Dickinsonian, May 6, 1922

Celebration of Founders' Day. Commencement play cast is chosen. Intense planning of commencement activities. Proposed changes to the Athletic Association policies. Update on the Greek Club production. The Pinchot for Governor club is officially formed. Professor Forrest Craver was defeated in chess by Frank J. Marshall, the champion of the United States. Skitch-a-Genee elections. Professor Norcross is picked by National Commander Hanford E. MacNider to represent the Eighteenth Congressional district on the Speakers' Bureau of the American Legion. Dean Filler will address the Y. M. C. A.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1919

Professors William W. Landis, Wilbur H. Norcross, and Craver return to the college after being absent.  Professors Battenhouse and M. A. Dawber join faculty.  Sophomores win annual flag scrap.  Matriculation service is held.  List of members of incoming class.  Students who had left to serve in WWI return to the college.  YMCA holds annual reception in honor of freshmen. 


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1910

Response to the Previous weeks letter to the editor from the Law students about the Athletic Association. Letter to the Editor from Physical Director Forrest Eugene Craver about the athletic situation of athletic success at the college. Der Deutche Verein held its first meeting of the year. Phi Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi all hold Halloween Events. Reporter Herbert Francis Sherwood to give a lecture on immigration.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1921

The Devereux Players announce a return to the College and a spring performance. Union Philosophical Society elects new officers. Professor F.E. Craver is elected president of the Collegiate Track Association. Craver, along with Professors Prince and Norcross, will also speak at the all-college banquet scheduled for the coming weekend.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1909

Professor F. E. Craver is elected as the new Physical Director of the College. Swarthmore and Franklin and Marshall will debate in Bosler Hall. Article on Football injuries. Smoker held in the gymnasium. Winners of the Freshmen oratorical contest are announced. Judge Ben B. Lindsey will be the last lecture of the Civic Club Entertainment Course. Comus Club dance. Update on the minstrel shows. Spring Musical Festival to be held at the Carlisle Opera House.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1928

Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart will lecture on illiteracy. President Morgan is taken to the hospital having suffered from a breakdown. Prof. F.E. Craver is considered for a supervising football coach next year. The Dickinson Players will present the comedy Tea For Three. Men's Senate passed a resolution requesting the publicity committee of that body to confer with the editor of The Dickinsonian in an effort to determine whether the paper could be improved. Organization of Alpha Gamma Honorary Journalistic Fraternity is completed.
