Dickinsonian, October 3, 1906

Various works, including Life of Bishop Hurst, are added to the library's collection.  A college-wide holiday is granted for the dedication of the state capitol in Harrisburg.  Walter Damrosch to lead the new York Symphony Orchestra in a concert in the Carlisle Opera House.  The procedures of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania are set forth.  The annual reception for the Freshmen is held, with the usual accompanying antics of the Sophomores.  The YMCA handbooks are distributed in chapel.  The Freshman caps (black with green buttons) ar


Dickinsonian, May 9, 1935

The Debate Team will end the season with a debate later in the week. The golf team loses to Johns Hopkins. The Dramatic Club begins try-outs for the play “Lady Windermere’s Fan.” The tennis team loses to Bucknell. Forty new books are added to the library. Wheel and Chain taps nine new members. The Men’s Glee Club gives a concert. The Women’s Athletic Association elects new officers. Sororities hold their spring elections. The Greek Club spoke about Greece and the Christian Church. The Junior swimmers on the Women’s swim team placed first in a meet.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1935

Fraternities hold initiation. The Junior class holds their annual dance for the first time in three years, and invitation is extended to all classes. The Women’s Glee Club prepares for three future performances. Arthur D. Kahler, from Brown University, is selected to be the new football coach. The Dramatic Club holds tryouts for its new plays. The Tribunal committee of the Men’s Senate will sponsor the annual Freshman-Sophomore scrap. The Debate Team wins against Muhlenberg. The Greek Club presents a program on Drama. The Library displays a collection of Persian art.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 14, 1935

Changes in The Dickinsonian staff are announced. The Debate Team loses to Lafayette and will soon face off with Muhlenberg. The prom chairman announces the date of the Junior Prom. President Corson issues a budget for student groups. Professor Parlin perfects a portable intensitometer and a set of colored filters, which together are used to test the degree and type of colorblindness. A French diplomat addresses the International Relations club in a speech about World Peace and the League of Nations.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 1934

Dickinson students and members of the Allison Memorial church will work together to create of performance of a Nativity play. The Men’s Senate ordered its Tribunal to remove several Freshman Rules, affective after the winter break. It is discovered that the library has great diversity in books. The Women’s Senate plans future events for the women of the college. The Women’s Club gives a banquet in honor of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Carlisle branch of the American Association of University Women. The debate squad will participate in a debate forum at Juniata College.

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Dickinsonian, April 15, 1937

The Microcosm announces its newly revised staff. At a faculty meeting, it is decided that students with an average 90% and higher will be granted an unlimited number of absences, given that they maintain their A average. The Dramatic Club presents its newest show, a comedy entitled The Royal Family. A student calculates the statistical chances you will have at any given time of the day to succeed at getting a call through to one of the young ladies at Metzger Hall.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 25, 1937

The Library’s annual budget of $6,000 will be reduced to $5,000 due to the end of a grant usually given to the library. Jocko, the Biology Lab’s six-foot boa constrictor, died after losing a fang and contracting an infection. Columbia won against Dickinson in the debate over minimum wage regulations. During Pan-Hellenic Week, the boys and girls switch places to get a glimpse into the lives of the opposite sex. The week ended with a dance. The College Library opens a Newspaper Room in the basement of Bosler Hall.
