Dickinsonian, March 25, 1966

The Student Senate approves new Social Rules recommended by the Social and Academic Affairs Committee and will be put into action with Dean approval.The Student Violations Hearing Board meets and alters procedures. A student faculty group explores issues of campus life debating "what is right and wrong with Dickinson students." Transfer students increase due to dislike of the 5-5-4-4 system. The second half of the Andrews Report is presented exploring patterns in the student body.Progress and goals of the new Leadership Council are explained.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1966

Nobel Prize winner Charles H. Townes is awarded the Priestley Award. A resolution prohibiting discrimination in campus organizations awaits approval by the Board of Trustees. A group of administrators, faculty members, and students will meet to discuss what type of liberal arts college Dickinson should be. The assets of each actor to their role in the Follies production of Guys and Dolls is praised. Professor Robert Nilsson gives a review of the first semester of Dickinson's Bologna program. Dickinson is compared to Beloit College in academic structure and student population.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1966

For the first time, foreign students and the Senate Foreign Students Committee will present an International Weekend featuring a banquet, music, and discussions. An enticing plot synopsis is given of the upcoming Follies production of Guys and Dolls. The new members of Student Senate announce their goals for the upcoming term as well as their intentions to start a Leadership Council. A faculty sub-committee reviews a proposal to eliminate students from participating in cases of academic dishonesty brought before SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council).


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1966

A survey conducted among faculty members reveals mixed opinions on the 5-5-4-4- system. A trustee committee on campus affairs consisting of five members will be established as a direct link between the College and the Trustees. A new Square Dancing gym class is offered. A review of the Mermaid Players performance of Sweeney Todd is given. Dickinson's success as a Liberal Arts College are examined as well as the goals of a liberal arts education.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1960

The Action party wins Student Senate race, following large voter turnout. Pan Hellenic council to hold Doll Dance. Professor Paul Smith announces resignation. Follies slated to begin run. Its preview gets poor review. Educational Psychology class experiments with practicum approach. Priestley Day is celebrated. Anti-Defamation League conducts human relations study. WAF recruiting female officers. The Union Philosophical Society favors Nixon in November's election. Petition supporting ban of book tax is circulated. The Cultural Affairs Committee presents the Julliard String Quartet.

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