Dickinsonian, March 31, 1972

Prof. George Pimental receives Priestley Award. Senate plans major ROTC forum. Ernest Talbot, the College's new Director of Security, discusses his role on campus. The Platform Committee plans hearings to formulate convention platform. Dean Gillespie announces departure from College.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1971

In the Social Hall, trustees hear opinions on housing from independent and fraternity men. At a Senate meeting, Dean Gillespie presents enforcement of controversial "pet policy" while Student Senate continues to oppose it. Dr. Phillip Gustafson wins Glover Award. Women's Group forms. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review The Deer Lodge Inn in Mt. Holly Springs. In ATS, the College-Community Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Fred Petty, plan to perform its first concert.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1969

Dean Gillespie outlines the disorderly conduct charges on Ron Lane. Controversy surrounds Prof. Daniel Crofts after his refusing draft induction. Court finds Lane guilty of disorderly conduct. Michael Bloom awarded Summerfield Scholar of the Year by Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Voegelin to guest lecture. In Cultural Affairs event, flutist Julius Baker to perform. Dr. Anthony Mach is interviewed about Summer Transition Program.

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Dickinsonian, June 1, 1968

New York Times Columnist James B. Reston spoke at commencement. Charges of slander were leveled against Clarke W. Garrett, who reportedly made comments about Larry J. Warner in one of his classes. Gen. Harold K. Johnson is set to address ROTC graduates. David F. Brubaker received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching at a Trustees' Meeting on May 30. Phi Beta Kappa voted on new members. 18 members of the Dickinsonian community are planning to study art and religion in India over the summer.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1968

Senate President Tom Marin called for an all-college referendum to vote on the $5 raise of the Comprehensive Fee that all students pay to the Student Senate. The 1968 Mock Open Convention opens at 6 P.M. on this day, featuring Congressman Richard Schweiker as the Keynote Speaker. Sam and Dave failed to honor their contract to perform at Dickinson College, as Sam did not show up to play. New members were inducted on Tuesday to Pi Delta Epsilon, the national journalism fraternity. Sigma Chi is set to sponsor its annual Derby Day on Parents Weekend, May 3-4.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1968

Dean Samuel Magill resigned as Dean of the College. Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak during Parent's Weekend in a College Lecture Series program. Dean Gillespie announced that Malcolm Hall will remain an independent men's dormitory. The "Sam and Dave Concert" will perform for the beginning of Spring Weekend. Arthure Hoppe wrote an opinion piece entitled "The Liberal Man Makes it to Heaven on Humility". The IFC decided to shorten the time period allotted for rush and create a hearing board for rush violations. WDCV institutes some changes as the radio station ushers in FM broadcasting.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1968

A rumored change in Dickinson's food service provoked a student outcry. Dean Gillespie has announced Thomas W. Carver as the new Dean of Men. John Bakeless is set to lecture on Thomas Conrad at the Spahr Library on April 5 at 8 P.M. 20 students were selected to be part of the Center for International Studies in Bologna. The faculty passed a new law regarding student athletics, stating that it is the individual students responsibility to make up missed work if classes were skipped for athletic events.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1968

Student Senate elections were held, with Tom Martin elected as president of the Senate. The Mermaid Players are slated to perform Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals" starting February 29 and ending March 2. Bucknell, Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Gettysburg, and Wilson are set to hold meetings to decide what to do with a grant from the Danforth Commission. Paul Kaylor announced that the Public Affairs Symposium for 1969 would be more of a symposium than a lecture series. The IFC held a series of lectures on life within a fraternity.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1968

The Back Alley Quintet is set to perform on Valentine Weekend in the Social Hall. Nine candidates for the various Student Senate positions unveiled their campaigns in the last week. The IFC held a series of lectures on fraternity life. Dean Gillespie announced that students over the age of 21 could now live in off-campus housing, under certain stipulations. The Rococo Company "Baroque" group is set to perform this weekend. A "moderate epidemic" of German measles arrived on campus, affecting twenty students, according to a nurses report.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1968

Dave Totaro assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian. The Dana Foundation announced a $250,000 grant to Dickinson to support teaching. The Public Affairs Symposium explores the possibility of using television as a medium for their presentations. Two students were suspended from the school for the remainder of the semester. Al Juechter was voted the new President of the Interfraternity Council. Merle Allshouse is set to replace Richard Waner as Associate Dean of the College effective July 1.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1967

The Mermaid Players open "A Man for All Seasons", their first performance of the year. The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet is scheduled to play on Friday, Nov. 17, 1967 at the Carlisle Senior High School Gymnasium. David Hagan of the Dickinson College faculty will give a piano recital, Nov. 12 at 3 P.M. in the Holland Union Building. Dean Gillespie appoints Andrew Hecker to the position of Dean of Men, effective Nov. 13, 1967. Turtle Trot scheduled for 4:15 on Saturday in the Holland Union social hall. Article regarding Prof.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1967

A detailed description of the night's homecoming activities is presented, with historian Dr. Henry Steele Commager's speech slated as the headlining event. The Mermaid Players are slated to present their first play of the year, "A Man for All Seasons". John Ogdon, a pianist from New York City, is scheduled to play in the Carlisle Junior High School Auditorium on November 6th. Professor Ken Laws assists NICAP in study of UFOs in the Carlisle-Harrisburg region. The Dickinsonian announces a "turtle trot" race.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1967

Three separate incidents involving violence directed against Dickinson students and personnel by local Carlisle youths occurred over the past week, resulting in new security precautions taken by Dickinson campus police, including a second patrolman for the night guard and two way radios for communication with the Carlisle Borough police. The original mermaid from on top of Old West was returned after being taken to New York by a Dickinson dropout.


Dickinsonian, March 23, 1967

The duties and plans of new chaplain Paul Kaylor are discussed. Next year's cultural affairs presentations are announced and include The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet and Odetta. President Rubendall announces a "redefinition" of Dean of Student duties for forthcoming position-holder Prof. Harold Gillespie.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1967

Prof. Harold Gillespie accepts Dean of Students position. College collects million dollars toward drive to match Ford Challenge grant. Three students - John Exdell, Al Kliner, and Ed Phillips - receive the Woodrow Wilson Scholarship. Stew Glenn analyzes recent student demonstrations and reviews proposal for voting privileges. Women's Interdormitory Council passes changes concerning women's residences. Lack of parking space noted. Faculty rules out new fraternities. Bologna students examine Italian culture. "Ultramodern" library construction proceeds on schedule.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1960

Parents' Weekend preparations are being made. Rifle squad takes 10th place in national competition. Dean Ness is appointed to the governor's higher education committee. Charles Wagner is named outstanding freshman of the year. Four new faculty members are announced. Theodor Uppman and the film "Potemkin" are given favorable reviews. Oscar-viewing parties are reported. "Ben Hur" is big winner. Dickinson Chorale returns from tour. Annual song-fest is held by Zeta Tau Alpha, to benefit the National Foundation for Crippled Children.

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