Dickinsonian, February 27, 2008

Politically active students ban together to create a Dickinson chapter of Students for Barack Obama.  A Middle Eastern Studies major is approved.  The Clarke Center sponsors a transnational gender and sexuality panel.  Columnist Moustapha Minte demystifies the concept of the "Ugly American".  Travis Apgar, Dean of Students at Cornell University, comes to Dickinson to discuss hazing.


Dickinsonian, March 1894

The editors comment on the hazing tragedy at Cornell which led to the death of a cook, and on hazing at colleges in general.  The discussion on the Day of Prayer continues with a representation of the faculty's perspective.  The editors discuss the worth of examinations for education.  The Union Philosophical Society elects its officers for the year.  The Annual Mid-winter Sports are held in the gym, with a tie for first between the freshmen and sophomores.

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