Dickinsonian, September 24, 2009

Poet Maxine Kumin receives Stellfox Award. Sexual assault reports prompt an administrative meeting. Global Education offers a new semester option in Bologna, Italy. Library Information Services begins switch from Blackboard to Moodle education system. The Weekend Initiatives Group joins Multi-Organizational Board. Football remains undefeated. Men's Soccer defeats Wilkes University. Cross Country dominants the Long/Short Invitational.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 2002

Professor Marco Biagi is shot and killed in Bologna, Italy in an attack attributed to the Red Brigade. Christian Muniz '98 announces his candidacy for the 199th State Legislative District. Foreign films to be shown in the Quarry. First annual Dickinson PossePlus retreat to Mount Aetna held.

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Dickinsonian, February 7, 1991

ROTC students reflect upon possibility of serving in Persian Gulf War. Annual budget passes smoothly. While some students return early from studying in Bologna due to terrorism and war issues, enrollment in study-abroad programs remains strong. Rally for Peace confronts Persian Gulf War. Housing Board decides not to allow sophomores in fraternities. Carlisle residents stage weekly troop-support rallies at Square. Two students arrested for burglary at Baker and Russell Oil Company. "Trials and Triumphs: American Prints from the 1930s and 1940s" on display at Trout Gallery.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1994

Old West opens its doors to celebrate Constitution Day. College welcomes new faculty. Disabled students will have less boundaries. PAS to discuss the United Nations. Freshman class impresses Admissions. Account of rushing for men and women. Local bands attempt to establish a name as HUB rocks last Friday night. Student reviews Bologna. Student reviews the new coffee bar in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1983

College elects Senate officers (Bill Sapoch, Kurt Krauss, Pete Dahlin), Repositioning includes changes for football, poor attendance to Black History Program, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Milton Lyon speaks at lecture, Dean of the College George Allan speaks about college-preparation, EPA buys homes in Missouri, Professor Gary D'Lamater denied tenure, Annabella and Bow Wow Wow performs in Harrisburg, Dance concert "Bits of Broken Glass and Other Pieces" in Mathers Theatre, Coro Stelutis, choir from Bologna Italy performs, Ice Hockey rematch scheduled, Discussion of JV sports, Men's basket

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1988

Students push for an Environmental Science major, but due to curriculum issues, it will not be offered at this time. The FBI have been searching United States libraries for potential Soviet agents. Members of the College community show disapproval over the sorority rush process, which some feel is too short and do not like how it is conducted. Stephanie D'Alessandro has created an entire exhibit in the Trout Gallery called, "An American View: From the Country to the City" about her experience of a semester in Bologna.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1975

Defined as an "alternative to distribution requirements," the Nisbet Scholars Program awaits final faculty approval and will begin with selected members of the class of 1979. Students would be exempt from distribution requirements, but participate in special seminars throughout the freshman year. The Mermaid Players production of Rashomon opens tonight. College librarian Yates Forbis suggests a security system to Student Senate to curb library book theft. The College's first Women's Center will open this week along with a mini-week on feminism.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1972

Debates on student services and admissions highlight the Senate meeting. A WDCV poll shows Eugene McGovern ahead of Pres. Nixon in student voter replies. Alumnus Stuart Pankin is highlighted as a participant in the upcoming Young Artists-in-Residence week. The Social Hall sees the Great Debate between Nixon and McGovern campus campaign forces. The Story Theatre Troupe is set to debut its Rites of Passage next weekend. Rick Smolan has featured diary entries and photos from his year in Bologna.

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Dickinsonian, April 7, 1972

The College presents Arts Award to Philadelphia Orchestra. The Senate forms commission to study the Senate Governance's structure. Featured is a short resume of the ROTC program on campus and its credibility therein. Those Hog' Ridin Fools visit Boffo's diner in Chambersburg. Rick Smolan creates a journal-and-photo feature of his time in Bologna. Syd Rab directs The Boys in the Band, a play of "dramatic impact." Mock Convention holds debates on foreign and domestic affairs.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1971

Low enrollment in the Bologna program may require drastic changes in order to stay viable with under twenty students. Student Senate addresses the grading proposal to be presented by the Academic Standards Committee. The Proposal states that pluses and minuses will be added to grades to create an 11 point system and that of the 34 courses needed for graduation, 24 must be graded while the rest can be pass/fail. Poet Don L.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and administrators. Renovation of the Durbin Oratory is completed to make the chapel more appropriate for all worship and a re-dedication ceremony will follow. The college will open ATS for experimental use in February.


Dickinsonian, August 9, 1968

Students on the year-long Bologna program returned to campus with resident director Prof. Eugene Rossi, while a new group is sailing to Bologna to start their year-long program with Prof. Paul Angiolillo. Charlotte's Web, a rock band made up of Dickinson students is receiving acclaim for their work in New York. The article from last week regarding the Community Action Program and Ferdinand Jones continues to this week's issue. Lynn Myers wrote a seemingly joking article regarding a thief in the Biology Building being caught by a man clad in green underwear.

