Dickinsonian, November 22, 1934

Because of further misconduct, the Tribunal committee reinstates the recently removed Freshmen rules. First treasurer of the League of Nations Secretariat Sir Herbert Ames speaks to the college about the role of the League of Nations in the post-war era. The Dramatic Club has a new regular meeting place, and will be presenting Death Takes a Holiday before the winter break. The Greek Club will portray school life in ancient Greece in their next meeting. The Women’s Senate plans a tentative schedule for the events of the year.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1934

The All-College Committee on social affairs meets to discuss campus events for the year. A poll for the candidates of the campus beauties section of the 1935 Microcosm is taken. The freshmen class elects class officers. It is projected that the Red Devil football team should make it to the Rose Bowl. By order of the Men’s Senate and its Tribunal committee, after Thanksgiving the girl rule, tie rule, and path rule will be dropped from the Freshmen Rules. The football team loses to Gettysburg. Shakespeare’s Hamlet will be performed by a professional company next week in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1934

The football team wins against Allegheny by the wide margin of 21-0. The freshmen football team wins against the Carlisle Y.M.C.A team. A tea is held in honor of the president’s wife, Mrs. Frances Corson. The Archaeological Institute of America claims that the college is in possession of a very valuable stone sarcophagus. A search concluded that such a gift was indeed presented to the college, but it had been removed some time ago. The number of freshmen pledged to fraternities totals twenty-one. The Senate names a new chairman of the Senate Tribunal Committee.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1935

A historical pageant written by Dean Josephine B. Meredith is performed, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Allison Memorial Church. The Senate Tribunal outlaws the Sophomore Vigilance Committee, though the committee intends to continue its activities without sanctions.