Dickinsonian, November 10, 1960

Following up on a report from the Middle States Association, the need for a library expansion and improvement is discussed. The Social Rules Evaluation Committee met to discuss possible changes in the social rules. A new literary bulletin appeared on campus. A weekly Dickinson radio show will begin, featuring members of the Dickinson chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, a national honorary music fraternity. The question of whether or not to have a fraternity quadrangle will be decided at a meeting in December. The girls' hockey team beat Susquehanna in their last game of the season.

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Dickinsonian, December 14, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Omicron Delta Kappa tap seven. Students approve SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee)proposal for drinking rules. "The Hadar Group" to perform. Trustees use part of government loan for student housing. Irene Tar tells of her experiences in Hungary. Series of French films to be shown. Delta Phi Alpha presents Christmas program. Dr. Charles D. Kepner to speak in chapel. Students discuss Religion-in-Life Week 1960. Fraternity houses elect new leaders for second semester. Swimming take 33rd straight win. D-club attracts greater campus recognition.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) discusses regulations and enforcements of drinking rules. Glee Club concert choose "Wintersong" as theme. Follies to present "The Boyfriend". Physics Dept. receive grant for nuclear devices. RILW (Religion-in-life Week) at Dickinson for one week. Istvan Jalsovicsk talks about need for Hungarian freedom. Dick Tull answers questions on the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council). Pi Delta Epsilon taps 6 new members. Dr. C. Vann Woodward and Dr. Cornelius Kruse to visit.

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Dickinsonian, November 18, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) endorses alcohol enforcement by fraternities. Faculty revise committee structure. Senator John. F. Kennedy creates the Point Four Youth Corps. Larry Gray voted Freshman class president. Dame Judith Anderson receives the Wedgwood Medallion of the 1960 DC Arts Award. Dickinson inaugurates coed gym classes. Belles Lettres Review give modern poetry reading. Bosler Hall Art Gallery exhibits work of Colonel John D. Pusey. Prof. Ernest Kuhinka explains communism.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1960

This issue features an interview with incoming college president Dr. Howard Rubendall. In a campus-wide mock-election, students overwhelmingly favored Nixon, although the faculty preferred Kennedy. The Mermaid Players present their first production of the season, "Arsenic and Old Lace." A comic, called "Hugger Mutter," was introduced to the paper. Dame Judith Anderson was announced as the recipient of the Dickinson College Art's Award. The presidential election will be broadcast from several televisions in South College, with students invited to make predictions.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 1960

This issue focuses on the social rules at Dickinson. A group of seniors formed a group to evaluated these rules, while, inside, articles reflecting the opinions of the Deans, students, and faculty on the social rules are presented. The Middle States Association's evaluation of Dickinson discusses the curriculum of the school. A letter to the editor notes the lack of recreational activities available, both on and off of campus. A freshman from Taiwan discusses his hopes and fears with regards to relations between the United States and China.

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Dickinsonian, October 21, 1960

In this issue, the American Chemical Society announced its accreditation of Dickinson, while the Middle States Association released favorable criticism of the sciences at Dickinson. International opera singers Pierrette Alaria and Leopold Simoneau are to visit Dickinson. Student Senate endorsed a Political Awareness week. The Military Ball, thrown by Dickinson ROTC, will be held October 28. Dickinson received approval for a loan to build a new women's dormitory. The experience of a Nepalese student, Chiran Thepa, is discussed.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1960

This issue contains an article as well as an editorial concerning Dickinson's accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Student Senate approved loaning money to put towards a radio station at Dickinson. Professor John C. Pflaum, who recently returned from a trip to Russia, is featured, as well as German exchange student Dirk Bothe. An interview with a Professor Gavrilovic discusses the selection of New York for the United Nations. A letter to the editor explained the policies of Fraternity rushing.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1960

