Dickinsonian, March 16, 1910

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the Fourth Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest.  The Junior physics class went to study the organ in Allison M. E. Church.  Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman gives an excellent lecture.  The combined musical clubs give a concert at Shippensburg.  Dr. W. V. Kelley's lecture on Browning is a success.  Mid-winter sports exhibition held.  New Dickinsonian board announced.  Editor responds to hazing controversy.  1912 Microcosm board members announced. 


Dickinsonian, March 1894

The editors comment on the hazing tragedy at Cornell which led to the death of a cook, and on hazing at colleges in general.  The discussion on the Day of Prayer continues with a representation of the faculty's perspective.  The editors discuss the worth of examinations for education.  The Union Philosophical Society elects its officers for the year.  The Annual Mid-winter Sports are held in the gym, with a tie for first between the freshmen and sophomores.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 27, 1907

The annual Mid-Winter Sports are set to be held.  Bosler Hall is filled with the music of the YMCA, Glee Club, Mandolin Clubs of the college and the Lyric Club of Carlisle.  Freshmen "attempt to imitate their elders in the vile habit of burning the weed" in the annual Freshmen smoker.  The Delta Chi fraternity holds a roller-skating party for St. Valentine's Day.

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Dickinsonian, February 22, 1905

The Mid-Winter Sports Contests will take place, but without girls basketball.  Kappa Sigma holds a Banquet to celebrate the third year of its founding. Alpha Chi Rho attends its annual convention in Philadelphia.  Pi Beta Phi held a well attended reception. The Baltimore Alumni Association holds their annual Banquet.  The sophomore co-ed class entertains the sophomore male class.  The Freshman class hosts a smoker.  Fraternity rules change, no freshman is allowed to rush before January 1st or live in the fraternity house their first year.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1900

Summary of Professor Clement L. Smith's article in the Atlantic Monthly about the college of the future. The annual Mid-Winter Sports are held. Dr. Super gives a lecture on Martin Luther in Bosler Hall. Results of the Union Philosophical Society elections are announced. Sixth section of Senior Forensics is held.

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Dickinsonian, March 22, 1901

Annual mid-winter sports are held. Obituary for Dr. G. M. Bosley. Article on the play "Pygmalion and Galatea" given by students at Irving College. Comus Club holds a dance. Beta Theta Pi's annual reunion. Preliminaries for Freshman to receive either the Cole or Walkley prize.

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Dickinsonian, March 21, 1902

Summary of the mid-winter sports. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert. Banquet for the Dickinson Alumni Association in Philadelphia. Karmarian Club holds a phantom party. Play on the Reformation held in the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Y. M. C. A. meeting. Belles Lettres Literary Society election results.
