Dickinsonian, October 24, 1940

The reorganization of the Harman Literary Society is decided by a group of seven female students interested in the furthering of a literary and discussion group. The Dickinson Dramatic Club selects "Charley's Aunt" for their first production of the academic year and will be shown December sixth. The Wilkie Club will be holding a debate against the College Democrats regarding the 1940 presidential race. Two faculty members and three seniors are elected to the Lambda Sigma Phi honorary scientific fraternity.


Dickinsonian, October 19, 1940

It’s the second annual Parents’ Weekend! Fifteen students meet to discuss their desire to start a Spanish Club on campus. Twenty students begin working with the Civil Aeronautics Authority to receive private pilot’s licenses. The Willkie Club of Dickinson College holds its first meeting as the republican counterpart to the Roosevelt Club. The 1940 Microcosm is placed in the top forty-five of all college yearbooks in the country as ranked by the National Scholastic Press Association. The honorary journalistic society Alpha Sigma Gamma initiates five new students into its ranks.
