Dickinsonian, May 17, 1911
Results from Baseball, Track, Tennis. Oratorical Contest for the Samuel B. Goff Temperance prize held, winners announced. Lecture Given by Mr. Irving E. Vining on the "Types and Tendencies of Men" .
Results from Baseball, Track, Tennis. Oratorical Contest for the Samuel B. Goff Temperance prize held, winners announced. Lecture Given by Mr. Irving E. Vining on the "Types and Tendencies of Men" .
Over summer break, improvements are made to student residences. A porch on the north side of East College is also removed. Robert Emory Pattison, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson. Fraternity rush is in full swing at Dickinson. The college baseball team plays the freshman, winning 7 to 3.
The track team defeats Lehigh 71 to 55 in its opening match of the season. The Freshman baseball team defeats the Sophomores, thus revoking the "girl rule." Belles Lettres defeats UPS in the groups' intersociety informal debate and speech contest. Small improvements are made to college buildings, including painting and landscaping. Dickinson faculty compile a reading list of 50 influential and interesting books.The 1925 Microcosm yearbook is copyrighted. The Press Club reorganizes with intention to be active during the next academic year.