Dickinsonian, July 1889

Commencement is held.  Bishop Foss holds a sermon for the YMCA.  The Junior Oratorical Contest is held is Bosler Hall.  Class Day is celebrated by the Class of 1889.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies elect officers and honorary members.  The Alumni Association also elects officers.  An inter-class baseball


Dickinsonian, May 1889

President Reed is inaugurated into the college.  President Reed begins offering elocution lessons to each class.  The Glee Club is commended for the music they furnished at President Reed’s induction.  An athletic field is supplied by President Reed at the request of the students.  Slight improvements and renovations are made to the College Chapel.  A centennial celebra


Dickinsonian, December 1888

The Inter-Society Oratorical Contest is held.  Debate and controversy of the acceptance of women to the College, and their roles in student organizations, is reflected in an article concerning the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies.  The history of the buildings on campus is presented.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies hold officer elections.  The Student’s Republican Club adjourn

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, July 1886

The 103rd annual Commencement Week is held.  Bosler Memorial Library Hall is formally presented to the Board of Trustees in an elaborate ceremony.  Professor Lindsay is elected to a full professorship position for Chemistry.  The baseball team loses to a  Harrisburg team 12 to 6, with complaints regarding a biased umpire.  Chi Phi, Sigma Chi, Theta Delta Chi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold their annual banquets. 