Senator Joseph S. Clark Addresses Dickinsonians; Predicts Landslide Victory for Kennedy. Mermaid Players cast fall production. Religion-In-Life week to be held. Concert Chorale to open their concert season with a concert. Belles Lettres publications to combine press efforts. Parents' weekend schedule announced. Publishers, not the college bookstore, are the reason for High Textbook prices. Seri Sakhabut speaks about Thailand's development and problems. New Christian association to start holding morning devotions. Chapel program will feature "great preachers" series, including Dr.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1960

New method of orienting freshmen discussed. Profile of the Young Republican Club. Nineteen new faculty members welcomed to Dickinson. Library devises new system to prevent books from being stolen. Student who had studied at American University of Beirut comments on the political awareness of students abroad. Piece on the misery of freshmen. Washington Semester discussed by students. Professor Naff and two students are given a one-year research grant by the National Science Foundation. Dixieland Jazz and rock 'n roll to be featured on campus. Sixty-five students make the Dean's List.

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Dickinsonian, June 4, 1960

Ten senior students have been chosen for Who's Who. Senior Class establishes The Gilbert Malcolm Scholarship. The 1960 edition of "The Microcosm" is dedicated to Dr. Herbert Wing. Herbert Wing, Wilber Brucker, Ray Crist ann John Bonnell will all receive honorary degrees at commencement. United States Steel Foundation donates $20,000 for scholarships. Charles Flint Kellogg is appointed Acting Chair of History Department. Significant events of the academic year are recalled. Seven new faculty members are hired, three professors will leave. Dr.


Dickinsonian, May 13, 1960

Nominees for Spring Formal Queen are announced, Alpha Psi Omega admits six new members. Men's Glee Club to present its annual Spring Concert. The next Religion in Life Week is planned for November 13th to 17th. Faculty protests arms tests. Radio station is approved after ten years of discussion. Library receives three collections of historically important materials. Follies selects new officers. Omicron Delta Kappa admits two students and one professor. The Belles Lettres Society combines The Hornbook and The Literary Bulletin. Five plays to be presented by freshmen.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1960

Campaigning has begun for class officer elections, to be held May 17. Wheel and Chain selects six new members. Five Dickinson students represented the college at the Mid-Atlantic Model UN General Assembly, held in Albany, NY. Jerome Kuykendall will chair the Parent's Advisory Council. Committee on Racial Discrimination is formed, and publishes the "Campus CRI-er." Parent's Weekend is success. Course changes for next year are announced. Annual ROTC award ceremony is held. Music students to hold recitals. Count Basie to perform at Spring Formal.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1960

Dr. Herbert Wing will retire after 45 years of service to the college. More Parents' Weekend activities are announced. Freshman counselors for next year are announced. Aquatic Club presents its annual Aquacade. Campus men are given a tour of Drayer Hall, a women's dorm. The first Arts Festival will end with the Mermaid Players final presentation of "Major Barbara." The new "Literary Bulletin" is well received. Debate team places fifth at Rutgers. Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army, will speak at Commencement Exercises. The Mary Dickinson Club awards its first scholarship.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1960

In this issue, Tim Dinger is named new editor of "The Microcosm." Betsey Wylie will take over editing the "Literary Bulletin." "The Dickinsonian" will add three new members to its staff. Parents' Day plans continue. Dean Ness announced that a course in Russian will be offered next year. Founder's Weekend plans will include presentations by professors Flowers and Schecter. Rev. George H. Spells of White Hill Institution, met with students to discuss racial issues. The Debate Club is to compete at Rutgers.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1960

Parents' Weekend preparations are being made. Rifle squad takes 10th place in national competition. Dean Ness is appointed to the governor's higher education committee. Charles Wagner is named outstanding freshman of the year. Four new faculty members are announced. Theodor Uppman and the film "Potemkin" are given favorable reviews. Oscar-viewing parties are reported. "Ben Hur" is big winner. Dickinson Chorale returns from tour. Annual song-fest is held by Zeta Tau Alpha, to benefit the National Foundation for Crippled Children.

