Dickinsonian, April 10, 1919
Chi Omega gives annual formal dance. Dickinson in China fundraiser drive begins. Belles Lettres elects officers. YWCA elects officers; Mary Bagenstose is president.
Chi Omega gives annual formal dance. Dickinson in China fundraiser drive begins. Belles Lettres elects officers. YWCA elects officers; Mary Bagenstose is president.
Special issue about the Dickinson in China program and the Dickinson Fund.
Two Dickinson students and the Dean of Men Mervin Grant Filler attend a conference at Yale University on the American student.Try outs for the baseball team begin. Fifty students have already secured summer employment in various industries. The Interfraternity Council purchases a silver cup to be awarded to the fraternity that achieves the highest scholastic average for the school year. The basketball team wins over Mt. St. Mary's College 48 to 23, closing their third successive season without losing a home game. The Dickinson in China fundraiser has raised $1400 of its $2000 goal.
The opening day of the Dickinson in China fundraiser drive raises $887 in donations from 279 students. The Conly Concert Company of Philadelphia will give a concert. Alumnus Andy Kerr teaches a course on yell leading at Standford. The Athletic Council passes a resolution limiting the college gymnasium's capacity to 400 people. A college holiday is declared for the weekend of Washington's birthday.
A Dickinson in China fundraiser drive begins with a goal of $2,000, to be put towards the maintenance of a professor at the West China Union University. Joe Lightner is reelected head football coach for the 1924 season. A feature on West China Union University, its history, and graduates appears. The Tribunal enacts mandatory study periods for all freshmen four nights a week as punishment for widespread disregard of the Freshman Rules.
YMCA and YWCA hold a debate about Prohibition. Senior class decides not to hold a senior ball. An all-college dance will replace fraternity dances at commencement. Alfred O. Keedy wins German Club scholarship to Germany. Phi Kappa Psi wins interfraternity track. Dickins0n-in-China drive begins. Professor Edgar M. Bowman resigns.