Dickinsonian, January 17, 1906

The tour schedule for the college's musical clubs is released with expectations for great success. Dickinson sends a delegate to a New York conference discussing potential amendments to the game of football. The passed resolutions serve to clarify the intent of the game and its place on the college campus, rather than reform the nature of the game. Lights are installed in the libraries of the two campus literary societies to aid students in their hunts for books. A freshman-sophomore rush occurs following chapel on Tuesday morning.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1910

Skull and Key holds initiation.  Professor Leon Prince marries Miss Julia Delavan, class of 1913.  Dr. William Lindsay retires due to declining health.  Troutman Gougler selected as new field coach.  Musical clubs have successful year and tour.  Conway Hall holds commencement exercises.  Oratorical department and Library Guild have successful years.  Skitchagenee holds annual banquet and initiates new members.  Traditional Commencement Play forbidden by Trustees.  Press Club holds second annual banquet and elects new officers.  Dr. C. W.


Dickinsonian, March 16, 1910

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the Fourth Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest.  The Junior physics class went to study the organ in Allison M. E. Church.  Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman gives an excellent lecture.  The combined musical clubs give a concert at Shippensburg.  Dr. W. V. Kelley's lecture on Browning is a success.  Mid-winter sports exhibition held.  New Dickinsonian board announced.  Editor responds to hazing controversy.  1912 Microcosm board members announced. 


Dickinsonian, June 10, 1913

The Student Senate passes new legislation abolishing hazing and recommending faculty supervision of college publications and the combined Musical Clubs. The junior class elects its class officers. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg. S.W. Harrington of the University of Pennsylvania is chosen as next year’s football coach. The track team is featured. Dr. Super retires. The graduating senior class is also featured.


Dickinsonian, May 28, 1913

The Dickinson baseball team defeats Gettysburg. The Musical Clubs held a concert at Boiling Springs. The Scientific Club holds a club banquet. The student body elects its Senators. The officers of the Politics Club are announced. The Skull and Key Junior Society holds a dance. The Commencement Program is given, outlining all of the events for Commencement Week.


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Dickinsonian, April 8, 1914

The baseball season opens up with a loss against Princeton, and a victory against West Point. The Musical Clubs went on their Spring Trip, performing in various locations throughout Pennsylvania. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity held their Annual Founders day dance. The new Dickinsonian board members are announced. Mr. Nillard, a seventy-two year old contortionist, gives a lecture at the college. The Washington Alumni Association of Dickinson celebrated their fourth anniversary with a huge banquet in Washington.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 1914

The senior class wins the Inter-Class Series in basketball. The Union Philosophical debate team won in the twenty-third annual inter-society debate in Bosler Hall. Their argument supported the notion that the progress of America was indeed hampered because women did not have the same rights and abilities as men. Proposed amendments to the Honor System have delayed voting for the institution of the system for a week. The Musical Clubs elect a new president. There is a plea to establish a Founder’s Day at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, April 4, 1902

College Dramatic Club play at the Carlisle Opera House. Alumni Banquet of the Central Pennsylvania Conference. Liquid air lecture given by Professor Davis. Summary of Musical Clubs' trips. The college organizes chess and checker clubs. Beta Theta Pi card party.

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