Dickinsonian, May 28, 1898

The second of the annual Sophomore oratorical contests is held in Bosler Hall under the auspices of the Belles Lettres Literary Society.  The 115th annual commencement ceremonies are planned, to include a sermon by President George Edward Reed.  The track and field dual meet between Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School is cancelled due to petty disagreements in methods of arbitration.


Dickinsonian, February 5, 1898

It is announced that George A. Wilson will succeed Rev. Dr. Cramer as Professor of Philosophy.  A Day of Prayer is observed, with students gathering at Allison Memorial Church for a sermon by Dr. Reed.  The Faculty Room receives a large picture of the Octopus Gigantius, a large octopus that washed up on the Florida beach.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1926

Dickinson considers entering into a football conference with seven other local colleges--including Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlemberg, Haverford, Ursinus, and Swarthmore. Try-outs are held for the Drama Club's winter production of "the Whole Town's Talking." The Dickinson Basketball team takes its 6th stright win over the undefeated Mount Saint Mary's. A three day Bible exhibit will be held at Allison Church where B. Floyd Rinker of the English department will speek on the history of the bible. Dr. G. Whitfield Ray gave a Chapel talk about life in South America.

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Dickinsonian, May 4, 1935

The 20th President of Dickinson College is inaugurated. The Dickinsonian conducts research the undergraduate life of new college president Fred Corson. The 330th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Bible translation will be celebrated by a supper meeting at Allison Memorial Church. It is remarked that President Corson is one of the youngest college presidents in the US. The Women’s Glee Club plans their spring schedule. A talk is presented by the Association of University Women on the importance of social engineering.

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Dickinsonian, December 6, 1934

Dickinson students and members of the Allison Memorial church will work together to create of performance of a Nativity play. The Men’s Senate ordered its Tribunal to remove several Freshman Rules, affective after the winter break. It is discovered that the library has great diversity in books. The Women’s Senate plans future events for the women of the college. The Women’s Club gives a banquet in honor of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Carlisle branch of the American Association of University Women. The debate squad will participate in a debate forum at Juniata College.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 5, 1935

The Women's Choral Club assists Allison Memorial Church in their Christmas pageant, "The Conquest of Christmas". Team captains are abolished for all sports teams, beginning with the 1936 basketball team. The most successful football season in nearly twenty years draws to a close with the defeat of Muhlenberg.

Dickinsonian, October 17, 1935

A historical pageant written by Dean Josephine B. Meredith is performed, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Allison Memorial Church. The Senate Tribunal outlaws the Sophomore Vigilance Committee, though the committee intends to continue its activities without sanctions.

Dickinsonian, December 8, 1938

Professor Wellman J. Warner addresses the Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa on the subject of "Leadership in a Free Society."  Belles Lettres and the French Club have Christmas parties.  The Dickinson Women's Choral Club and Allison Memorial Choir present "The Messiah" jointly at Allison Memorial Church.  Tau Delta Pi gives one-act play before Dramatic Club.  Miriam Saint Warner sings at chapel services.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1938

Dickinson College Religious Association decides to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as the tree faiths represented on campus, and to restrict membership to only those who demonstrate interest in religion and sign up on the membership roll.  The French Club plans to show the French film "Mayerling."  Tau Kapp Alpha fraternity sponsors an interfraternity debate tournament.  Two men join Lambda Sigma Pi, the scientific fraternity.  Dean Hoffman, editor-in-chief of the Harrisburg Patriot and Evening News  and a graduate and trustee of Di


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1938

Charles W. Boote, city judge of Yonkers, New York, plans to speak at Dad's Day program.  Union Philosophical Society elects twenty-four new members.  The Halloween Barn Dance succeeds socially and financially.  The Greek Club is set to re-enact an ancient Greek wedding.  Prof. Mulford Stough becomes a member of the Council of the Pennsylvania Historical Association.  Microcosm wins First-class honor rating and an All-American award by the National Scholastic Press Association.  Freshman football set to meet Blue Ridge Junior College.  Harold E.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1938

The All-College Social Body plans a series of events for the coming year, including a Dad's Day, a barn dance, and an open house.  President Corson announces the new  heads of ten committees.  Judge Karl Richards is selected as speaker for the annual Homecoming chapel service.  Dale O. Hartzell writes a short piece detailing Revolutionary leader Jams Wilson's interaction with Carlisle int eh mid to late 18th Century.  The Dickinson college Religious Association holds a meeting in Memorial Hall of Old West, featuring Howard A.
