Dickinsonian, April 30, 1920
College to observe Nisbit Day. Theta Chi holds large dance. Sophomores interfere little with freshman party at Metzger. Cast of Dramatic Club's production of "Sherwood". Gettysburg defeats debate team.
College to observe Nisbit Day. Theta Chi holds large dance. Sophomores interfere little with freshman party at Metzger. Cast of Dramatic Club's production of "Sherwood". Gettysburg defeats debate team.
Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the Fourth Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest. The Junior physics class went to study the organ in Allison M. E. Church. Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman gives an excellent lecture. The combined musical clubs give a concert at Shippensburg. Dr. W. V. Kelley's lecture on Browning is a success. Mid-winter sports exhibition held. New Dickinsonian board announced. Editor responds to hazing controversy. 1912 Microcosm board members announced.
President Nobel delivers his address to the freshman to launch the new school year. The Dickinson College Athletic Committee elects a new coach for the football team- Dr. S.W. Harrington, who had previously coached at the University of Pennsylvania. It is resolved that hazing or trespassing into a freshman dorm will not be tolerated; however, horseplay will be permitted during the first three weeks of school, and only in a public space during the daytime.
Freshmen succeed in taking class picture. The Dramatic Club cancels its winter play, "The Prince Chap", due to faculty disapproval. Herman J. Shuey is elected editor-in-chief on 1917 Microcosm; Albert Strite is elected business manager of 1917 Microcosm.
Union Philosophical Society holds elections. Belles Lettres holds a spelling bee. Sophomores interfere with taking of freshman class picture.
David June Carter becomes temporary professor in the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education. J. Q. Wood speaks on experiences as Consul to Abyssinia. Phi Kappa Sigma holds annual Founders' Day ride to Pine Grove. Sophomore Senate committee hazes freshmen. Contemporary Club takes ride to Pine Grove Furnace.
Annual Old West Feed is held. The freshman class of 1915 elects its officers. Theta Lambda Phi holds annual smoker for junior class at new house on Parker Street. Duke, Phi Kappa Sigma's St. Bernard, dies.
S. Carroll Miller, '12', is elected tennis captain. Freshman Poster Scrap is preempted by sophomores, delayed by Senate.
Eugene Allen Noble assumes the presidency. Beginning of the year reception. Simon F. Pauxtis resumes his position as football coach. President Noble sets up office in Denny Hall. Freshmen and sophomores engage in flag scrap and poster scrap. List of the freshman class and its hometowns.
Football team beats Gettysburg but loses to Marines. One marine injured and seven others escaped as their plane crashed heading to game. Literary Societies to hold Armistice Day program. Tribunal to enforce Freshmen rules more strictly.
Four courses added to English, social science, and speech departments. Fathollah Amir Hooshman comes to study education at Dickinson at the expense of the Shah of Persia. Tribunal punishes two freshmen.
Freshmen destroy Gettysburg banner at football game. Grades are the best in many years. Sophomore Vigilance Committee punishes freshmen. Omicron Delta Kappa plans to publish a Dickinson song book.
Tribunal hazes freshmen. Famous Methodist Missionaries Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Baldwin visit Dickinson and speak.
Vigilance Committee and Tribunal haze freshmen. Ernest A. Vuilleumier becomes Dean of the College; Lewis G. Rohrbaugh becoems Dean of the Freshman class.
Sophomore Vigilance Committee hands down sentences. Trustee Robert Y. Stuart, '03, dies. Transcription of Rutgers President Robert C. Clothier's speech praising Dickinson.
Collections in center room of Tome Scientific Building are exhibited. Homecoming and Sesqui-centennial. Telescope is repaired and moved from South College to Conway Hall rooftop. Equipment is built for W3YC. Vigilance committee gives haircuts to freshmen convicted of being cocky. Tribunal sentences five students for disobeying freshmen rules.
Gilbert Malcolm becomes president's assistant. American Association of University Women plans to create Mary Curran Morgan Memorial Fellowship for women graduate students. Members of sophomore class instigate fight with members of freshman class. Herschel E. Shortlidge, Jr. becomes managerial editor of Dickinsonian.
Dickinson changes policy to an absence based policy from a demerit system. The size of the campus is enlarged after the college buys the Mooreland Estate and deer park. The Football team has high hopes for their season and appear to be in a good position to win games this season. The rush activities begin for the fraternities on campus. The college is to celebrate its sesquicentennial in the coming year. A German exchange student's perspective of life at Dickinson is offered. Tribunal on "erring freshmen" held.
The sophomore class captures the leader of the freshman class on the eve of the freshman Halloween party. The Macbeth performance drew a full house with more than one hundred of these guests coming from out of town. At a faculty meeting it is decided that Thanksgiving break will be extended to include the weekend after Thanksgiving, therefore omitting Saturday classes for this break. Robert Lavanture of the senior class and the Inter-fraternity Council is elected to attend the National Inter-fraternity Council.
Mothers' Day and joint Founders' Day-May Day programs are planned. Dickinson to host Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Men's Senate votes to add a thirteenth member to its body, then rescinds this vote. Tribunal punishes freshmen for failing to wear dinks. Sigma Chi wins intramural volleyball tournament.
Men's Senate revises freshman rules and stresses the importance of the four (named) all-college rules. Sigma Chis win intramural boxing. William M. Gilbert, '32, wins German scholarship prize and German travel scholarship. Athletic Association proposes changs to its constitution. Class of 1912 plans to donate four lighting standards to be placed outside Alumni Gymnasium. Annual YMCA Tri-College Retreat held at Dickinson.
"D" Banquet held; new rules of football league are presented. Men's Senate resolves to increase freshman rules. Annual prayer week begins. President Karl T. Waugh creates teacher placement bureau to assist Dickinson alumni and undergraduates in finding teaching positions.
Helen Dickey is elected president of Women's Student Government Association, and Francis Yard is elected YWCA president, both unanimously. Cheerleader E. Huber Jessop is held up. Tribunal finds twelve men guilty of not moving bleachers. William M. Gilbert and Elwood J. Disque receive fellowships from German department for graduate study in Germany. Junior Cyril Hetsko and alumnus Wendel Morgenthaler are appointed as Pennsylvania representatives to the Young Democratic Clubs of America. Joseph Lipinski elected basketball captain.
Alpha Chi Rho places automobile in Bosler hall. Tribunal punishes five freshmen. Annual Dickinsonian banquet is held. Women's Student Government Association petitions President Waugh to explain ambiguous demerit system to student body. Sigma Chi wins intramural basketball championship.
Tribunal punishes two freshmen. Miami Triad dance planned. Classes are cancelled in honor of George Washington's 200th birthday. Joseph F. Lipinski receives Class of 1902 Award. James H. Morgan completes history of college.