Dickinsonian, October 21, 1908

School trip to Gettysburg. Formation of the Press Club. New rules are placed upon Freshmen. Republican Club mass meeting in Chapel Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma Founders' Day anniversary ride to Dillsburg. Civic Club concert. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Inter-Fraternity Smoker. H. H. Mercer to speak at Bryan League meeting. Phi Delta Theta smoker.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1905

The members of the Glee and Mandolin clubs are selected from a large group of interested and talented men.  The YMCA procures new hymn books.  The editors write on the worth of small colleges.  An inter-fraternity meeting is held.  The Freshmen are reminded to obey the rules, and the Sophomores to enforce them.  Students may have electric lights in their rooms, for an annual cost.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1922

Football team beats Swarthmore in Harrisburg game. Association of Pennsylvania College and University Presidents meet in Old West. First time in college history six freshman women punished for violations of Freshmen Rules of Women's Senate. Inter-Fraternity Council discusses exemption from payment for room and board for fraternity houses.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1922

Football team to play Swarthmore College for "Dickinson Day" in Harrisburg. Six Freshmen tried and found guilty of violating Freshmen Rules. Book published on Chief Justice Taney, alumni of the College. Greek Club plans programs for their coming season. Freshmen to vote on the Student Government Examination System.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 27, 1924

Football team to travel to Allegheny. Athletic Association purchases a grid-graph for gymnasium. Prof. Vuilleumier advances a test for the presence of denaturant in alcohol. Kappa Sigma and Phi Mu win Inter-Fraternity Council scholarship cups. Student Tribunal imposes sentences on Freshmen who had broken the freshmen rules.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1924

The Dramatic Club's production of Clarence debuts. Belles Lettres and UPS plan a contest to include informal debates and speeches. A survey of the most popular names among Dickinson students appears. The Alumni Council requests the cooperation of undergraduate students for the preparation of banquets and commencement activities for alumni due to overwhelming interest. Professor Leon C. Prince begins actively campaigning for the Republican party nomination for Congress after announcing his candidacy a week prior.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1933

Leo Tolstoy's youngest daughter spoke in Chapel. Official dates of the Sesquicentennial were set as Oct, 20-22, 1933. Men's Student Senate and representatives from each dorm (including Metzger Hall) meet to discuss changes to Dickinson's rules and laws. Faculty releases their view on the campus' social rules. Article on prominent professions for graduates of Dickinson. Students contemplate the way that student government operates with separate senates for men and women and if they should make one senate for both sexes to utilize.


Dickinsonian, March 30, 1933

President Waugh and Dean Hitchler give alumni assurances about the direction the college is going in, even though it is a tough economic time. Dickinson's dog population continues to increase. Elections to the Board of Trustees are soon to come. Schedule of upcoming speakers at Chapel. Lindsey Richard won the annual Omicron Delta Kappa sophomore cup award. The winter edition of the Hornbook to appear March 31, 1933. New leaders elected to the YWCA and WSGA.


Dickinsonian, March 23, 1933

Announces speakers for Vocational Guidance Week. Committees appointed to help plan the Sesquicentennial dance. The Dickinson Debate team won a debate against Colgate. Article on initials carved into the "famous old stone steps" of Old West. The Men's Glee Club will travel to sing for Dickinson alumni clubs in New Jersey and New York.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1930

An elderly Carlisle local is released from the hospital after over a month after being injured by Dickinson freshmen during a pep parade. The undefeated freshman football team will battle another undefeated team, Gettysburg, in a game this weekend. Esther Chambers, vice president of the Women's Student Government Association, attends the annual meeting of the Women's Intercollegiate Association as one of sixty delegates from forty-two universities across the nation. Two students, Edgar Bayler and Anna Greene, are involved in an automobile accident due to wet roads.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1930

The revolt of freshmen in response to the freshmen rules is unsuccessful in changing them for this year but they will be revised for the next freshman class. The revolt reached such a point that pamphlets were made in support of their cause. The Dramatic Club will be presenting "Square Crooks," a three-act mystery, as their next production. The sophomore class claims ten of the eleven roles. Belles Lettres brings notable speakers to campus including Leon Pearson, Maynard Williamson and Lieutenant Zeimer of Germany.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1930

Plans for Homecoming, November 15, are underway. Two recent Dickinson graduates, John Pipa and Robert Forney, take part in local politics, running for positions in Northumberland County. The freshman class revolts against the class rules system, violating every rule but wearing the dink. This is in reaction to the disciplinary actions taken by the Tribunal in the past weeks, including hair-cuttings in the week previous. The freshmen make a list of demands and send it to the Tribunal however, all of their requests are denied by student government.


