Dickinsonian, December 1888

The Inter-Society Oratorical Contest is held.  Debate and controversy of the acceptance of women to the College, and their roles in student organizations, is reflected in an article concerning the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies.  The history of the buildings on campus is presented.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies hold officer elections.  The Student’s Republican Club adjourn

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Dickinsonian, July 1888

A harmonious and progressive year ends for the college with the 105th Commencement Ceremony.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  Theta Nu Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, and Chi Phi hold their annual banquets.  Dr. Himes photographs students in the gymnasium.  The classes of 1890 and 1891 play baseball, with the freshmen winning the day 28 to 18.  The freshmen lose a baseball game to the preparatory students, 21 to 11.  Dickinson’s baseball team also wins against teams from Carlisle, Harrisburg, and Pennsylvania College.

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Dickinsonian, June 1888

Students are criticized for “jumping the fence” to get into baseball games at the fairground without payment.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies’ Sophomore Contests are held.  The disciplinarian from the Indian Training School is criticized for poor sportsmanship and rude behavior during a baseball game between preparatory students and students from the School.  Tennis becomes popular on campus, with many fraternities creating courts.  The election for Directors of Athletics is held.  The town of Carlisle bans the use of college yells in the stree


Dickinsonian, May 1888

Issues with misbehaved Carlisle children wandering Dickinson's campus becomes an issue of contention between students and the greater Carlisle community.  Seniors go on the traditional Class Ride.  Lehigh beats Dickinson in baseball 17-14, and Johns Hopkins beats Dickinson in baseball 10-4.  Dickinson beats Pennsylvania College in baseball 16-4.  The Sophomores beat the Freshman in baseball 24-18. 


Dickinsonian, March 1888

Some students insist on a change of the college colors for various reasons.  The Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association is formed, with representation from the Dickinsonian present at a recent meeting.  The library is praised for its large holding of old and ancient books.  The College Glee Club holds a concert in the Opera House.  Washington's birthday is commemorated, and classes are suspended for the day.  A Mr.

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Dickinsonian, February 1888

A lengthy, in-depth article about the social dynamic at the school is published.  The Union Philosophical Society plans its 99th anniversary.  A day of prayer is held in Bosler Hall.  The Belles Lettres Society plans its annual banquet to be held in a local hotel, Florence House.  The college bell breaks because of a detached clapper. 

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Dickinsonian, January 1888

The Dickinsonian suggests the creation of a school bookstore on the part of some enterprising student.  Outrage is displayed after an unidentified student pours cold water over two co-eds in zero-degree weather.  Flaws in the construction of Bosler Hall's water runoff system become apparent with increased precipitation in Carlisle.  The school's gymnasium is finally opened on January 6, followed by a busy night of banquets and celebrations. 

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