Dickinsonian, February 26, 1931

John Hall Hopkins of the junior class is named the most outstanding Dickinsonian as he receives the distinguished 1902 Award. The German department expands is repertoire of classes to include a course entitled Cultural History of the German and Scandinavian People. German will be made the language of the classroom. The Microcosm will sport a Scotch theme including a drawing of Carlisle Castle in England, which is both close to the Scottish border and from where the town derives its name.

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Dickinsonian, October 30, 1930

The revolt of freshmen in response to the freshmen rules is unsuccessful in changing them for this year but they will be revised for the next freshman class. The revolt reached such a point that pamphlets were made in support of their cause. The Dramatic Club will be presenting "Square Crooks," a three-act mystery, as their next production. The sophomore class claims ten of the eleven roles. Belles Lettres brings notable speakers to campus including Leon Pearson, Maynard Williamson and Lieutenant Zeimer of Germany.