Dickinsonian, January 17, 1935

The International Relations club brings in a speaker from France. Norman Thomas, the county’s leading Socialist, speaks to the college. The Freshman begin a revolt against class rules, but the event quickly dies out. Joseph H. McCormack, the college’s football coach, resigns. Dickinson beats Villanova in basketball. Omicron Delta Kappa plans to create an All-College organization that examines problems particular to Dickinson student life. The movies debate continues. The Women’s Glee Club plans its activities for the semester.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 22, 1934

Because of further misconduct, the Tribunal committee reinstates the recently removed Freshmen rules. First treasurer of the League of Nations Secretariat Sir Herbert Ames speaks to the college about the role of the League of Nations in the post-war era. The Dramatic Club has a new regular meeting place, and will be presenting Death Takes a Holiday before the winter break. The Greek Club will portray school life in ancient Greece in their next meeting. The Women’s Senate plans a tentative schedule for the events of the year.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1934

The All-College Committee on social affairs meets to discuss campus events for the year. A poll for the candidates of the campus beauties section of the 1935 Microcosm is taken. The freshmen class elects class officers. It is projected that the Red Devil football team should make it to the Rose Bowl. By order of the Men’s Senate and its Tribunal committee, after Thanksgiving the girl rule, tie rule, and path rule will be dropped from the Freshmen Rules. The football team loses to Gettysburg. Shakespeare’s Hamlet will be performed by a professional company next week in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1934

Six freshmen are punished for violating the Freshman Rules and neglecting other duties. A sophomore studies a local cave and disproves several local myths. The college begins to offer courses aimed at educating Sunday School teachers. An article talks about how much money the Senate spent on small trinkets and rewards for students. The football team ties with Ursinus. The Women’s Senate calls for an all-College Senate to solve the issue of the Men’s Senate making decisions for everyone on campus.


Dickinsonian, October 12, 1934

The football team loses to Albright. The Sophomore Vigilance Committee, with a new chairman, will be in charge of enforcing the freshmen rules. The schedule for the Homecoming program is announced. The Dramatic Club announces that its first production of the year will be Death Takes a Holiday. At the end of the rushing season, the fraternities pledge a total of seventy-six men. The soccer team loses to West Chester.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 29, 1936

The “Elect-Landon” club holds its first and only pre-election meeting. The Dramatic Club considers a play with a murder-mystery plot. The Tribunal punishes more freshmen, both men and women, for disobeying the Freshmen Rules. The Dickinson Democratic Club holds their final meeting. Dickinson decides to abolish class offices, as it hinders the advance of the college. The football team beats Swarthmore in the Homecoming game. The women’s Interclass hockey schedule is posted.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1936

Dr. Pitman B. Potter talks to students about problems of the League of Nations. Freshmen are again punished for breaking the Freshmen Rules. The Men’s Glee Club adds new members and plans for several winter concerts. The football team wins their first victory of the season against Lehigh.

Dickinsonian, October 1, 1936

The Belles Lettres Society arranges a program to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its founding. Several freshman are punished (in comical ways) for disobeying the Freshmen Rules. Medical care is now free to all male students on campus. Fraternities pledged seventy freshmen, and sororities pledge forty-one freshmen. The football team loses to Moravian.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1949

Young People's Fellowship accepted to the Student Christian Association of the Middle Atlantics Region. Hester Cunningham '29 featured in art exhibition over Commencement Weekend. Faculty approve changes to Social Rules for women, extending curfews and extended permissions. John Shumaker to head All-College Social Committee. Year's social events highlighted. International Relations Club helps organize Pennsylvania Association of International Relations Clubs. Secretary of the Treasury John Wesley Snyder to receive honorary doctorate, deliver commencement speech to largest class yet.
