Dickinsonian, February 4, 1910

"Minna Von Barnheim" play is a great success.  Comus Club holds its midwinter dance.  Day of Prayer is observed.  Freshmen hold banquet.  Passed Dickinsonians compiled, some found to be missing.  Speaker Elbert Hubbard is entertained by Alpha Chi Rho after delivering an excellent lecture o the College.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in the Armory.  Sophomores and Freshman have a scrap, which ends in a tie. 

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Dickinsonian, February 1, 1911

Inter-society debate held, presided over by Professor Hitchler, Union Philosophical Society wins. Dr. Reed gives lecture on socialism. Mr. Irving E. Vining gives a lecture to Belles Lettes on "The Art of  Knowing and Influencing Men". Day of prayer for colleges observed. 


Dickinsonian, February 1888

A lengthy, in-depth article about the social dynamic at the school is published.  The Union Philosophical Society plans its 99th anniversary.  A day of prayer is held in Bosler Hall.  The Belles Lettres Society plans its annual banquet to be held in a local hotel, Florence House.  The college bell breaks because of a detached clapper. 

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Dickinsonian, March 1894

The editors comment on the hazing tragedy at Cornell which led to the death of a cook, and on hazing at colleges in general.  The discussion on the Day of Prayer continues with a representation of the faculty's perspective.  The editors discuss the worth of examinations for education.  The Union Philosophical Society elects its officers for the year.  The Annual Mid-winter Sports are held in the gym, with a tie for first between the freshmen and sophomores.

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Dickinsonian, February 1894

The editors comment on compulsory attendance at the Day of Prayer, and the faculty's role in encouraging and participating in Christian activities.  The chapter hall of Beta Theta Pi is moved from the Bosler building to the McLaughlin building.  The Orchestra and Octette give a concert in the Opera House, and travel to Chambersburg and Shippensburg to give two more.  Professor Durell publishes a series of articles on the "Application of the New Education to the Differential and Integral Calculus" in the American Mathematical Monthly.  The Athletic Association el

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Dickinsonian, February 5, 1898

It is announced that George A. Wilson will succeed Rev. Dr. Cramer as Professor of Philosophy.  A Day of Prayer is observed, with students gathering at Allison Memorial Church for a sermon by Dr. Reed.  The Faculty Room receives a large picture of the Octopus Gigantius, a large octopus that washed up on the Florida beach.


Dickinsonian, February 1893

Mrs. Mary O'Hara Spring and Miss Matilda W. Denny of Pittsburgh donate two properties on Main Street to the college; President Reed hopes to build a recitation hall on the O'Hara Spring property, which becomes Denny Hall.  The Denny property is sold to fund the construction. A floor is added to the gymnasium above the bowling alley for the purpose of indoor baseball practice, boxing, wrestling, and fencing. YMCA observes day of prayer.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1874

Union Philosophical Society faces turmoil over attempt to charge debaters to have their names engraved on invitations. G. W. Miller, J. A. Barnitz, and C. W. Emmerich become new leaders of Belles Lettres Society. The college and ministers from town engage in a day of prayer for colleges.


Dickinsonian, January 18, 1905

Philadelphia Club holds banquet.  The annual Day of Prayer will be observed.  Trustee Alex H. Patton, leaves $10,000. Phi Kappa Sigma attends convention in Baltimore. The old piano in Bosler hall is replaced.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon attends its national convention in Memphis, Tennessee. Phi Delta Theta attended their convention in Indianapolis and holds their banquet in Harrisburg. The roof of Denny Hall is completed.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1904

Phi Psi purchases a chapter house, the baseball season is set to begin and Phi Kappa Sigma hosts a dance. The Dickinsonian examines the life and influence of "Uncle" Noah Pinkney who was born a slave in Frederick County, Maryland and then sold pies and cakes to students outside of East College for over 20 years.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1899

 An entire day is given up to religious worship for Dickinson’s Day of Prayer. An article discusses the matter of coming up with a name for the athletic field. Y. M. C. A. services occur under the direction of Sayford. Dr. Reed is appointed to State Librarian. The college prepares celebrations for Washington’s birthday. The basketball team has begun to practice.

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Dickinsonian, January 27, 1900

Judge E. W. Biddle gives a lecture at the Dickinson School of Law. Trustees of the J. Herman Bosler Memorial Library determine their committee members. Reception for the Freshman class is held in the Ladies' Hall. Comments about how West College smells like sweet potatoes. Day of prayer held in Allison M. E. Church.

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Dickinsonian, February 1, 1901

Article on Comus Club social function. Play held for the benefit of the Atheletic Association. Phi Kappa Sigma smoker. Article on the day of prayer. Dickinson College signs an athletic agreement with Bucknell. Belles Lettres Society anniversary to be held next week.


Dickinsonian, January 25, 1901

Queen Victoria honors F. D. Gamewell of the American Methodist Mission. A day of prayer is announced for the colleges. Obituary for graduate John D. Bacon. Dickinson sends surveys to other colleges concering literary societies and publishes the results. Comments on the lack of presence the glee club and orchestra have on campus. 


Dickinsonian, January 17, 1902

Comments on holding a smoker in the gymnasium. Celebration of Washington's birthday. Karmarian Club (all females) social event. Announcement of a day of prayer. General Horatio C. King lectures the college. Medical students witnessed an interesting operation. Banquet held on Lincoln day.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1953

The Supreme Court Judge of Delaware, Associate Justice James S. Tunnell, Jr., to deliver talk for an upcoming Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture. Visiting Religion professor, Dr. Clyde Wildman to deliver talk on "The Developing Bible," sponsored by the Student Christian Association. The Queen of Hearts to be crowned tonight for the Mid-Winter Ball. Herbert W. Gould donates two drama awards to Dickinson College, to be rewarded each year to outstanding theater students. Profile on Dickinsonian Norm McWhinney. Critique of upcoming play, "Anne of a Thousand Days." Profile on student athlete, Jim Mackie.