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Dickinsonian, April 5, 1968

A rumored change in Dickinson's food service provoked a student outcry. Dean Gillespie has announced Thomas W. Carver as the new Dean of Men. John Bakeless is set to lecture on Thomas Conrad at the Spahr Library on April 5 at 8 P.M. 20 students were selected to be part of the Center for International Studies in Bologna. The faculty passed a new law regarding student athletics, stating that it is the individual students responsibility to make up missed work if classes were skipped for athletic events.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1967

Representatives from the Architects Collaborative plan to visit the campus Dec. 11-12 to interview students and begin planning for the new Fine Arts Center. US Congressman Edward Biester is slated to speak on law at College and Law School on Dec. 7. Dickinsonian to meet WDCV members in annual football game. Sigma Alpha Epsilon began its annual forum on Wednesday. A campus poll finds Rockefeller in the lead for the nomination for the 1968 presidential election. A mock national convention of GOP presidential candidates has been planned for April of the following year.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1967

The Mermaid Players open "A Man for All Seasons", their first performance of the year. The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet is scheduled to play on Friday, Nov. 17, 1967 at the Carlisle Senior High School Gymnasium. David Hagan of the Dickinson College faculty will give a piano recital, Nov. 12 at 3 P.M. in the Holland Union Building. Dean Gillespie appoints Andrew Hecker to the position of Dean of Men, effective Nov. 13, 1967. Turtle Trot scheduled for 4:15 on Saturday in the Holland Union social hall. Article regarding Prof.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1967

Spahr Library opens for the first time after book walk. Dickinson gears up for approaching parents' weekend. Yom Kippur services are announced, with a schedule of services and an explanation of Yom Kippur included. Vienna Symphony concert series set to begin Friday, October 13th, at Carlisle Senior High School as part of the Dickinson College Greatest Artist Series. International Studies program in Bologna grows in popularity as it continues to evolve. ODK Conference was reviewed as successful in stimulating discussion but not necessarily in generating conclusions.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1967

Three separate incidents involving violence directed against Dickinson students and personnel by local Carlisle youths occurred over the past week, resulting in new security precautions taken by Dickinson campus police, including a second patrolman for the night guard and two way radios for communication with the Carlisle Borough police. The original mermaid from on top of Old West was returned after being taken to New York by a Dickinson dropout.


Dickinsonian, March 19, 1970

Senate approves a proposal for coed living units in Todd and Mathews houses with the first two floors for men and the rest for women. SDS questions business manager Bloodgood on campus working conditions and wages. The College receives a federal grant providing for community service and continuing education programs under Title I of the Higher Education Act for their program "The Carlisle Education-Action Program for Housing." The College fine arts department will hold an Indian Arts Festival. NSA and NAS consider financial merger.

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Dickinsonian, December 9, 1966

At its monthly meeting, faculty members make policy changes regarding sorority rush, course offerings and fraternity/sorority discrimination. Board of Trustees agrees to reevaluate architecture proposal after a day-long meeting. Arthur Platt, Executive Assistant to the President, and Jeffrey Baron, Chairman of the Committee for Better Architecture, discuss their views on the architecture dispute. The December 5 Student Senate meeting is overviewed. Bologna program reviewed in part by participant Eric Rundbaken. Fraternities and faculty agree on date and rules of Greek rush.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1966

National Development Committee of Dickinson meets in New York City, works on $12 million capital gifts campaign. Jay and the Americans replace The Four Tops as Dickinson's Homecoming Weekend headliners. Plans to renovate East College are considered. Dickinson to manage newly established wildlife sanctuary in Perry County. Dickinson plans to sponsor student exchange program with Fisk University (Tennessee) and University of Redlands (California). Second student group travels to Bologna, Italy for International Studies program. Dr.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1966

Nobel Prize winner Charles H. Townes is awarded the Priestley Award. A resolution prohibiting discrimination in campus organizations awaits approval by the Board of Trustees. A group of administrators, faculty members, and students will meet to discuss what type of liberal arts college Dickinson should be. The assets of each actor to their role in the Follies production of Guys and Dolls is praised. Professor Robert Nilsson gives a review of the first semester of Dickinson's Bologna program. Dickinson is compared to Beloit College in academic structure and student population.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1965

An open forum on Vietnam will be held featuring a panel of students and faculty debating the conflict. Students ratified the proposed Social Rules and procedures for the creation of a student Enforcement Code are outlined. Technical aspects of the Mermaid Players "Wild Duck" production are discussed. A new position of school guard is established and appointed due to recent attacks on students. The first 16 students to participate in Dickinson's Bologna Center for International Study program report positively on their experiences.


Dickinsonian, January 15, 1965

Susan Jagiello is made the new editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. Three students tapped by Omicron Delta Kappa for their outstanding contributions to the college. Fifteen students to study in Bologna. "Urbanization in the American Society" to be the theme for Dickinson's second Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson graduate Paul Murphy serves in Bogota with the Peace Corps. Annual production of the Freshman Plays performed the previous weekend. Students plan cultural trip to museums in New York. Six fraternities choose officers for coming year.

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