was reviewed as successful in stimulating discussion but not necessarily in generating conclusions.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1970

The Policy Committee will present two resolutions to faculty at their next meeting: 1. The ROTC will be abolished on campus. 2. No academic credit will be granted for courses in the ROTC program. Student Senate invalidated the election results for the Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee due to unclear ballots. Elections are held by Student Senate for multiple committees. Two professors and six students attend the Soviet-American Peace Convocation. The Pa Consortium will sponsor the Summer Transition Program again.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1970

Dr. Stanley Nodder is appointed Associate Dean to succeed Dr. Merle Allshouse. The highlights of Parents Weekend are revealed. Black poet Don Lee will give a discussion on what it means to be black at Dickinson. Senate passes its budget without any changes. Senatorial Candidate Norval Reece will have a campaign rally on the campus. Kaiser publishes an environmental pamphlet on "The Man-Made Planet." The Mermaid players will preform the classic comedy "The Man Who Came to Dinner" for their final production of the season. Also included is a special supplement compiling a report on ROTC.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1969

The Student Mobilization Committee finalizes its plans to attend the Vietnam Moratorium and faculty urges it's support as well. Action against the Vietnam conflict and participation in Moratorium on other college campuses is also covered. A workshop is held to discuss incorporating the study of black culture into the curricula. An interesting letter to the editor calls for a "No Sex Before Marriage Club." The Physics Club had its first meeting of the season discussing UFOs. Pan-Hel held a meeting to plan for a new sorority, however no one attended.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1966

The newly established Faculty Student Affairs Committee will officially begin to study effects of the experimental Social Rules beginning in the fall. Four paintings were stolen from the Student Union art display. A recent survey reveals that "goldbricking" is among the most popular college activities. A survey reveals students eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and praying habits. A campus wide survey of students revealed varying opinions on the Vietnam war. Dickinson's Young Socialists Club is officially disbanded.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1966

A two weekend test period of the new expanded social rules is put agreed upon. A schedule of events for parent's weekend is given. David Bedick and Kenn Claus debate the "god is dead" belief. Dickinson's track and field team continue to go undefeated.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1965

Female students will be allowed above the first floor of all men's residence halls from 7:30 to 8:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 26 to collect donations for the 1965 endowment fund. Opposition to Governor Scranton's "Operation Focus" anti-poverty program is discussed. Editor Maurice Girodais's "The Olympia Reader", a book containing many stories considered to be pornographic, is to be published. ODK will offer an annual Songfest. Final changes to the 1965-66 Social Rules were agreed upon by a faculty sub-committee based upon senate requests.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1961

Report on the trial of Robert Meisenbach after San Fransisco student protest of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Ben Giorgio names new Editor-in-Chief of Microcosm. Letter from Dr. Rubendall to the college prior to his arrival. Professor Wishmeyer and Dean Barbara Stevens marry. ROTC inspections successful. Editorial on American Association of University Professors and on Dr. Rubendall. Aquacade performances receive great acclaim. Recap of Agnes DeMille's opening talk of Arts Festival. Anticipating Parents Weekend activities. Phi Mu Alpha to present concert. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1960

Senator Joseph S. Clark Addresses Dickinsonians; Predicts Landslide Victory for Kennedy. Mermaid Players cast fall production. Religion-In-Life week to be held. Concert Chorale to open their concert season with a concert. Belles Lettres publications to combine press efforts. Parents' weekend schedule announced. Publishers, not the college bookstore, are the reason for High Textbook prices. Seri Sakhabut speaks about Thailand's development and problems. New Christian association to start holding morning devotions. Chapel program will feature "great preachers" series, including Dr.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1960

New method of orienting freshmen discussed. Profile of the Young Republican Club. Nineteen new faculty members welcomed to Dickinson. Library devises new system to prevent books from being stolen. Student who had studied at American University of Beirut comments on the political awareness of students abroad. Piece on the misery of freshmen. Washington Semester discussed by students. Professor Naff and two students are given a one-year research grant by the National Science Foundation. Dixieland Jazz and rock 'n roll to be featured on campus. Sixty-five students make the Dean's List.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1960

Campaigning has begun for class officer elections, to be held May 17. Wheel and Chain selects six new members. Five Dickinson students represented the college at the Mid-Atlantic Model UN General Assembly, held in Albany, NY. Jerome Kuykendall will chair the Parent's Advisory Council. Committee on Racial Discrimination is formed, and publishes the "Campus CRI-er." Parent's Weekend is success. Course changes for next year are announced. Annual ROTC award ceremony is held. Music students to hold recitals. Count Basie to perform at Spring Formal.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1960

Dr. Herbert Wing will retire after 45 years of service to the college. More Parents' Weekend activities are announced. Freshman counselors for next year are announced. Aquatic Club presents its annual Aquacade. Campus men are given a tour of Drayer Hall, a women's dorm. The first Arts Festival will end with the Mermaid Players final presentation of "Major Barbara." The new "Literary Bulletin" is well received. Debate team places fifth at Rutgers. Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army, will speak at Commencement Exercises. The Mary Dickinson Club awards its first scholarship.

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