Dickinsonian, January 30, 1897
Miss Annie Louise White provides the entertainment of the YMCA Star Course with a monologue entitled "Flirts and Matrons" on the life of a modern society woman. Dickinson alumn William R. Claudy dies of typhoid fever.
Miss Annie Louise White provides the entertainment of the YMCA Star Course with a monologue entitled "Flirts and Matrons" on the life of a modern society woman. Dickinson alumn William R. Claudy dies of typhoid fever.
The YMCA raises money for missionaries. The results of the Athletic Association's annual officer election are announced. Students are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for future Star Course events. The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects officers for the year. Students skate on the frozen creek. The completion of Denny Hall is authorized by the board of trustees. Dr. Prince is elected to the chair of History and Political Science. A ladies literary society, the Harman Literary Society, is organized, and officers elected.
Professor Cumnock's reading of literary selections as part of the YMCA Star Course was well attended. The College Quartet has a performance. The College Association has its annual convention at the University of Pennsylvania. Five dollar prize offered for he who comes up with the best new yell for the College. Compulsory gymnasium work begins for Preparatory students and lower classmen. A brick pavement is laid from East College to Denny Hall.
Delta Chi holds a banquet. The new Scientific Course is announced and its requirements and curriculum detailed. A lecture series is announced. The results of the Senior Class Day and Union Philosophical Society elections results announced. Low attendance at the YMCA Star Course's first event is lamented. Donations to support athletics at Dickinson are encouraged. The establishment of a trophy room is proposed. The class of 1899 elects its athletics committee. Science facilities are improved with new laboratory space and an aquarium. 
The fourth YMCA entertainment of the year to be the Kellogg Bird Carnival and Concert Co. The editors advocate for a revision of the incoherent Dickinson yell. Examination prizes announced. Raven's Claw have a new pin.
Annual Week of Prayer for Colleges upcoming. John DeWitt Miller to give a lecture, hosted by the YMCA. Dr. Prince is made an honorary member of the Union Philosophical Society. Many students returned home to vote in the presidential election. "Sound Money" students participate in a demonstration in Carlisle. Dr. Reed gives a speech on campaign issues at the Court House, and then in response to the negative article about it in the Carlisle Sentinel, challenges any local Democrat to a debate, which none accept.
The senior and junior class election results announced. The Allison Law Society and Dickinson Law Society announce their new officers. The question of silver versus gold standard for currency is debated. The law students hold regular Moot Courts. Delta Chi moves to the third floor of the Stuart building. The YMCA hosts R. L. Cumnock for its second entertainment. The hot water in the gym is increased and the reading room hours are extended, as requested by the students. Dr. and Mrs. Reed host an informal tea for the faculty and their families.
Dr. Reed returns and encourages the student body in regular physical exercise. The upcoming YMCA concert by the Wilczek Concert Company is announced, and a description of the performers provided. Newly completed Denny Hall to be opened for inspection by the public. The Rev.
The names and home towns of the new students are published. Dr. Reed travels to Clifton Springs, NY to recover his health after an overly busy summer. YMCA's schedule of events is announced. Laboratory space in the Scientific Building is doubled. The steam heating system is expanded to more buildings on campus. Class officers are announced. Results of the tennis tournament are announced.