Dickinsonian, April 30, 1971

The Bernard Center for Humanities, the former East College, is dedicated. A thorough debate of the college Governance is made from multiple angles. The Mermaid Player's last production of the season "Time of Your Life" receives good reviews. Two college guards are arrested in connection with recent robberies. The college hosts its first intercollegiate bowling meet.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1968

The fourth annual Derby Day Steal sponsored by Sigma Chi kicked off Parents' weekend. Both East College and Bosler Hall had to put off renovation due to fund shortages. Tom Martin, president of the Student Senate, outlined the challenges that are to be faced by the student representative on a faculty committee. Suzanne Lail was elected president of the Women's Interdormitory Council. Dr. Alfred Levin and Dr. Stephen Coslett are proposing a speed reading class to the administration. A group of six geology students led by Professor H.W.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1968

Senate President Tom Marin called for an all-college referendum to vote on the $5 raise of the Comprehensive Fee that all students pay to the Student Senate. The 1968 Mock Open Convention opens at 6 P.M. on this day, featuring Congressman Richard Schweiker as the Keynote Speaker. Sam and Dave failed to honor their contract to perform at Dickinson College, as Sam did not show up to play. New members were inducted on Tuesday to Pi Delta Epsilon, the national journalism fraternity. Sigma Chi is set to sponsor its annual Derby Day on Parents Weekend, May 3-4.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1970

Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science courses should count for credit, and faculty selection for the program. Wheel and Chain inducts eight new members. President Rubendall pushes back coed housing plans until '71. the Seventh Annual Sigma Chi Derby Day Chase and contest begin. The Byrds gave a fantastic concert to kick off Spring Weekend.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 13, 1966

Students are outraged by faculty's refusal to accept IFC's or PanHel's rush rules. The Independent Students of Dickinson College vote to make their government based on representation by dorms rather than by open meeting. Malcom Hall men's dormitory as well as a new woman's dormitory are set to open. Ground is broke on the new library. The golf team finishes out the season with a record of 12-1.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 6, 1966

The newly established Faculty Student Affairs Committee will officially begin to study effects of the experimental Social Rules beginning in the fall. Four paintings were stolen from the Student Union art display. A recent survey reveals that "goldbricking" is among the most popular college activities. A survey reveals students eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and praying habits. A campus wide survey of students revealed varying opinions on the Vietnam war. Dickinson's Young Socialists Club is officially disbanded.