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Dickinsonian, March 24, 1960

Glover Award to be presented to Harvard's Dr. M. Stanley Livingston, who will speak at the American Association of Physics Teachers, to be held at Dickinson. Cultural Affairs Committee to present Metropolitan Opera singer Theodor Uppman. IFC Weekend is being planned. Pi Phi pledges win first prize at Doll Dance. Belles Lettres to present the film "Potemkin." the Julliard String Quartet concert is given a favorable review. Inter-Fraternity winter sports season coming to a close. Charles Ream, Dickinson's wrestling and lacrosse coach, is profiled


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1960

Sorority pledges hold Doll Dance and spring formals. Faculty, IFC, and Panhellenic council reach agreement on new rushing program. Dean Ness to edit "A Guide to Undergraduate Study" for the American Council of Education. All college IDs are recalled for validation. A contemporary art exhibit currently on display in Bosler's art gallery, is reviewed and explained. A local museum, the Hamilton Library and Historical Association is discussed. President Malcolm appoints Albert Walker to Alumni Secretary post. Sororities elect new officers. Concert Chorale to go on three-state tour.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1960

The Action party wins Student Senate race, following large voter turnout. Pan Hellenic council to hold Doll Dance. Professor Paul Smith announces resignation. Follies slated to begin run. Its preview gets poor review. Educational Psychology class experiments with practicum approach. Priestley Day is celebrated. Anti-Defamation League conducts human relations study. WAF recruiting female officers. The Union Philosophical Society favors Nixon in November's election. Petition supporting ban of book tax is circulated. The Cultural Affairs Committee presents the Julliard String Quartet.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 1960

The Student Senate candidates announce their platforms. The Senate campaign is recounted. A student survey reveals mixed feelings from students about Senate. Professors James, Rogers, and Bowden plan sabbaticals. The Mermaid Players announce their production of "Major Barbie." Dennis King gives presentation about Benjamin Franklin. A new Geology Club is established. Belles Lettres Society presents the British film "Fame is the Spur." Professor Bell receives honorary degree from Franklin College of Indiana. Swim team completes their season undefeated.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1960

The Action and United parties announce Student Senate candidates--Steve Lindberg for Action and Pete Andrews for United. Senate candidates scheduled to speak at chapel. A poll concerning the loyalty oath is conducted. Dean Ness serves on Middle States Evaluation Committee. Wheel and Chain holds fashion show. Professor Joseph Shiffman to edit "American Quarterly." Nuclear Physics department receives loan of plutonium-beryllium from the Atomic Energy Commission. honor students are announced. Basketball team defeats F & M in double overtime. Students to tour Rome and attend Olympic Games.

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Dickinsonian, February 19, 1960

The Middle States Association praises Dickinson College students' attitudes. Sorority rush ends and bids are awarded. Student Senate announces election rules and schedule for spring. The Senate party platforms are announced. The Robert Wagner Chorale performs. Men's Glee Club gets three new members. Annual Scholarship Banquet is scheduled. The New York University Glee Club will perform here. Study grants are offered by the Social Science Foundation. The fall football schedule is announced. Dr. William Gould will lecture on his experiences in India and Nepal.

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Dickinsonian, February 12, 1960

The Middle States Association will be evaluating the College. Follies announce this year's theme, "Tonight's the Night." Fraternity rush has ended and pledges announced. Sorority bids to be announced soon. Italian manuscripts to be displayed in library. Christian Association sent three students to Christian World Mission Conclave. Belles Lettres to present a French murder mystery. Dr. Flower resigns as head of cultural affairs. New assistant football coach is named. Adult education to offer eight courses in the spring. Swimmers win 30th straight meet.

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Dickinsonian, January 15, 1960

Dr. Howard Rubendall will succeed Dr. Gilbert Malcolm as college president. Student Senate votes to retain current grading system. SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council) elects Dr. Horace Rogers as advisor. Lois Mecum is named the new editor of The Dickinsonian. Bosler Hall will display an art collection on loan from the Guggenheim museum. Wheel and Chain hosted a career function. Vacation travel program offers summer studies abroad. IFC and sororities announce rush plans. Soccer gains popularity at Dickinson.

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