Dickinsonian, February 11, 2016

Printing prices reduced but quota remains the same, Black, Latina women reported the lowest campus comfort, a dysfunctional elevator in East College sparks assessment, 6,129 students apply for the class of 2020, and sorority recruitment rates hold steady despite increased size of the class of 2019. 


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1910

The editors respond to the band controversy.  John F. Howard's Shakespearean recital proves to be a disgrace.  "Old Jack" longtime and beloved janitor in Old East college dies.  Civic Club plans its last entertainment of the year, a lecture by Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman. 



Dickinsonian, October 1882

Over summer break, improvements are made to student residences.  A porch on the north side of East College is also removed.  Robert Emory Pattison, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson.  Fraternity rush is in full swing at Dickinson.  The college baseball team plays the freshman, winning 7 to 3.


Dickinsonian, March 1888

Some students insist on a change of the college colors for various reasons.  The Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association is formed, with representation from the Dickinsonian present at a recent meeting.  The library is praised for its large holding of old and ancient books.  The College Glee Club holds a concert in the Opera House.  Washington's birthday is commemorated, and classes are suspended for the day.  A Mr.

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Dickinsonian, January 1893

Student representatives are elected to the Intermediary Committee. Carlisle Alumni Association is formed. Beta Theta Pi brothers attend a reception and meet General James F. Rusling (Class of 1854). Balcony is removed from east end of East College. Belles Lettres Society elects officers; Strite is president.

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Dickinsonian, November 30, 1904

John Paul Davis is elected captain of the football team for the 1905 season. The Y.M.C.A attends the district convention.  Construction continues on Denny Hall and a new brick walk way is laid between West College and East College.  Delta Chi holds their fall banquet.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1905

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and Junior class host a reception for Freshman men, with some disturbance by the members of the Sophomore class.  The Civic Club to host a lectures series.  The annual county fair to be held in Carlisle.  Alpha Chi Rho secures new rooms in the Stuart building.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1924

Football team defeated by Lehigh, details of game published. College to participate in Carlisle's Old Home Week with a parade lead by college band. 1924-25 academic year extended by a week, bringing the term length up to college standard. Preparations for Parents and Alumni Day and Old East opening finalized.


Dickinsonian, September 20, 1924

East College improved over summer break at $60,000 renovation cost. Student's secretary of the College Lahman Forrest Bower writes book entitled "The Economic Waste of Sin". Inter-Fraternity Council to strictly enforce rushing rules. Alumnus Rev. Frank T. Bell '02 dies in car accident. Analysis of previous year's grades published.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1896

Professor Cumnock's reading of literary selections as part of the YMCA Star Course was well attended.  The College Quartet has a performance.  The College Association has its annual convention at the University of Pennsylvania.  Five dollar prize offered for he who comes up with the best new yell for the College.  Compulsory gymnasium work begins for Preparatory students and lower classmen.  A brick pavement is laid from East College to Denny Hall.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1946

A new woman's dormitory. renovations of chemical laboratories, improvements to the College commons, and repairs to East College are approved by Trustees. Examination scheduled posted. Saturday night socials sponsored by the Men and Women's Cooperating Association. Exam hysteria sets in. Dickinson debates with Penn State and West Point.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1935

The College office and telephone switchboard office in Old West, the athletic office, and commuters' quarters in East College are revitalized for the new academic year. President Fred P. Corson speaks at chapel, announcing the plan for nondenominational services created with student input. The College Dance Band, Howard Gale and his Red and White Collegians, plays on station WHP in Harrisburg. Four freshman-sophomore scraps are planned: tug-of-war, flag, basketball, and baseball.
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Dickinsonian, May 7, 1948

Student Senate stops delegation on the election of officers until the following academic year, focusing instead on the budget and changes to the freshman rules. Religious leader and author Henry Emerson Fosdick is announced as the commencement speaker. The first all-student art exhibit is set to open. Skull and Key taps nine men for the 1948-1949 school year. The thief who ransacked the women's dormitory in East College was captured in Maryland.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 2004

This issue consists of articles regarding Rachel McCool's ('07) success in the JEOPARDY! game show. Discussion of the limited amount of U.S. History classes offered at Dickinson College. The College warns of strict regulation against electronic file sharing amongst students. A security camera is placed on East College to monitor the Benjamin Rush statue and prevent vandalism. Weiss Prize recipient, Cassie Gurbisz '05 describes her project of working with roadkill in art. Dickinson students led by Maureen Conly '05 start a Girl Scout Troop in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, September 17, 1992

Campus responds to Safety and Security rape statistics. Drunk driving accident involves six students. Sororities start third year of sophomore rush. East College sign replaces Barnard Center. College aids hurricane relief. Grace Jarvis campaigns on campus for state legislature. Rebirth of the Red Devil Cheerleading squad rekindles spirit to fall sports. twenty-four hour read-a-thon to benefit homeless. Seamus Heaney to accept Arts Award. Olympia offers delightful change from the Caf. Run With It will stop you in your tracks. 


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1992

Safety concerns rise with intruder scares. Student Health Advisory Committee proposed increased access to condoms. Dr. S. Frederick Starr offers optimistic view of the former Soviet Union. Grace Jarvis enters race for 199th PA state legislative district. Psychologist Naim Akbar motivates black community. College re-evaluates student safety after fire. Blood drive for Jay Feinberg reveals hope for three leukemia stricken victims. College re-names Bernard Center Old East, returning to tradition. Information on vegetarianism. Students review breakfast spots in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1974

PEER auction features numerous exotic items. Student Senate endorses National March for Impeachment rally in Washington. Clive Driver, literary executor of Marianne Moore's papers, speaks on the poetess in a lecture beginning National Library Week. Artist Ben Miller speaks in Bernard Center. Alpha Sigma of Beta Theta Pi celebrates its centennial year at Dickinson. "Caesar's Palace" group offers "royal entertainment."


Dickinsonian, April 30, 1971

The Bernard Center for Humanities, the former East College, is dedicated. A thorough debate of the college Governance is made from multiple angles. The Mermaid Player's last production of the season "Time of Your Life" receives good reviews. Two college guards are arrested in connection with recent robberies. The college hosts its first intercollegiate bowling meet.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1970

Faculty resolutions on 5-5-4-4 and reform of the grading system must be announced by the March 1971 faculty meeting. Professors state that the four track option will provide more flexibility to students. Alumni will donate to restore and renovate East College to be a humanities building. The Follies are resurrected after disbanding in 1968. Results of the Senate elections leave both Republicans and Democrats happy. Information on the Draft is published in a question and answer column. The college keeps pace with changing technology with The Learning Center.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1968

George Wallace debate draws various reactions from overflow crowd. Speakers at Fraternity Criticism Symposium urge fraternity reform. IFC Senate liaison Mike Bloom levels attack at Dickinsonian. Dave Totaro reflects upon touring Hubert Humphrey's Pennsylvania campaign with Sue Storer, four other college students, and Muriel Humphrey. Upcoming renovation of East College discussed.

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Dickinsonian, May 3, 1968

The fourth annual Derby Day Steal sponsored by Sigma Chi kicked off Parents' weekend. Both East College and Bosler Hall had to put off renovation due to fund shortages. Tom Martin, president of the Student Senate, outlined the challenges that are to be faced by the student representative on a faculty committee. Suzanne Lail was elected president of the Women's Interdormitory Council. Dr. Alfred Levin and Dr. Stephen Coslett are proposing a speed reading class to the administration. A group of six geology students led by Professor H.W.
