Dickinsonian, November 3, 1909

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity holds a smoker.  The Halloween Masquerade Carnival is a great success.  Delta Chi hosts an evening at Holly Inn.  Beta Theta Pi holds a Halloween dance in Assembly Hall.  YMCA prepares for Week of Prayer.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a Halloween dance in Armory Hall.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1910

Response to the Previous weeks letter to the editor from the Law students about the Athletic Association. Letter to the Editor from Physical Director Forrest Eugene Craver about the athletic situation of athletic success at the college. Der Deutche Verein held its first meeting of the year. Phi Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi all hold Halloween Events. Reporter Herbert Francis Sherwood to give a lecture on immigration.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1910

Dickinson beat by Carlisle Indians in footbal.  Law School opens for the semester.  Delta Chi holds a smoker.  Lack of encouragement for debating and public speaking on campus. Third and Second Section hold their annual late night "feeds".  Harrisburg lawyer Mr. Loeser, Esq. gives lecture on "The Loan Shark."  Green Freshmen caps delivered and widely worn on campus.  The Freshmen class elects officers.


Dickinsonian, April 1893

Baseball plays against Carlisle Indian School. Debates about the validity of the honor system take shape within the pages of the editorial section.  A chapter of the Delta Chi Law Fraternity is founded at the Law School.  Dickinson wins one game and loses one game of chess with Bucknell.  The Belles Lettres Society holds elections.  Improvements are made to the athletic fields.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1907

The annual Mid-Winter Sports are set to be held.  Bosler Hall is filled with the music of the YMCA, Glee Club, Mandolin Clubs of the college and the Lyric Club of Carlisle.  Freshmen "attempt to imitate their elders in the vile habit of burning the weed" in the annual Freshmen smoker.  The Delta Chi fraternity holds a roller-skating party for St. Valentine's Day.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 30, 1904

John Paul Davis is elected captain of the football team for the 1905 season. The Y.M.C.A attends the district convention.  Construction continues on Denny Hall and a new brick walk way is laid between West College and East College.  Delta Chi holds their fall banquet.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1896

Delta Chi holds a banquet.  The new Scientific Course is announced and its requirements and curriculum detailed.  A lecture series is announced.  The results of the Senior Class Day and Union Philosophical Society elections results announced.  Low attendance at the YMCA Star Course's first event is lamented.  Donations to support athletics at Dickinson are encouraged.   The establishment of a trophy room is proposed.  The class of 1899 elects its athletics committee.  Science facilities are improved with new laboratory space and an aquarium.&nbsp


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1896

The senior and junior class election results announced.  The Allison Law Society and Dickinson Law Society announce their new officers.  The question of silver versus gold standard for currency is debated.  The law students hold regular Moot Courts.  Delta Chi moves to the third floor of the Stuart building.  The YMCA hosts R. L. Cumnock for its second entertainment.  The hot water in the gym is increased and the reading room hours are extended, as requested by the students.  Dr. and Mrs. Reed host an informal tea for the faculty and their families.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 24, 1902

Union Philosophical Society's anniversary. Announcement of the Dramatic Club's play at the Carlisle Opera House. Delta Chi holds a reception. Notes and comments on the school banquet. Omega Psi has a reception.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1967

Representatives from the Architects Collaborative plan to visit the campus Dec. 11-12 to interview students and begin planning for the new Fine Arts Center. US Congressman Edward Biester is slated to speak on law at College and Law School on Dec. 7. Dickinsonian to meet WDCV members in annual football game. Sigma Alpha Epsilon began its annual forum on Wednesday. A campus poll finds Rockefeller in the lead for the nomination for the 1968 presidential election. A mock national convention of GOP presidential candidates has been planned for April of the following year.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1966

Planning and details of freshman orientation for the class of 1970 are discussed. Propositions for changes in the fraternity rush system are outlined and await faculty approval. Faculty postpone their vote on abolishing SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council) in favor of an all faculty council. Dickinson will have its first sponsored Rally. The division of the philosophy department from religion is one of many academic changes coming to Dickinson. Dickinson will gain an Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter.
