Dickinsonian, April 9, 2014

The Belles Lettres society hosts a celebration of the revamped Dickinson Review, CSE Observes Earth Hour with a bonfire, community members share their failures and successes in TED-style forum, the Office of Diversity Initiatives is changing its name to the Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity, and a prize-winning poet visits campus. 

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Dickinsonian, February 14, 1906

The annual mid-winter sports cup is held in the college gymnasium. Those men wishing to join the baseball team are called to begin practice for the upcoming season. Horatio C. King, '58, author of Songs of Dickinson and A History of Dickinson College writes another college song. A call is made for a new college yell which would be more distinctively Dickinsonian, rather than similar to those of other institutions. The Inter-society debate between the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical societies is held in Bosler Hall. 

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Dickinsonian, January 31, 1906

The Athletic Committee and President Reed discuss the possibility of introducing soccer to the campus on an inter-class and inter-fraternity level. The resources for a varsity team are not yet available, but if enough interest is shown such a team could be formed. The Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee amends the game, disallowing athletes to deliberately strike their opponents with fists, elbows, knees or feet in order to provide a safer environment for players. New rules are outlined for freshmen girls, including the regulation of parasol and hairpin use.

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Dickinsonian, November 1, 1905

The Freshmen hold a Freshmen Banquet in the fall term for the first time. Corrections are made to the membership list of the Belles Lettres Literary Society. The obituary for Miss Carolyn Eppley, '05, is published. An announcement is made for Jacob A. Riis' upcoming lecture titled, "The Battle with the Slums," the lecture is hosted by the Civil Club. Ye Philadelphia Club met in East College to elect its officers. 


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1905

In their first meeting in three years, Dickinson College loses the football game against the Carlisle Indian School with a final score of 36-0. Dickinson Alumni Claud M. Stauffer, class of 1905, leads the Carlisle Indian School band during the Dickinson-Indian game. False reports of a brawl between the Dickinson and Carlisle Indian School students published by the Philadelphia Press are rejected. The class of 1870 holds a reunion in Philadelphia. The Faculty is encouraged to make important announcements through The Dickinsonian instead of at Chapel.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1921

All-college picnic planned. Leon Simonetti ’24 is elected leader of the College Orchestra. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. Football season begins. YWCA begins service project assisting girls in Appalachia. Rushing schedule. Belles Lettres elects officers. Student Senate elects cheer leaders.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1920

Philomel Club gives concert.  Proposed plan for reorganizing Student Senate is refined.  Students participate in annual cross country race.  YMCA, YWCA, BLS, and UPS elect officers.  Chi Omega holds annual Founders' Day dance.  G. Hurst Paul, '21, wins first prize in the Dickinsonian's short story contest. 


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1920

Freshmen do not hold a parade on Washington's Birthday.  Phi Kappa Psi house is burglarized.  Girls' Dramatic Club performs "Powder and Patches".  Belles Lettres celebrates its 134th anniversary.  Intercollegiate debate team loses to Lafayette.  Phi Delta Theta holds annual dance.  Phi Kappa Psi celebrates its founders' day.  Harman Literary Society elects officers; Sadie Mindlin is president. 

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1910

Belles Lettres Literary Society wins annual debate against Union Philosophical Literary Society.  The Ben Greet Players present "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Twelfth Night", hosted by the Civic Club.  Suggestions for ways to revise the cap scrap are requested by the Senate.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1910

The YWCA holds a very successful night of entertainment, including musical and theatrical acts.  The editors complain of the incorrect reports and anti-Dickinson attitude in the Carlisle newspapers and the Carlisle community of "know-it-alls" at large.  The last Comus Club dance of the year is planned.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon holds a dance at the Armory.  YMCA holds its officer elections.  Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society celebrate their anniversaries with a lecture by Dr. W. V.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1911

Senior Class takes trip to Luray Caverns. Results from track, baseball, tennis. Dr. George Katzge gives three lectures on Education in Germany. Minutes from Der Deutscher Verein. Copy of the Carlisle Herald from 1820 found with article about the conversion of early Dickinson to a Methodist college. More student contributions to the May literary contest.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1917

Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  Program for musical clubs' spring tour.  A proposed amendment to the honor system does not receive the required majority vote.  Kappa Sigma holds eighth annual Mid-Winter Dance.  Herr Waldemar Alfredo and his German players perform in Bosler.  Final exam schedule.  A.D. Roorbach argues against the adoption of military training at Dickinson.  Belles Lettres elects officers.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1917

Annual banquet in honor of Washington's birthday is held along with annual freshman parade.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 131st anniversary.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  YWCA holds annual masquerade party.  The Dickinsonian is proud to be considered yellow journalism. 


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1917

Union Philosophical Society wins inter-society debate.  Freshmen defeat sophomores in annual button game of interclass basketball tournament.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  Senior banquet is held.  Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual Founders' Day Dance.  Junior banquet is held.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1917

Dr. Ira Landrich, Prohibition candidate for president in 1916, gives well-received speech in chapel.  The annual intersociety debate to be on compulsory arbitration of labor vs. capital disputes.  Alpha Chi Rho holds 12th anniversary banquet.  J.H. Atkinson urges Dickinson to adopt military training in case the U.S. enters WWI.

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